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39 VVZ Einträge (aus 23360) gefunden für: Lecture Dana Isabel Work
Suchdauer: 25 Millisekunden
[171437] Tutorium zur Statistik-Vorlesung 171431 — Tutorium
Dana Figurski- Score: 12.82 Dana Figurski
[134160] Tutor_innenschulung Projektstudium — Workshop
Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York, Teresa Sartor, Florian Krieger- Score: 8.50 Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York, Teresa Sartor, Florian Krieger
[050627] Generalized Linear Models — Vorlesung
Andreas Groll- Score: 8.13 The lecture will be given in an inverted classroom-style. Every week, 2 lecture videos will be uploaded in Moodle and each Thursday, from 10-11 am, there will be a Q&A session on those videos in lecture room CT/ZE 15 (BCI-Building in front of HG II). Start: Thursday, 07.04.2022, exceptionally from 11-12 am !!!
[020129] Quantum theory of semiconductors — Vorlesung
Doris Reiter- Score: 7.53 Semiconductors play a vital role in modern devices used in computers, smartphones and quantum technologies. Using a microscopic description of semiconductors, the lecture will introduce the basic concepts of semiconductor theory. The lecture covers several topics from semiconductor physics including semiconductor band structures, heterostructures, excitons, light-matter interaction, transport theory as well as two dimensional materials like graphene or transition metal dichalcogenides. This gives a solid background to understand modern research papers. Literature: A script will be provided during the lecture.
[134971] Entwicklung eines ‚Dortmunder Modells‘ für digitale Teilhabe mit den Dortmunder Wohlfahrtsorganisationen. Untersuchungsdimension: Gesundheit — Seminar
Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York- Score: 7.38 Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York
[041243] Machine Learning Paradigms for Complex Data — Vorlesung
Erich Schubert, Emmanuel Müller, Daniel Gunter Wilmes- Score: 7.30 on the data. Outlier mining techniques in high dimensional data. Challenges and recent solutions in research and industrial projects. Overview on our future work in this research area. At the end of the lecture, the participants should be aware of – and able to explain – the necessity of advanced machine learning concepts. They should be able to assess and compare different approaches of data analysis The lecture provides insights into advanced machine learning methods that form the basis for an emerging research area. Traditional methods have been considered for several years in the literature and are covered by basic machine learning lectures. However, due to the large and complex data used in today’s applications, some of these traditional methods are applicable only on relatively small and simple problem instances. Recently, research has addressed this challenge by proposing novel machine learning paradigms for large and high dimensional data. They aim at scalability with respect to size and dimensionality of data in todays and future applications. The lecture will derive novel challenges for machine learning out of recent application scenarios. The focus will be on advanced machine
Lehrstuhl Informatik XII, Informatik
[042503] Computer Vision — Vorlesung
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gernot Fink- Score: 7.27 Topical focus areas (Schwerpunktgebiete): 2 (..., Embedded Systems, ...), 7 (Intelligent Systems) Specialization Module (Vertiefungsmodul INF-MA-502) for Master (Applied) Computer Science For up-to-date information on the lecture please refer to the accompanying web page. NOTE: There is no Moodle room associated with this lecture!
[020128] Ask me anything: Quantum Dots — Seminar
Doris Reiter- Score: 7.27 To cover these topics, the students are given material (either lecture notes, fundamental papers or recent research articles) covering one session. Each session will be hosted by a student, who is responsible for asking questions to the lecturer, such that the full content of the session is covered. The chair shall also involve other students to participate in the discussions.
Anglistik und Amerikanistik
[154215] Nationalism and the Irish Working Class in Seán O’Casey’s Plays — Proseminar
Carolin Schmitz- Score: 7.07 Nationalism and the Irish Working Class in Seán O’Casey’s Plays
Lehrstuhl für Datenverarbeitungssysteme
[080385] Scheduling Problems and Solutions — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Uwe Schwiegelshohn, Sabine Winterhoff, M.Sc. Ganesh Nileshwar- Score: 6.76 Scheduling is generally understood as the mapping of jobs or tasks to machines or resources. In practice, these problems occur in various forms in the areas of industrial production, logistics, process management as well as in the generation of service schedules and timetables. In the context of this lecture we will first consider problems for the one machine model and analyze them by theoretical methods. Afterwards, we will use these results to address more complex problems with several machines. The third part of the lecture concerns different variants of production line problems. In the lecture we discuss deterministic and online algorithms. We distinguish so called easy and hard problems. The latter will although be addressed with heuristic approaches yielding performance guarantees
Institut für katholische Theologie
[147128] Vorlesung Systematische Theologie: Soteriologie - Lehre von der Erlösung / Lecture on Systematic Theology: Doctrine of Redemption — Vorlesung
Gregor Taxacher- Score: 6.57 Vorlesung Systematische Theologie: Soteriologie - Lehre von der Erlösung / Lecture on Systematic Theology: Doctrine of Redemption
Institut für katholische Theologie
[147129] Didaktisches Seminar zur Vorlesung Soteriologie / Didactic Seminar on the Lecture Soteriologie — Seminar
Gregor Taxacher- Score: 6.36 Didaktisches Seminar zur Vorlesung Soteriologie / Didactic Seminar on the Lecture Soteriologie
[020505] Practical aspects of instrumentation — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dozenten der Elementarteilchenphysik, Kevin Alexander Kröninger- Score: 5.99 The lecture will be given by Prof. Dr. Andreas Jung from Purdue University who will hold the Ulrich Bonse visiting chair for instrumentation during the summer term 2022.
Kunst und Sportwissenschaften
[160245] KOLLOQUIUM I (engl.) — Kolloquium
Tillmann Damrau- Score: 5.77 , and communication of an artistic project and an aesthetic attitude. The students present and discuss strategies, work steps, and intermediate results in the group and individual conversations. Finally, they display their work in a presentation. The course language is English. LN: Kontinuierliche künstlerische Arbeit, Teilnahme an Videokonferenzen, Modulabschluss: Präsentation oder Abgabe
[134974] Digitaler Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz in Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderung — Kompaktveranstaltung
Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York- Score: 5.14 Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York
Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Bildungsforschung, Institut für Allgemeine Didaktik und Schulpädagogik
[122070] Zielsetzung und Aufgabe der Grundschule mit Projektarbeit zu grundschulpädagogischen Handlungsfeldern:Projektseminar: Anfangsunterricht — Seminar
Isabell Tucholka- Score: 5.00 Isabell Tucholka
[171200] Spezielle Soziologie: »Future Work – Arbeits- und Organisationsformen der Zukunft« — Seminar (hybrid)
Lea Zindel- Score: 4.92 Spezielle Soziologie: »Future Work – Arbeits- und Organisationsformen der Zukunft« Wie sehen Arbeits- und Organisationsformen in Zukunft aus? Diese Frage werden wir im Seminar behandeln. In den letzten Jahren hat sich im Bereich von Arbeit und Organisation viel gewandelt. Seit Jahrzehnten schon werden Themen rund um Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 oder New Work mit der Angst um Arbeitsplatzverlusten verknüpft, Maschinen die menschliche Arbeitskraft überflüssig machen und zu
[171209] ENTFÄLLT: Spezielle Soziologie: »Future Work – Arbeits- und Organisationsformen der Zukunft« — Seminar (hybrid)
Lea Zindel- Score: 4.92 ENTFÄLLT: Spezielle Soziologie: »Future Work – Arbeits- und Organisationsformen der Zukunft« Wie sehen Arbeits- und Organisationsformen in Zukunft aus? Diese Frage werden wir im Seminar behandeln. In den letzten Jahren hat sich im Bereich von Arbeit und Organisation viel gewandelt. Seit Jahrzehnten schon werden Themen rund um Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 oder New Work mit der Angst um Arbeitsplatzverlusten verknüpft, Maschinen die menschliche Arbeitskraft überflüssig machen und zu
Lehrstuhl Mathematische Statistik und industrielle Anwendungen, Statistik
[059876] Introduction to Causal Inference — Vorlesung mit Übung
Markus Pauly, M.Sc. Philip Buczak, Menggang Yu- Score: 4.74 Please see https://www.statistik.tu-dortmund.de/3099.html for more information. Note: The course will run from June, 17th to July, 29th. As an exception, the first lecture will take place during the tutorial slot on June, 17th from 14:15 - 15:45 in CDI 120.
Raumplanung, Fachgebiet International Planning Studies
[092012a] Lecture Series International Planning Sessions — Seminar
Ing. Sophie Schramm- Score: 4.47 Lecture Series International Planning Sessions
Gender und Diversity in Inklusion und Arbeit
[13008Sam] Sammelanmeldung Arbeit und Gesundheit, AuG 2 — Sammelanmeldung
Dr. Anke Thierack, Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York, Michelle Möhring, Katrin List, Jens Maylandt- Score: 4.39 Dr. Anke Thierack, Dr., AR a.Z. Jana Isabell York, Michelle Möhring, Katrin List, Jens Maylandt
Fachgebiet Verkehrswesen und Verkehrsplanung, Raumplanung
[09123i] Healthy cities from a transport perspective — Seminar
Eva Heinen- Score: 4.35 This module will provide students with critical perspectives on creating and planning for healthy cities from a transport perspective. Students will consider challenges to cities being healthy places to live and work, and solutions from a liveable cities perspective. Under challenges, students will, for example, consider the role of infrastructure in supporting active travel and problems
Lehrstuhl Informatik II, Informatik, Lehrstuhl Informatik I
[040145] Theoretische Informatik für Studierende der Angewandten Informatik — Vorlesung
N. N- Score: 4.11 Anmeldung im Sommersemester 2022 Bitte melden Sie sich zur Vorlesung "Grundbegriffe der Theoretischen Informatik" an. https://www.lsf.tu-dortmund.de/qisserver/rds?state=verpublish&status=init&vmfile=no&moduleCall=webInfo&publishConfFile=webInfo&publishSubDir=veranstaltung&veranstaltung.veranstid=266609&purge=y&topitem=lectures⊂item=editlecture&asi=t0I2cUuJt6uNrBAJJwGo
[151206] Bad Banks – Serielles Erzählen interdiskursiv — Seminar
Matthias Thiele- Score: 4.00 , Crisis, and Authorirty in American Television, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press 1995;ders.: Production Culture. Industrial Reflexivity and Critical Practice in Film and Television, Durham, London: Duke University Press 2008;Arno Meteling/Otto, Isabell/Schabacher, Gabriele (Hrsg.): „Previously on ...“ Zur Ästhetik der Zeitlichkeit neuerer TV-Serien, München: Fink 2010;Mittell, Jason
Institut für Musik und Musikwissenschaft
[160186] Postmodern Popular Music between Cultural Studies & Musicology — Seminar
Jan Duve- Score: 3.89 160186 Hauptseminar: Postmodern Popular Music between Cultural Studies & Musicology Mo., 10-12., Studiobühne In this interdisciplinary course, co-taught by members of the field of musicology as well as American studies, we will look at popular music of so-called postmodernism to search for movements & developments in as well as interconnections between the work of individual artists and bands
[020636] Introduction to particle accelerator physics — Seminar
Adolfo Vélez Saiz- Score: 3.62 I will try as much as possible to accomodate the lectures not to coincide with your other duties. How: The 1st week will be devoted to go through the material you will be provided with. You can download the lectures (ppt) from the moodle and we will dedicate the time to go deeper into the introduced concepts. In 2nd week you will be given the choice to select a topic on which you will have to do
Zentrum für HochschulBildung
[zhb040722] Stuff and Tools for Scientific Work — Seminar (hybrid)
Joana Eichhorn- Score: 3.61 Stuff and Tools for Scientific Work
[020242] Schwerpunktspraktikum ´Teilchenphysik und Detektoren´ / Advanced Laboratory course: Particle physics — Praktikum
Dr. Wolfgang Rhode, Johannes Albrecht, Kevin Alexander Kröninger, Dirk Wiedner- Score: 3.44 and the further processing of such data. They will understand how complex detector systems work and will apply their knowledge to laboratory experiments. The students will understand the relationship between the primary interactions of the particles to be detected with the entire material traversed and the different design methodologies. This leads to an understanding of the respective advantages
[093033] Land Use Planning and Environmental Management — Seminar
sc.agr. Anne Weber- Score: 3.44 , the seminar can be attended as part of the Studium Oecologicum. 4 CP are awarded if the course work is completed and active oral participation is witnessed.
Gender und Diversity in Inklusion und Arbeit, Rehabilitationswissenschaften
[134077] Influencial Work? Arbeiten mit Social Media — Seminar
Christiane Schnell- Score: 3.29 Influencial Work? Arbeiten mit Social Media
Arbeitsgebiet Datentechnik
[000000] Versuch 207 (Digitaler Signalprozessor/Digital Signal Processor) — Labor
Carolin-Maria Linker- Score: 2.99 Stunden ablaufen. Für diese Session werden verschiedene Termine angeboten. Die Termine werden auf deutsch und englisch angeboten; die Wahl der Sprache ist frei. English - The practical training lab "Digital Signal Processor" is a mandatory part of the lectures "Signal Processing for Robotics and Automation (SPRA)" and "Theoretische Grundlagen der Informationstechnik (TGIT)". The material provided
[051096] Visualisierung von Sportdaten — Seminar
Katja Ickstadt, Philipp Doebler, Andreas Groll, Dipl.-Journ. Christina Elmer- Score: 2.99 registration in the LSF is not necessary. All interested students will be informed by the lecturers whether they have received a place or not.
Raumplanung, Fachgebiet Europäische Planungskulturen
[092012b] Multiple facets of co-production in planning — Seminar
Da Hae Lee- Score: 2.91 society. The term has its roots in the work of political economist Elinor Ostrom who built the idea about co-production in the Public Administration field in the 1970s. Co-production has gained its importance as collaborative forms of public service delivery become popular due to several reasons including the lack of public budget. However, given that the term is used in various fields to refer to a
Lehrstuhl Bodenpolitik, Bodenmanagement und kommunales Vermessungswesen, Raumplanung
[0920384] Land Policies in Europe — Seminar
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hartmann, M.Sc. Peter Rico Davids- Score: 1.93 will present each other the results of their study. • Second, students learn how to systematically analyse land policies and its instruments. Students will learn how policy instruments impact scarcity of land, based on effectiveness, efficiency, legitimacy, and justice. This teaching goals will be taught with a series of input lectures and with the book “Planning, Law and Economics: the rules we make
Raumplanung, Lehrstuhl Immobilienentwicklung
[0910202] A 02 - Städtebauliche Entwicklung Deutzer Hafen – Ein neues Stadtviertel für Köln — Projekt
M.Sc. Lion Lukas Naumann, M.Sc. Miriam Bretz, M.Sc. Verena Gerwinat- Score: 1.88 .): Working Papers for integrated Real Estate Development. Dortmund. - Schulte, Karl-Werner, Bone-Winkel, Stephan (2008): Grundlagen der Projektentwicklung aus immobilienwirtschaftlicher Sicht. In: Schulte, Karl-Werner, Bo-ne-Winkel, Stephan: Handbuch Immobilien-Projektentwicklung, 3. Auflage. Im-mobilien Manager Verlag, Köln. S. 23-89.
Arbeit, Inklusion und Technologie
[133609] Projektstudium, Gruppe 2.3 — Seminar (hybrid)
Lena Hünefeld, Beatrice Van Berk- Score: 1.88 Work hard – play hard: Arbeit und psychische Gesundheit. Von der Empirie hin zu Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten Organisationen und Individuen immer wieder mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Gleichermaßen lässt sich beobachten, dass psychische Erkrankungen in Deutschland zunehmen. Um Arbeit gesundheitserhaltend und -förderlich gestalten zu können, ist es notwendig ein Bild von den aktuellen
Fachgebiet Europäische Planungskulturen, Raumplanung
[0920386] The Emscher-Conversion: a window of opportunity for a sustainable transformation of the Ruhr Metropolis — Seminar
Stephan Treuke- Score: 1.79 of working, leisure, mobility and living along the Emscher and its tributaries Facing new challenges of climate change adaptation: heavy rain, floods and droughts in the Ruhr Metropolis Combining climate change adaptation measures and transformative governance: The “Future Initiative Klima.Werk” (excursion to the GVMA, Oberhausen) Rebuilding Urban ecosystems: water-based solutions to increase
Raumplanung, Fachgebiet Stadt- und Regionalsoziologie
[0910308] F 08 - Gemeinschaftliche Wohnprojekte. Ein Beitrag zu suffizienten Wohnen und einer kommunalen Suffizienzstrategie? — Projekt
Anja Szypulski, Dipl.-Ing. Patricia Feiertag- Score: 1.57 weniger. Suffizienz: Begriff, Begründung und Potenziale. Öko-Institut Working Paper 2/2013. Berlin/Darmstadt/Freiburg. https://www.oeko.de/publikationen/p-details/mehr-als-nur-weniger-suffizienz-begriff-begruendung-und-potenziale. Henseling, Christine u. a. (2018): Soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Effekte und Potenziale gemeinschaftlicher Wohnformen. Berlin 2018. Kenkmann, Tanja et al (2019
[1514xx] Sprachdidaktik.Vorbereitungsveranstaltung zum Praxissemester Deutsch (mit Online Aktivität) — Sammelanmeldung
Siegmund, Sandra Konitzer- Score: 1.45 ) wird im Laufe des Semesters ein ‚didaktischer Koffer‘ erarbeitet (work in progress), in dem die eigene Anwendung von linguistischem/sprachdidaktischen Wissen auf konkrete Unterrichtsüberlegungen dargestellt wird. Literatur Didaktische Grundlagenliteratur der Veranstaltung: verschiedene Einführungen in die Sprachdidaktik und den integrativen Deutschunterricht Hochstadt, Christiane et al. (2015