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248 VVZ Einträge (aus 35179) gefunden für: Lecture Markets Webers
Suchdauer: 282 Millisekunden
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (PO2018), Studienschwerpunkt Sportmanagement, Modul 12: Marketing
[100608] Seminar Sportmarketing — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bühren- Score: 9.69 Lehrangebot im Studiengang Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (PO2018),Studienschwerpunkt Sportmanagement,Modul 12: Marketing, In der Veranstaltung werden die Besonderheiten des Sport-Marketings herausgearbeitet und Grundlagen für die Erstellung von Marketing-Konzeptionen im Sport gelegt. Der Praxisbezug wird durch Gastvorträge von Praktikern, die Bearbeitung von Fallbeispielen sowie Referate zu ausgewählten Sportmärkten gewährleistet. Inhalte: - Begriffliche Grundlagen Marketing - Besonderheiten von Märkten im Sport : Sportprodukte/-dienstleistungen, Sportnachfrager, Sportanbieter - Die Marketing-Management-Methode im Sport: Umwelt, Markt- und Betriebsanalyse - Strategisches Marketing, operatives Marketing, Instrumente des Marketing (Marketing-Mix) - Marketing-Controlling Freyer, W. (2011). Modernes Marketing-Management für die Sportwissenschaft (4., neu bearb. Aufl.). Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag. Nufer, G . & Bühler, A. (Hrsg.) (2011). Marketing im Sport. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Labor Economics
[075006] Ü Labor Economics — Übung
Sven Werenbeck-Ueding- Score: 8.82 The aim of this module is to give an understanding of the dis-tinctive features of labor markets and the ways in which they operate. Among other things, we will analyse labor supply, labor demand, human capital, and the role of different labor market institutions and labor market policies for wages and employment. Throughout the module, we attempt to integrate theoretical issues and empirical evidence, and to address ques-tions of policy. The latter will concentrate on European issues. The aim of this module is to give an understanding of the dis-tinctive features of labor markets and the ways in which they operate. Among other things, we will analyse labor supply, labor demand, human capital, and the role of different labor market institutions and labor market policies for wages
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Labor Economics
[075005] V Labor Economics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer- Score: 8.82 The aim of this module is to give an understanding of the dis-tinctive features of labor markets and the ways in which they operate. Among other things, we will analyse labor supply, labor demand, human capital, and the role of different labor market institutions and labor market policies for wages and employment. Throughout the module, we attempt to integrate theoretical issues and empirical evidence, and to address ques-tions of policy. The latter will concentrate on European issues. The aim of this module is to give an understanding of the dis-tinctive features of labor markets and the ways in which they operate. Among other things, we will analyse labor supply, labor demand, human capital, and the role of different labor market institutions and labor market policies for wages
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Sales Management, Modul Sales and Marketing Theory
[074505] V Sales and Marketing Theory — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Sascha Alavi, Lukshmypreya Ravindran- Score: 8.59 V Sales and Marketing Theory Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics,Sales Management,Modul Sales and Marketing Theory,
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Mangement & Consulting im Sport (M.Sc.) (PO 2020), Modul 6: Marketingmanagement im Sport
[100951] Seminar Marketing & Kommunikation im Sport/ — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bühren- Score: 8.52 Seminar Marketing & Kommunikation im Sport/ Aufbauend auf allgemeinen und sportbezogenen Marketinggrundlagen werden im Seminar Methoden der Umfeld- und Marktanalyse (vor allem Konsumentenverhalten im Sport, Marktsegmentierung) vermittelt und kleinere empirische Marktforschungsstudien durchgeführt. Zudem werden in Kleingruppen für ausgewählte Marketing- und Kommunikationsfelder (z.B. Brand Management, Customer Relationship Marketing , Social Media Marketing, Sponsoring) und Sportbereiche (z.B. Sportverbände, Sportvereine, Profivereine, Sportartikelhersteller und -handel, Einzelsportler, gewerbliche Sportdienstleister, Wirtschaftsunternehmen) Marketing- und Kommunikationskonzepte entwickelt und hinsichtlich ihrer Tragfähigkeit und Wirksamkeit analysiert.Der Praxisbezug wird durch Gastvorträge von Praktikern sowie durch die
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Market-based Accounting Research
[074202] V Market-based Accounting Research — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Martin Nienhaus, Christopher Oehler- Score: 8.48 V Market-based Accounting Research Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics,Wahlmodul im Bereich Management,Modul Market-based Accounting Research,
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Market-based Accounting Research
[074203] Ü Market-based Accounting Research — Übung
Prof. Dr. Martin Nienhaus, Christopher Oehler- Score: 8.48 Ü Market-based Accounting Research Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics,Wahlmodul im Bereich Management,Modul Market-based Accounting Research,
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Marketing Management (Englisch)
[072095] V + Ü Marketing Management Research — Vorlesung mit Übung
Martin Krämer, Prof. Dr. Christian Schmitz- Score: 8.42 V + Ü Marketing Management Research Bachelor in Management and Economics,Profilierungsphase,Wahlpflichtmodul im Bereich Management,Modul Marketing Management (Englisch)
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (PO2018), Studienschwerpunkt Sportmanagement, Modul 12: Marketing
[076030] V Einführung in das Marketing — Vorlesung
Dr. Alexandru Ionut Oproiescu, Dr. Dennis Schendzielarz- Score: 8.37 V Einführung in das Marketing Lehrangebot im Studiengang Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (PO2018),Studienschwerpunkt Sportmanagement,Modul 12: Marketing,
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics, Modul Economics of Market Failure
[073136] Ü Economics of Market Failure — Übung
Marcel Wunschik- Score: 7.67 Ü Economics of Market Failure Bachelor in Management and Economics,Profilierungsphase,Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics,Modul Economics of Market Failure
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten / Promotionsstudiengang
[208204] Doktorandenkolloquium: Anästhesiologie — Kolloquium
PD Dr. med. Martin Bellgardt, PD Dr. med. Philipp Gude, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber- Score: 7.59 PD Dr. med. Martin Bellgardt, PD Dr. med. Philipp Gude, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber n.V., Tel.: 0234-509-0 oder t.weber@klinikum-bochum.de, St. Josef-Hospital Bochum
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics, Modul Economics of Market Failure
[073135] V Economics of Market Failure — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Julio Robledo del Prado- Score: 7.41 V Economics of Market Failure Bachelor in Management and Economics,Profilierungsphase,Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics,Modul Economics of Market Failure
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[138190] Demand and Supply in Energy Markets — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Valentin Bertsch- Score: 7.08 Demand and Supply in Energy Markets
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Bachelor-Studiengang Sales Engineering an Product Management, Maschinen- und Automatisierungssysteme (6. Sem. / PO 2013)
[072093] V + Ü Marketing Management Decisions — Vorlesung mit Übung
Clara Hoffmann, Prof. Dr. Christian Schmitz- Score: 6.89 V + Ü Marketing Management Decisions
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF), Studienbegleitende Deutschkurse
[259111] Fachsprache Ingenieurwissenschaften - B2.2 / C1.1 — Sprachkurs
Dirk Weber- Score: 6.87 Dirk Weber
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Bachelor-Studiengang Sales Engineering an Product Management, Lehrveranstaltungen für das 2. Semester (PO 2021)
[132040] Werkstoffe - Anwendung — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber- Score: 6.79 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics, Modul International Finance
[073025] V International Finance — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Matthias Busse- Score: 6.79 Organisationen wie des IMF kennen. Dies hilft Ihnen, den Globalisierungsprozess zu verstehen und zu beurteilen. The module provides an introduction to currency markets and the international monetary system. Theories of exchange rate determination and exchange rate systems are discussed. It also analyses how different exchange rate systems affect the effectiveness of monetary policy. Finally, the causes and effects of various financial crises are discussed. In this lecture you will receive a solid basis for the independent analysis of topics related to exchange rates. This helps you to understand and assess the globalization process.
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics, Modul International Finance
[073026] Ü International Finance — Übung
Prof. Dr. Matthias Busse- Score: 6.79 Organisationen wie des IMF kennen. Dies hilft Ihnen, den Globalisierungsprozess zu verstehen und zu beurteilen. The module provides an introduction to currency markets and the international monetary system. Theories of exchange rate determination and exchange rate systems are discussed. It also analyses how different exchange rate systems affect the effectiveness of monetary policy. Finally, the causes and effects of various financial crises are discussed. In this lecture you will receive a solid basis for the independent analysis of topics related to exchange rates. This helps you to understand and assess the globalization process.
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Bachelor-Studiengang
[136100] Sustainable Product and Business Development — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Jonathan Lentz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber- Score: 6.76 Dr.-Ing. Jonathan Lentz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten / Promotionsstudiengang
[201572] Doktorandenseminar: Einführung in die Innere Medizin — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Weber- Score: 6.72 Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Vorklinischer Studienabschnitt, 4. Fachsemester, Seminare
[200442] * Seminar Physiologie III — Seminar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Funke, Dr. phil. Hardy Hagena, Jens Weber- Score: 6.72 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Funke, Dr. phil. Hardy Hagena, Jens Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Radiologie, Seminare
[201147] Thoraxdiagnostik berufsbedingter Erkrankungen — Seminar
Dr. med. Christoph Malte Heyer, Prof. Dr. med. Volkmar Nicolas, Dr. med. Andreas Weber- Score: 6.61 Dr. med. Christoph Malte Heyer, Prof. Dr. med. Volkmar Nicolas, Dr. med. Andreas Weber
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Bachelor-Studiengang Materialwissenschaft, Lehrveranstaltungen für das 2. Semester (PO 2021)
[132043] Materialwissenschaftliches Praktikum — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Guillaume Laplanche, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber- Score: 6.57 Prof. Dr. Guillaume Laplanche, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Physiologie, Seminare
[200434] Structure, Function and Plasticity of the Central Nervous System - ausgewählte Themen — Seminar
Dr. Christina Strauch, Jens Weber- Score: 6.54 Dr. Christina Strauch, Jens Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Radiologie, Seminare
[201869] Habilitationskolloquium Neuroradiologie — Seminar
Dr. Christian Boy, PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber- Score: 6.54 Dr. Christian Boy, PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Innere Medizin, Seminare
[201571] Invasive und nichtinvasive Diagnostik in der Kardiologie — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Weber- Score: 6.54 Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Vorklinischer Studienabschnitt, 4. Fachsemester, Kurse und Praktika
[200422] * Praktikum der Physiologie III einschl. integriertem kursbegleitenden Seminar mit klin. Bezug — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Funke, Jens Weber- Score: 6.51 Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Funke, Jens Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Anästhesiologie, Seminare
[201176] Notfallmedizin mit Simulatortraining (klinisches Wahlfach) — Seminar
Dr. med. Sivakkanan Loganathan, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber- Score: 6.47 Dr. med. Sivakkanan Loganathan, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Bachelor-Studiengang Sales Engineering an Product Management, Lehrveranstaltungen für das 2. Semester (PO 2021)
[132042] Praktikum Werkstoffe 2 — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Guillaume Laplanche, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber- Score: 6.44 Prof. Dr. Guillaume Laplanche, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Radiologie, Seminare
[201750] Radiologisch-Ophthalmologische Konferenz — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 6.40 PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Bachelor, Modul 8
[040357] Selbstlerneinheit und mündliche Modulabschlussprüfung — Modulabschlussprüfung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber- Score: 6.40 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Neurologie, Seminare
[208018] Neurologisch-neuroradiologische Falldemonstration — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber- Score: 6.34 PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten / Promotionsstudiengang
[201870] Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten: Radiologie / Neuroradiologie — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber- Score: 6.34 PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Innere Medizin, Seminare
[201502] Internistisch-radiologische Fallbesprechung Demonstration — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Dr. med. Andreas Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 6.21 Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Dr. med. Andreas Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Neurologie, Seminare
[201700] Intensivmedizin in der Neurologie — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Gisa Ellrichmann, Adnan Fateh Labedi, PD Dr. med. Ruth Schneider, Prof. Dr. med. Lars Tönges, Prof. Dr. med. Ralph Weber- Score: 6.21 PD Dr. med. Gisa Ellrichmann, Adnan Fateh Labedi, PD Dr. med. Ruth Schneider, Prof. Dr. med. Lars Tönges, Prof. Dr. med. Ralph Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Anästhesiologie, Seminare
[208200] Fast-plus: Notfallsonographie in der Anästhesiologie (klinisches Wahlfach) — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Martin Bellgardt, PD Dr. med. Philipp Gude, Dr. med. Andreas Kaiser, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber- Score: 6.21 PD Dr. med. Martin Bellgardt, PD Dr. med. Philipp Gude, Dr. med. Andreas Kaiser, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Empirical Economics: Selected Problems
[075010] S Business cycle analysis and forecasting — Seminar
Apl. Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt- Score: 6.18 This module deals with the advanced analysis of specific topics in the field of empirical economics (e.g., labor economics, health economics, or education economics). In a basic lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical and empirical concepts of the topic. The lectures will also review some important empirical studies of the topic, explaining the way the economic problem was represented by an econometric model. The students will then be assigned to present major publications of the research field in order to deepen the knowledge obtained through the lecture. This module deals with the advanced analysis of specific topics in the field of empirical economics (e.g., labor economics, health economics, or education economics). In a basic lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical and empirical concepts of the topic. The lectures will also review some important empirical studies of the topic, explaining the way the economic problem was represented by an econometric model. The students will then be assigned to present major publications of the research field in order to deepen the knowledge obtained through the lecture.
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Anästhesiologie, Seminare
[201539] Intensivmedizin mit Simulatortraining (klinisches Wahlfach) — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Martin Bellgardt, Dr. med. Bilal Cevik, PD Dr. med. Jennifer Herzog-Niescery, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber- Score: 6.15 PD Dr. med. Martin Bellgardt, Dr. med. Bilal Cevik, PD Dr. med. Jennifer Herzog-Niescery, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Neurologie, Seminare
[201717] Neurologisch-neuroradiologische / gefäßchirurgische Falldemonstration — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, PD Dr. med. Ilka Kleffner, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, PD Dr. med. Sabine Skodda, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber- Score: 6.09 PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, PD Dr. med. Ilka Kleffner, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, PD Dr. med. Sabine Skodda, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Neurologie, Seminare
[201678] Einführung in die dopplersonographische Untersuchung der hirnversorgenden Arterien — Seminar
Professor Dr. med. Christos Krogias, PD Dr. med. Saskia Meves, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Postert, Dr.med. Daniel Richter, Prof. Dr. med. Ralph Weber- Score: 6.09 Professor Dr. med. Christos Krogias, PD Dr. med. Saskia Meves, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Postert, Dr.med. Daniel Richter, Prof. Dr. med. Ralph Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Klinischer Studienabschnitt, Praktisches Jahr, Seminare
[208009] Radiologische Bildanalyse — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, PD Dr. med. Volker Maus, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 6.09 PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, PD Dr. med. Volker Maus, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang Maschinenbau (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering
[138870] Fachlabor: Werkstoff- / Microengineering — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber- Score: 6.09 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Eggeler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Anästhesiologie, Seminare
[201174] Anästhesie mit Simulatortraining (klinisches Wahlfach) — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Philipp Gude, PD Dr. med. Jennifer Herzog-Niescery, Dr. med. Andreas Kaiser, Dr. med. Sivakkanan Loganathan, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber- Score: 6.03 PD Dr. med. Philipp Gude, PD Dr. med. Jennifer Herzog-Niescery, Dr. med. Andreas Kaiser, Dr. med. Sivakkanan Loganathan, PD Dr. med. Heike Vogelsang, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210034] Theories and Approaches in the Study of Religion — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Dominika Motak- Score: 5.97 will start with classical approaches (e.g. Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, James, Malinowski), continue with later conceptualizations (e.g. Geertz), and conclude with more recent theories.The course will be in English and is expected to be digital. The Study of Religion sees itself as a multi-paradigmatic field of studies. It draws on theories and approaches from many disciplines such as sociology, anthropology , and psychology. In this seminar, selected theories will be discussed. Older theories and approaches should not be considered outdated. Rather, the goal will be to mediate classical with contemporary theories. Therefore, we will start with classical approaches (e.g. Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, James, Malinowski), continue with later conceptualizations (e.g. Geertz), and conclude with more recent theories
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Optional Courses
[126511] Training of Competences, part 2 (MSc-CE-W02) — Übung
Ulrike Königs- Score: 5.97 Different Lecturers of ZFA Different Lecturers of ZFA
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Radiologie, Seminare
[201734] Neuroradiologische Diagnostik und Interventionen anhand von Fallbeispielen - Vortagsseminar Radiologie / Neuroradiologie — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, PD Dr. med. Volker Maus, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 5.97 PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, PD Dr. med. Volker Maus, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Klinischer Studienabschnitt, 6. Klinisches Fachsemester (10. Studiensemester), Kurse und Praktika
[200930] * Notfallmedizin - Unterricht am Krankenbett — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Adamzik, Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Bachmann-Mennenga, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Frey, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber, Prof. Dr. med. Peter Zahn, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 5.91 Prof. Dr. med. Michael Adamzik, Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Bachmann-Mennenga, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Frey, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber, Prof. Dr. med. Peter Zahn, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Klinischer Studienabschnitt, 6. Klinisches Fachsemester (10. Studiensemester), Kurse und Praktika
[200921] * Anästhesiologie - Seminar und Unterricht am Krankenbett — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Adamzik, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Frey, Prof. Dr. med. Dietrich Henzler, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber, Prof. Dr. med. Peter Zahn, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 5.91 Prof. Dr. med. Michael Adamzik, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Frey, Prof. Dr. med. Dietrich Henzler, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Peter Weber, Prof. Dr. med. Peter Zahn, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[211049] Computational Neuroscience: Vision and Memory — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Laurenz Wiskott- Score: 5.89 This lecture presents models of selforganization in neural systems, in particular addressing vision (receptive fields, neural maps, invariances, attention) and associative memory (Hopfield network). This lecture presents models of selforganization in neural systems, in particular addressing vision (receptive fields, neural maps, invariances, attention) and associative memory (Hopfield network ). Mostly lecture notes will be provided.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fachsprachen
[050686] From Globalisation 1.0 to Globalisation 4.0 in Business — Seminar
Karin Bachem- Score: 5.81 across national borders. Actually, the literature defines globalisation as being characterized by clearly distinct stages, culminating in the current stage also known as globalisation 4.0. In order to better understand the complexity of this development, light has to be shed on the needs of international marketing and management as well as on precarious employment relations set against the background of emerging markets and national cultures. Still, in the light of this seemingly endless potential of growth and global integration, nations start to realise the negative impacts of a pseudo-global economy. Concepts like ‘semi-globalisation’ or even ‘deglobalisation’ have emerged and gained momentum – particularly since the Corona pandemic has forced both the world of social interaction and of business
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030094] Special Topics in Philosophy of Science — Seminar
Jun.Prof. Dr. Jan Baedke- Score: 5.79 Besides logic, epistemology and philosophy of language, philosophy of science is one of the core disciplines of theoretical philosophy. This seminar belongs to the lecture “General Philosophy of Science”; further information on the subjects are given there. The seminar extends and deepens special topics the lecture deals with. Therefore, attending makes only sense when you also visit the lecture
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Studiengang Bachelor Biochemie, 6. Semester, Spezialveranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der Schwerpunktausbildung:, Schwerpunkt "Biomolekulare Chemie"
[181810] Inorganic Chemistry IV (Advanced Organometallic Chemistry) — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner- Score: 5.78 Online lecture. First lecture 05.04.2022
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics, Modul Introductory Migration Economics
[073007] V Introductory Migration Economics — Vorlesung
Dr. Lisa-Sofie Höckel- Score: 5.73 This module gives an introduction to the topic of migration economics. The module consists of an introductory lecture and a literature seminar. The literature gives an overview of the basic theoretical and empirical concepts dealt with in migration economics. The seminar aims to deepen specific topics dealt with in the lecture. Students are required to independently prepare for this. In doing so , it is expected that each student summarizes and presents a journal article from the field of migration economics. This module gives an introduction to the topic of migration economics. The module consists of an introductory lecture and a literature seminar. The literature gives an overview of the basic theoretical and empirical concepts dealt with in migration economics. The seminar aims to deepen specific topics dealt with in the lecture. Students are required to independently prepare for this. In doing so, it is expected that each student summarizes and presents a journal article from the field of migration economics.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Veranstaltungen ohne Modulzuordnung
[080452] K RUSTlab Lectures Forschungs- und Doktorand*innenkolloquium — Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Estrid Sørensen- Score: 5.69 K RUSTlab Lectures Forschungs- und Doktorand*innenkolloquium Fokus des RUSTlabs ist die Erforschung wissens- und technikintensiver Welten sowie auch die Methoden dafür. Das Kolloquium setzt sich aus den Veranstaltungen RUSTlab Lectures und dem Machine Room zusammen. Bei den Lectures stellen Gäste und Angehörige des Lehrstuhls Kulturpsychologie und Wissensanthropologie ihre Forschung zur Diskussion. Im Machine Room wird mit ethnographischen, qualitativen
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Fakultätsfremdes Aufbaumodul
[030003] General Philosophy of Science — Vorlesung
Jun.Prof. Dr. Jan Baedke- Score: 5.62 of physics” and “philosophy of biology”) have been developed not until the 18th century and reflect the increasing significance of specific scientific knowledge for modern philosophy. The lecture gives an overview over the present status of general philosophy of science. It deals, on the one hand, with problems of methods and certain key concepts (such as “explanation” and “understanding”); on the other hand, it examines questions that focus on the significance of the historicity of scientific knowledge for the present sciences.The lecture is initially addressed to students of philosophy in general and of the master program HPS+ in particular. It is open for interested students of other subjects with (at least) basic knowledge in theoretical philosophy, which is possible to gain in the module “Introduction to theoretical philosophy” (SE1). Parallel to the lecture an accompanying seminar will be offered which serves to deepen and to complement the topics of the lecture. Participation in the seminar is recommended, but only for students of HPS+ it is a requirement in order to complete the “basic module 1”. The language of the lecture will be English. You will be informed about modalities concerning credits in the first session of the lecture. HPS+ Introductory Literature:Martin Curd, M. & James A. Cover (Eds.), Philosophy of Science. The Central Issues.2nd ed., New York, London 2013.Simon Lohse & Thomas Reydon (Hgg.): Grundriss Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Die Philosophien der Einzelwissenschaften. Hamburg 2017.Alexander Rosenberg, Philosophy of Science. A Contemporary Introduction. 2nd ed., New
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Germanistik und Beruf
[050594] Vom Germanistikstudium in den Beruf (synchron, ggf. mit Campuspräsenz) — Kolloquium
Katharina Bary- Score: 5.60 reflektierenden Übungen aus den einzelnen Sitzungen sowie Reflexionsübungen ein. Geplant sind Einblicke in folgende Berufsfelder (Änderungen vorbehalten): Lektorat Journalismus Kulturmanagement Projektmanagement Schreibberatung Veranstaltungsmanagement Coaching (Schlichtung, Lebensberatung) Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Online-)Marketing / Social Media Marketing
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Klinischer Studienabschnitt, 2. Klinisches Fachsemester (6. Studiensemester), Vorlesungen
[206000] Bildgebende Verfahren, Strahlenbehandlung, Strahlenschutz I — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. med. Nasreddin Abolmaali, Prof. Dr. med. Irenäus A. Adamietz, Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Bollow, Prof. Dr. med. Dieter Liermann, Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Lukas, Prof. Dr. med. Volkmar Nicolas, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 5.49 Prof. Dr. med. Nasreddin Abolmaali, Prof. Dr. med. Irenäus A. Adamietz, Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Bollow, Prof. Dr. med. Dieter Liermann, Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Lukas, Prof. Dr. med. Volkmar Nicolas, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Archäologische Wissenschaften, 2-Fach-BA Fachmodule: Klassische Archäologie, Fachmodul 2, 2-BA FM 2 KA-1
[040419] Die Lehrwerkstatt: Keramik — Übung
Dr. phil. Soi Agelidis, Ulrike Weber- Score: 5.49 Dr. phil. Soi Agelidis, Ulrike Weber
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[126509] High-Performance Computing on Multi- and Manycore Processors (MSc-CE-WP25 und MSc-BI-W55) — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogel- Score: 5.44 The lecture addresses parallelization for multi- and manycore processors. Thread-based programming concepts (pthreads, C++11 threads, OpenMP, OpenCL) are introduced and best- practice implementation aspects are highlighted based on applications from scientific computing. In the first part, the lecture provides an overview on relevant data structures, solver techniques and programming patterns for shared-memory computation from the engineering science including finite element methods and artificial intelligence. Based on a scientific paper, students present their topic to the lecture audience in form of a beamer presentation and numerical illustrations. The lecture addresses parallelization for multi- and manycore processors. Thread-based programming concepts (pthreads, C++11 threads , OpenMP, OpenCL) are introduced and best- practice implementation aspects are highlighted based on applications from scientific computing. In the first part, the lecture provides an overview on relevant data structures, solver techniques and programming patterns from scientific computing. An introduction to multi-threading programming on multicore systems is then provided with special attention to , students present their topic to the lecture audience in form of a beamer presentation and numerical illustrations.
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (PO 2020), 2. Semester, Bereich Kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Modul Wahrnehmung
[118312] S Wahrnehmung (Perception) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Jonas Rose- Score: 5.42 This seminar complements the lecture 'perception' by adding a more hands-on approach. You will give short lectures and conduct mini-experiments to highlight specific topics and deepen the understanding of selected mechanisms. Seminar language: english Freitag, 10-12 Uhr, GA 04/187
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Neurologie, Seminare
[201722] "Interdisziplinäres Hirntumor-Board" — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Irenäus A. Adamietz, Prof. Dr. med. Jan Patrick Boström, Dr. med. Matthias Eckhardt, PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Kathleen Jetschke, Thomas Kowalski, Dr. Dorothea Miller, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Dr. med. Lars Schönlau, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Schroers, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber- Score: 5.39 Prof. Dr. med. Irenäus A. Adamietz, Prof. Dr. med. Jan Patrick Boström, Dr. med. Matthias Eckhardt, PD Dr. med. Sebastian Fischer, Kathleen Jetschke, Thomas Kowalski, Dr. Dorothea Miller, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Dr. med. Lars Schönlau, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Schroers, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Neurologie, Seminare
[203308] Standortübergreifende Neurovaskuläre Fallkonferenz — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Gold, Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Lukas, Prof. Dr. med. Achim Mumme, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Prof. Dr. med. Martin Tegenthoff, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, Andreas Wunsch- Score: 5.39 Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Gold, Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Lukas, Prof. Dr. med. Achim Mumme, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Prof. Dr. med. Martin Tegenthoff, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, Andreas Wunsch
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Innere Medizin, Seminare
[201506] Interdisziplinäre onkologische Konferenz — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Irenäus A. Adamietz, Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Baraniskin, Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Martin Kunkel, Dr. med. Michael Pohl, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Schroers, Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Tannapfel, Prof. Dr. med. Richard Viebahn, Dr. med. Andreas Weber- Score: 5.39 Prof. Dr. med. Irenäus A. Adamietz, Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Baraniskin, Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Martin Kunkel, Dr. med. Michael Pohl, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Schroers, Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Tannapfel, Prof. Dr. med. Richard Viebahn, Dr. med. Andreas Weber
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210021] Theorien und Ansätze der Religionswissenschaft — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Dominika Motak- Score: 5.35 zu vermitteln. Daher werden wir wissenschaftshistorisch beginnen (z.B. Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, James, Malinowski), setzen das Seminar mit späteren Arbeiten fort (etwa Geertz) und schließen mit neueren Entwürfen. Der Kurs wird auf Deutsch und voraussichtlich digital stattfinden. Religionswissenschaft versteht sich selbst als eine multiparadigmatische Wissenschaft. Sie speist sich aus Theorien und Ansätzen vieler Disziplinen, so etwa aus der Soziologie, Ethnologie und Psychologie. In diesem Seminar werden ausgewählte Theorien behandelt. Dabei dürfen ältere Theorien und Ansätze nicht als überholt gelten. Vielmehr wird es darum gehen, klassische mit gegenwärtigen Theorien zu vermitteln. Daher werden wir wissenschaftshistorisch beginnen (z.B. Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, James, Malinowski), setzen das
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Vorlesungen
[050646] US Literary and Cultural Practices in the Long 20th Century — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Martin Lüthe- Score: 5.34 Pulitzer price win (2017) for his “vernacular authenticity and rhythmic dynamism” here. In the course of this lecture, we will focus on important moments and crucial cultural texts from roughly the 1920s through the 1990s and thus aspire to come to terms with the changes and continuities of the last century in US cultural production. Texts will be made available on Moodle. The content of this lecture will be made available in an asynchronous format. The lectures will be published by Monday, 16.00 o’clock and I will be available on Mondays at 17.00 in Zoom for inquiries and discussions. The lecture on April 25th and the lecture before the written exam, on June 27th will be held in person in HGA 10, starting at 16.15, their recordings will be published by the end of the week on Moodle
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050691C] Business English II, Gruppe C — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 5.28 This course is designed to make students aware of topics highly relevant in an international business environment: cultures, human resources management, international markets, business ethics, styles of leadership and, last but not least, competition in the global marketplace. We will use text material as well as additional audio and video materials to gain a realistic and in
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050691A] Business English II, Gruppe A — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 5.28 This course is designed to make students aware of topics highly relevant in an international business environment: cultures, human resources management, international markets, business ethics, styles of leadership and, last but not least, competition in the global marketplace. We will use text material as well as additional audio and video materials to gain a realistic and in
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050691B] Business English II, Gruppe B — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 5.28 This course is designed to make students aware of topics highly relevant in an international business environment: cultures, human resources management, international markets, business ethics, styles of leadership and, last but not least, competition in the global marketplace. We will use text material as well as additional audio and video materials to gain a realistic and in
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Vorlesungen
[210006] Introduction to Religious Studies — Vorlesung
Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 5.27 to clarify the complex relation and entanglement between 'religion' and the 'scientific study of religion' In general, this course includes a broad overview on theoretical approaches in the social science and humanities and their relevance for the scientific of religion. You will find the recorded lectures on moodle, once a week you will have the chance to meet via Zoom to discuss the texts and the lecture as well as asking questions. Course Requirements: Recorded and uploaded lectures, online-tools, weekly Zoom-meetings Course Requirements: weekly assignments and online tests, oral exam This course aims to introduce Master Students with no background in Religious Studies to this scientific subject. Broadly speaking, religious Studies is divided into two branches, one with a theoretical and humanities and their relevance for the scientific of religion. You will find the recorded lectures on moodle, once a week you will have the chance to meet via Zoom to discuss the texts and the lecture as well as asking questions. Course Requirements: Recorded and uploaded lectures, online-tools, weekly Zoom-meetings Course Requirements: weekly assignments and online tests, oral exam
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Wirtschaft und Politik Ostasiens (PO 2017), Gemeinsamer Bereich, Internationale Politische Ökonomie Ostasiens
[090309] Internet Governance in East Asia and EU’s role — Seminar
Mireia Paulo- Score: 5.24 , or regulation of the Internet, with the ability to govern or regulate the outcomes of these conflicting forces. The Internet also challenges existing models of economic behaviour and markets, with an important impact on policy. Hence, Internet governance (IG) has become one of the most important policy areas of our time. The term may be loosely defined as the various sets of norms (legal and non in the international institutions, how to understand privacy issues and increased cybersecurity threats, and the concerns over growing market power in the industry. This course provides students with some critical factual and analytical elements that should contribute to a better understanding and appreciation of this new field of study.
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Philosophie, Master of Arts, MA WM IIIa
[030007] Epistemology — Vorlesung
Jun.Prof. Dr Peter Brössel- Score: 5.23 This lecture is dedicated to classic topics of epistemology. What should I believe? What are justificatory reasons? What is knowledge? Can I trust the testimonies of others? How should I revise my credences in the face of disagreement with a peer or an expert? The lecture is dedicated exclusively to contemporary proposals to answer these questions and is, therefore, aimed at advanced students
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (PO 2020), 2. Semester, Bereich Kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Modul Wahrnehmung
[118311] V Wahrnehmung (Perception) — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Jonas Rose- Score: 5.23 In this lecture, we will cover the neural basis of different sensory modalities. Starting with the physical stimulus and its detection at the receptor we will then continue along the sensory hierarchy in the brain. Finally, the modulation of the stimulus through attention, categorization and multimodal integration ill be covered. In addition to our focus on human sensory systems, we will compare the sensory systems and capabilities of different species. The lecture will be held in english.
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (PO2018), Modul 9: Didaktisch-methodische Vertiefung der Bewegungsfelder
[100216] Seminar Tennis - Spezialfach (Teil 2) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Alexander Ferrauti, Dr. Jörn Uhrmeister- Score: 5.21 Vermittlung von Lehr- und Handlungskompetenz zu ausgewählten Themen (Technik- und Taktiktraining, tennisspezifisches Konditionstraining) bzw. mit unterschiedlichen Zielgruppen (z.B. Kindertennis, Freizeit- und Leistungstennis). Ferrauti, A., Maier, P. & Weber, K. (2014). Handbuch für Tennistraining: Leistung – Athletik – Gesundheit. Meyer & Meyer Verlag: Aachen. Ferrauti, A. (Hrsg.) 2020
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150226] Differentialgeometrie II (Differential Geometry II) — Vorlesung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Luca Asselle- Score: 5.15 Course description: This is a follow up course of the "Differential Geometry 1“ lecture held in the fall term 2021/2022. In this course we will discuss several classical topics which are still of large interest in current research, such as: i) Morse theory resp. homology and its applications to geometry, topology, and dynamics (classification of surfaces, bounds on the number of central configurations of the n-body problem, etc.), ii) existence of closed geodesics on compact and non-compact Riemannian manifolds (Lyusternik-Fet theorem, Gromoll-Meier theorem, Lyusternik-Schnirelmann theorem, etc.), iii) (if time permits) Smale's h-cobordism theorem and its applications (the generalized Poincaré conjecture, characterization of smooth n-disks, n>5, etc.) This lecture . The required functional analytical background for i) and ii) (infinite dimensional manifolds, Sobolev spaces of loops, the stable manifold theorem, the mountain pass theorem, etc.) will be thoroughly discussed during the course. The course will be taught entirely (lectures and exercise classes) in english. Vortragssprache: Englisch 1- Hirsch, Differential topology, Graduate Texts in Math. No. 33, Springer -Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, 1976. 2- Milnor, Morse theory, Princeton University Press, 1963. 3- Milnor, Lectures on the h-cobordism theorem, Princeton University Press, 1965. 4- Moeckel, Celestial mechanics (especially central configurations), Lecture notes. 5- Schwarz, Morse homology, Progress in Math. Vol III, 1993.
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Klinischer Studienabschnitt, Praktisches Jahr, Seminare
[201896] PJ-Ringseminar mit Schwerpunkten Differentialdiagnostik und Leitbefunde — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Adamzik, Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Prof. Dr. med. Burkhard Dick, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Martin Kunkel, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Schroers, Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Smektala, Prof. Dr. med. Richard Viebahn, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 5.12 Prof. Dr. med. Michael Adamzik, Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Prof. Dr. med. Burkhard Dick, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Martin Kunkel, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Schroers, Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Smektala, Prof. Dr. med. Richard Viebahn, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Optional Courses
[126514] Case Studies B (MSc-CE-W03) — Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Hackl, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Höffer, Universitätsprofessor Dr. sc. techn. habil. Markus Knobloch, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark, Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamara Nestorovic, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Harro Stolpe- Score: 5.09 The project topic is usually determined by the respective lecturer or one of his/her assistants. In addition to this, students may also conduct project work on topics defined by companies from industry or official authorities. However, the project work must be completed under the supervision of one of the course’s lecturers. The projects are usually devised so as to integrate interdisciplinary aspects such aso Noticing problems and describing themo Formulating envisaged goalso Team-oriented problem solutionso Organizing and optimizing one's time and work plano Interdisciplinary problem solutionso Literature research and evaluation as well as the consultation of expertso Documentation, illustration and presentation of results The project topic is usually determined by the respective lecturer or one of his/her assistants. In addition to this, students may also conduct project work on topics defined by companies from industry or official authorities. However, the project work must be completed under the supervision of one of the course’s lecturers. The projects are usually devised so as to integrate interdisciplinary aspects such aso Noticing problems and describing themo Formulating
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[126518] Case Studies A (MSc-CE-WP24) — Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Hackl, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Höffer, Universitätsprofessor Dr. sc. techn. habil. Markus Knobloch, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Mark, Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamara Nestorovic, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Harro Stolpe- Score: 5.09 The project topic is usually determined by the respective lecturer or one of his/her assistants. In addition to this, students may also conduct project work on topics defined by companies from industry or official authorities. However, the project work must be completed under the supervision of one of the course’s lecturers. The projects are usually devised so as to integrate interdisciplinary lecturer or one of his/her assistants. In addition to this, students may also conduct project work on topics defined by companies from industry or official authorities. However, the project work must be completed under the supervision of one of the course’s lecturers. The projects are usually devised so as to integrate interdisciplinary aspects such aso Noticing problems and describing themo
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186080] Interdisciplinary Lecture Series: Chemical and Biochemical Colloquium — Kolloquium
Dozent(inn)en der Fakultät- Score: 5.09 Interdisciplinary Lecture Series: Chemical and Biochemical Colloquium
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Vorlesungen
[050636] The Literature of Sensibility — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. phil. Burkhard Niederhoff- Score: 5.06 The eighteenth century saw the rise of sensibility (Empfindsamkeit in German). Sensibility has often been dismissed as sentimental, but it has been going surprisingly strong ever since its beginning about three hundred years ago, surfacing in today’s culture primarily in advertising and film. The lecture will focus on literary works from the eighteenth century, including masterpieces like it come from?). The lecture will be offered as a videocast with three additional Zoom sessions (not mandatory), in which students will have a chance to asks questions. I am aiming to make the entire lecture available at the beginning of the semester to make it possible for students to study at their own pace. Assessment/requirements: reading a selection of texts; response sheet and oral exam.
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (PO2018), Modul 9: Didaktisch-methodische Vertiefung der Bewegungsfelder
[100217] Seminar Aspekte des (Tennis-)Spielens (verpflichtendes Seminar zum Tennis - Spezialfach (Teil 2)) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Alexander Ferrauti, Dr. Jörn Uhrmeister- Score: 5.04 Das Seminar ergänzt das Spezialfach Tennis um unspezifische, fachübergreifend-allgemeine Bezugsfelder des Spiels. Ziel ist die vorrangig theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit fachübergreifenden Kenntnissen. Ferrauti, A., Maier, P. & Weber, K. (2014). Handbuch für Tennistraining: Leistung – Athletik – Gesundheit. Meyer & Meyer Verlag: Aachen. Ferrauti, A. (Hrsg.) 2020. Trainingswissenschaft für
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150275] Convex and Integral Geometry (Part 2) — Vorlesung
Dr. Daniel Rosen, Dr. Holger Sambale, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle- Score: 5.00 In the first part of this lecture we develop further the concepts and results from integral geometry. We especially deal systematically with intrinsic volumes and their surrounding theory in higher dimensions. The second part of the lecture is devoted to the celebrated Brunn-Minkoswki inequality and discusses a number of its striking applications. This course is a continuation of the course
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Vorlesungen
[050612] Corpus Linguistics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Christiane Meierkord, Olga Sadovnikova- Score: 4.99 This series of lectures introduces students to the field of modern corpus linguistics. After a brief look at the history of this discipline and its role in modern linguistics, the lectures will describe how corpora are planned, compiled, annotated and analysed. Students will also get a chance to familiarise themselves with a number of different corpora, most notably with those that are of interest in an English linguistics framework, including the British National Corpus (BNC), the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and of Historical American English (COHA), the International Corpus of English (ICE), the International Corpus of Learner English (ICLE) and the Global Web-Based English (GloWbE) corpus. The lecture course is based on the following books: Crawford, William
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186084] Elective Lecture selected from the Master Programmes — Vorlesung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Chemie und Biochemie- Score: 4.92 Elective Lecture selected from the Master Programmes
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Soziologie, Arbeit, Organisation und Gesellschaft
[080366] S Organisations, Institutions, Social Movements (A&O, Teil I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Margit Fauser- Score: 4.92 now. Economic change, post-fordist production and the emergence of the “new economy” have been accompanied by changing forms of organization that put greater emphasis on network structures. At the same time, new forms of collective action and protest mobilization can be observed, in parts leading to new forms of self-organizing addressing deficits of existing organisations and markets . In the context of these economic changes and crises, the crises of labour and labour markets, precarious working conditions, and often also high rates of unemployement in particular among young people in many countries in the profit and non-profit sectors existing organisations are changing their form and operating mechanisms, and new organisations with new structures are emerging. Against this backdrop
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Microeconometrics
[075000] V Microeconometrics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer- Score: 4.90 This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data by making use of the econometric software package STATA. This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Microeconometrics
[075001] Ü Microeconometrics — Übung
Dr. Amrei Stammann- Score: 4.90 This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data by making use of the econometric software package STATA. This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine
[185850] Special Lecture: Proteins in Signal Transduction and Energy Conversion — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann, PD Dr. Carsten Kötting, Kuhlmann, PD Dr. Mathias Lübben, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Marcus-Alic, Prof. Dr. Axel Mosig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Sitek, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Raphael Stoll, Ingrid Vetter- Score: 4.90 Special Lecture: Proteins in Signal Transduction and Energy Conversion Friday, 13:00-14:30, Lecture Hall Biophysics NDEF04-397, Start: 22. 4. 2022, Registration: kurs-bibi@rub.de, key word “Master-Signal”
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Introduction to Microecnometrics
[075001a] Ü Introduction to Microecnomics — Übung
Dr. Amrei Stammann- Score: 4.90 This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data by making use of the econometric software package STATA. This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186085] Exercises to the Elective Lecture selected from the Master Programmes — Übung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Chemie und Biochemie- Score: 4.89 Exercises to the Elective Lecture selected from the Master Programmes
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160403] Quantum Field Theory I — Vorlesung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hermann Krebs- Score: 4.87 The first lecture will take place on April 19, 2021.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses
[185800] Special Lecture in a Focal Point Programme — Vorlesung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Schwerpunkte- Score: 4.87 Special Lecture in a Focal Point Programme
— Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), Master Materials Science and Simulation, Lectures for the 2nd semester
[136241] Polymers & Shape memory alloys — Vorlesung
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Frenzel, Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Neuking- Score: 4.87 Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS),Master Materials Science and Simulation,Lectures for the 2nd semester,
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Introduction to Microecnometrics
[075000a] V Introduction to Microecnomics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer- Score: 4.79 This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data by making use of the econometric software package STATA. This module deals with the advanced analysis of econometric methods applicable to micro data. In particular, discrete choice and selection models as well as advanced empirical evaluation methods are covered. Within the lecture, the participants are introduced to the theoretical concepts of the methods. Within the tutorials, these methods are applied to real world data
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry), Organic Chemistry
[181842] Organic Synthesis I: Stoechiometric Organometallics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Dyker- Score: 4.79 Video lecture, information per mail to Gerald.Dyker@rub.de
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Studiengang Bachelor Biochemie, 6. Semester, Spezialveranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der Schwerpunktausbildung:, Schwerpunkt "Biomolekulare Chemie"
[181811] Exercises to "Inorganic Chemistry IV" — Übung
Prof. Dr. Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner- Score: 4.79 Starting date to be announced in the lecture
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177101] Hydrogeomechanics — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Harrington- Score: 4.77 , with 1.5 hours devoted to lecture and 1.5 hours devoted to assignments that are largely computer based. Class meetingsOne weekly lecture meeting of 1.5 hours, and one 1.5 hour meeting for exercises/discussion.AssessmentA series of eight (largely computer based) assignments (50%), one 15-minute oral presentation (25%), and one final exam covering the lecture topics to be covered in class, listed below (25%).Lecture TopicsTopic 1: Forces, traction, and stresses Assignment 1: Stress and strainTopic 2: Stress and constitutive laws Assignment 2: StressTopic 3: Rock failure Assignment 3: Brittle deformationTopic 4: Faults and fluid flowTopic 5: Probing the subsurface: logging Assignment 4: Learning from logsTopic 6: Stresses around wells Assignment 5: Stress concentration aroundcircular wellsTopic 7
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses
[185801] Exercises to the Special lecture in a Focal Point Programme — Übung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Schwerpunkte- Score: 4.77 Exercises to the Special lecture in a Focal Point Programme
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Cases in Management Accounting
[074002] S Cases in Managament Accounting — Seminar
Svenja Marsula- Score: 4.72 Registration for the assessment via the lecturer within the deadline set by the chair. Detailed information on the registration procedure willbe published on the chair's website
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Informationstechnik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Wahlpflichtmodule
[211026] Knowledge Graphs — Vorlesung mit Übung
Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maribel Acosta Deibe- Score: 4.71 , allow for harnessing and uncovering patterns from the data. Currently, KGs are used in the data-driven business processes of multinational companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM, eBay, and Facebook. Furthermore, thousands of KGs are openly available on the web following the Linked Data (https://lod-cloud.net/) principles. Goal: In this lecture, students will learn about the foundations of modelling , querying, publishing, and reasoning over KGs. The topics will be complemented with exercises and Jupyter Notebooks (https://jupyter.org/) to show how KG technologies work in practice. Lecture is Mondays from 12-14 in HZO 100, and tutorial is Thursdays from 12-14 also in HZO 100. Aidan Hogan et al. Knowledge Graphs. 2020. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.02320.pdf Andreas Harth. Introduction to Linked Data. (Specific chapters will be provided in the lecture). Pascal Hitzler, Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph. Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009.
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Geographisches Institut, Gestufter Studiengang Geographie (Abschluss: M.Sc.), Wahlmodule
[170096] Microeconomics of Competitiveness: Firms, Clusters and Economic Development — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kiese, Simon Rohde- Score: 4.71 's or region's productivity. Course Contents and Structure The course has been designed not only for students at Harvard but as a platform that can be taught at universities throughout the world. The course platform consists of case studies and other written materials plus an extensive library of video content that can be used in class including lectures by Prof. Porter for all sessions and videotapes will typically include case discussions in small and large groups, audio-visual inputs featuring Prof. Porter and case protagonists, as well as a brief lecture input introducing the key theoretical concept illustrated by the case. As coursework, groups of up to four students prepare a case study analysing the competitiveness of a cluster of their own choice. The best paper will be submitted for a competition Trucks: Penetrating the U.S. Market 3) The Japanese Facsimile Industry in 1990 4) Estonia: From Transition to EU Membership 5) The California Wine Cluster 6) The Dutch Flower Cluster 7) Remaking Singapore 8) Indonesia: Attracting Foreign Investment 9) New York City: Bloomberg‘s Strategy for Economic Development 10) European Integration: Meeting the Competitiveness Challenge 11) Ghana
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[211048] Autonomous Robotics: Action, Perception, and Cognition — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gregor Schöner- Score: 4.69 create an account, please enter your degree program specifically (e.g. Master in Angewandte Informatik). Just listing "Master" doesn't help us. We really like to know what disciplinar you come from so we can make sure we have the right offering given your background. Registering in this way enables you to see all material, access the links to the ZOOM lectures, and upload your solutions to exercises . Some of the material is visible also to unregistered visitors. At the scheduled lecture times, we will have live life video-streamed lectures. Registered participants will be able to see the ZOOM link under "live sessions" in the e-learning portion of this web page. This works best if you use the ZOOM app, but a web based ZOOM interface works too. You can use audio to ask questions and are welcome to activate your video camera as well, especially during discussion. Live sessions will start on Thursday, 14th of April 2022 at 14:15. The lectures will be recorded and will be available for asynchronous viewing. Participating in the live session and asking questions is highly encouraged, however. The discussion portion of the lecture is not put online. We will have live sessions for the exercises at the listed times. The exercise sessions will not be recorded. All course material will be on this webpage, including links to all the video material, to the lecture slides, exercises, and readings. After registering, you will be able to upload your solutions to the exercises and will also be able to see your results once your submission has been corrected. You will be also be able to use discussion
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[126515] Advanced Finite Element Methods (MSc-CE-WP04) — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke- Score: 4.67 finite elements. In addition, an overview of nonlinear constitutive models including elasto-plastic and damage models is given. The second part of the lecture focuses on algorithms to solve the resulting non-linear equilibrium equations by load- and arc-length controlled Newton-type iteration schemes. Finally, the non-linear finite element method is used for the non-linear stability analysis of structures. The lectures are supplemented by exercises to support the understanding of the underlying theory and to demonstrate the application of the non-linear finite element method for the solution of selected examples. Furthermore, practical applications of the non-linear finite element method are demonstrated by means of a commercial finite element program. NOTE: Introductory course on Monday, 09 constitutive models including elasto-plastic and damage models is given. The second part of the lecture focuses on algorithms to solve the resulting non-linear equilibrium equations by load- and arc-length controlled Newton-type iteration schemes. Finally, the non-linear finite element method is used for the non-linear stability analysis of structures. The lectures are supplemented by exercises to support
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Vorlesungen
[210005] Key Concepts in the Study of Religion — Vorlesung
Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 4.67 ; the chronological dimension of religion: concepts and questions upon the possible 'evolution of religion' In the second part of the course, Lecturers from CERES will present their current research projects. The course consists of recorded lectures that can be viewed via Moodle, Literature to be prepared for each session, and online meetings (to be announced via Moodle). Students will get credits of life; the social dimension of religion: religious roles and instituions; the chronological dimension of religion: concepts and questions upon the possible 'evolution of religion' In the second part of the course, Lecturers from CERES will present their current research projects. The course consists of recorded lectures that can be viewed via Moodle, Literature to be prepared for each session
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Advanced Seminar in Management Accounting
[074007] S Advacend Seminar in Management Accounting — Seminar
Niklas Alexander Kister- Score: 4.67 Registration for the assessment via the lecturer withinthe deadline set by the chair. Detailed information on the registration procedure will be published on the chair's website.
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Modul Econometric Evaluation of Economic Policies
[075012] V Econometric Evaluation of Economic Policies — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer- Score: 4.60 Tight public budgets increase the need to learn more about the effectiveness and efficiency of public policy measures. The empirical evaluation of these policies, however, is connected with difficult methodological problems. This module discusses the newest developments in the literature on the empirical evaluation of economic policy measures. A lecture introduces the basic concepts. Central in the literature on the empirical evaluationof economic policy measures. A lecture introduces the basicconcepts. Central contributions to the literature will be presentedby the students themselves and discussed by the participants in adetailed way. Fr. 14-16 Uhr, RWI-Essen
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160309] Semiconductor Physics II: Experiments with Semiconductor Quantum Devices — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Arne Ludwig- Score: 4.60 The lecture will focus on experiments on the quantum level with semiconductor structures. In this context quantized transport, spin properties, spin manipulations and optical phenomena will be presented. The experiments will largely cover self-assembled InAs quantum dots as a model system of an artificial atom. Exemplarily spin transport in self-assembled InAs quantum dots and the methods of optical readout of the sucessful spin initialization will be presented. Applications of the different devices with new functionality will be discussed. Applied quantum mechanics on nanostructured devices will be the central scope in this lecture.The students will gain insight in modern quantum experiments with semiconductor heterostructures. Applied quantum mechanics, transport phenomena, spin phenomena
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Functional Materials
[181786] Materials Synthesis: Modern Fabrication Processes for the Creation of Functional Materials: Fundamentals and Applications — Vorlesung
Prof. Anjana Devi- Score: 4.60 First lecture 04.04.2022 + registration via Moodle
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Übungen zu speziellen Methoden und Theorien, Neuere Geschichte
[040120] ÜMT: Einführung in die Unternehmensgeschichte — Übung
Dr. Nancy Bodden- Score: 4.54 Strategieentwicklung der Unternehmen. Mit Hilfe von Fallbeispielen werden außerdem Aspekte aus den Bereichen der Unternehmenskultur, Globalisierung, Technologie und Marketing in den Blick genommen. Literaturhinweise Hartmut Berghoff: Moderne Unternehmensgeschichte, Paderborn 2004. Toni Pierenkemper: Unternehmensgeschichte. Eine Einführung in ihre Methoden und Ergebnisse, Stuttgart 2000. Toni Pierenkemper (Hg
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung
[211120] Student Conference: Research Project — Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berger, Dr. Jacob Krüger- Score: 4.46 Learning outcomes: The students work alone (groups can be possible if the project is complex enough) on a scientific project of their choice under supervision. Besides obtaining knowledge on the project topic, during the lectures students will learn about scientific work, research methods, scientific writing, presenting, and related topics. Project topics can stem from any innovative field in software engineering (or even computer science as a whole). We will provide some example topics, but the students are encouraged to define their own ones together with their supervisor. During the lectures, students will do a short kick-of presentation to introduce their topics to the group. Besides the lecture, the course requires the students to work independently on their project following
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry), Theoretical Chemistry
[188274] Theoretical Spectroscopy — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Marx- Score: 4.46 Starting 06.04. The lecture will be given as a live stream via zoom. Please register via e-mail to Professor Marx (dominik.marx@rub.de) as soon as possible and not later than March 31.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Studiengang Bachelor Biochemie, 6. Semester, Spezialveranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der Schwerpunktausbildung:, Schwerpunkt "Proteine in der Biomedizin"
[184654] Biochemistry of Metabolism — Seminar
- Score: 4.46 Wednesday 10:15-11:45, Lecture Hall Biophysics NDEF04-397, Start: 7. 4. 2022, Registration: kurs-bibi@rub.de, key word “Master-Metab”
— Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), ICAMS Graduate School - Scale Bridging Materials Modelling, Lecture series - Scale bridging modelling II+ III
[440201] Lecture series Scale bridging modelling II + III — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Hartmaier, Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinbach- Score: 4.42 Lecture series Scale bridging modelling II + III Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS),ICAMS Graduate School - Scale Bridging Materials Modelling,Lecture series - Scale bridging modelling II+ III,
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Internationale Strukturen und Prozesse
[080250] S Deutschlands Rolle in der internationalen Politik (IntBez, Teil II; Intstrukt, Teil II) — Seminar
Dr. Carsten Nickel, Dr. Aukje van Loon- Score: 4.39 the first Merkel government. German Politics, 20:3, 449-463. Genschel, P.; Jachtenfuchs, M. (2018). From Market Integration to Core State Powers: The Eurozone Crisis, the Refugee Crisis and Integration Theory. Journal of Common Market Studies, 56, 178-96. Schirm, S. A. (2020). Refining domestic politics theories of IPE: A societal approach to governmental preferences. Politics 40:4. 1-17.
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160310] Semiconductor Physics II (Exercises) — Übung
Dr. rer. nat. Arne Ludwig- Score: 4.38 The content of the lecture will be solidified.Deeper insight to the quantum nature semiconductor physics. Training of basic applied quantum mechanical questions in semiconductor physics. S.M. Sze: The Physics of Semiconductor DevicesDavies: The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Geographisches Institut, Gestufter Studiengang Geographie (Abschluss: B.Sc. / B.A.), Wahlmodule, Wahlpflichtmodule B.Sc. / B.A.
[170120b] Methoden der Stadt- und Regionalanalyse: Introduction to programming and applied statistics — Seminar
Panagiotis Sismanidis- Score: 4.34 Regionalanalyse (Alternative zur Übung und dem Seminar aus der Humangeographie). Anrechenbar als Wahlpflichtmodul. The course consists of 12 lectures, 8 of which are dedicated to intr oducing the fundamentals of Python and 4 to data analysis and visualization. Each lecture includes a set of compulsory assignments. To complete this course
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Geographisches Institut, Gestufter Studiengang Geographie (Abschluss: B.Sc. / B.A.), Wahlmodule, Wahlpflichtmodule B.Sc. / B.A.
[170120a] Methoden der Stadt- und Regionalanalyse: Introduction to programming and applied statistics — Seminar
Panagiotis Sismanidis- Score: 4.34 Regionalanalyse (Alternative zur Übung und dem Seminar aus der Humangeographie). Anrechenbar als Wahlpflichtmodul. The course consists of 12 lectures, 8 of which are dedicated to intr oducing the fundamentals of Python and 4 to data analysis and visualization. Each lecture includes a set of compulsory assignments. To complete this course
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (PO2018), Studienschwerpunkt Sportmanagement, Modul 14: Angewandtes Sportmanagement
[100086] Seminar Eventmanagement — Seminar
Andreas Parensen- Score: 4.30 . Präsentation / Fallstudie, Abschlussklausur Nufer, G. (2012). Event-Marketing und -Management.Grundlagen, Planung, Wirkungen, Weiterentwicklungen (2.Aufl.). Wiesbaden: GablerHolzbaur, U. (2010). Eventmanagement.Veranstaltungen professionell zum Erfolg führen. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Berlin
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150242] Statistik I — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Johannes Lederer- Score: 4.26 in Exponentialfamilien, Suffizienz, Invarianz und asymptotische statistische Verfahren. Es wird eine intensive Mitarbeit in der Vorlesung und in den begleitenden Übungen erwartet. The lecture treats the foundations of mathematical statistics. Active participation in the lectures and exercise classes is expected. Wir werden einige Lektionen virtuell halten. Informationen dazu finden Sie nach Vorlesungsbeginn auf
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul
[080310] S Big data in applied Economic research (FEG) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Zohal Hessami- Score: 4.26 that rely on machine learning algorithms. The main objective is to understand the rationale and intuition behind these algorithms and their relative advantages and disadvantages. Students learn to communicate and discuss published articles from the current literature on big data and machine learning. Termine siehe Veranstaltung 075800 / Lecture dates please have a look at Lecture number 075800 A list
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, B.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Bachelor PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[211044] Autonomous Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berger- Score: 4.26 Specification and Implementation of autonomous vehicles based on ROS2 Artificial intelligence for autonomous vehicles Simulation of autonomous vehicles Localization & perception Mission planning Quality assurance for autonomous vehicles In the course’s lecture, we provide the required theoretical background and practically apply the course’s content in exercises by building a self-driving robot. If you are interested in the course, please apply for participation until March 27, using the following form: https://evastud.uv.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/evasys/online.php?p=avai-lecture
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Vorlesungen
[050657] Renaissance Culture — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. phil. Anette Pankratz- Score: 4.26 Until today, the English Renaissance is deeply embedded in cultural memory: Henry VIII and his wives, Shakespeare in and out of love, Queen Elizabeth and Walter Raleigh bowling against the Armada. The aim of the lecture course is to put all these images connected with 16th-century England between the reigns of Henry VII and James I into the broader framework of the European Renaissance, i .e. the rediscovery of classical antiquity and the beginning of the modern world. It will look at the changes in the world picture, the Reformation and its consequences, the system of Tudor foreign and domestic politics, Elizabethan court culture, the beginnings of capitalism, colonialism and self-fashioning. Last but not least, the lecture course will focus on the flourishing Renaissance literature: from
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Veranstaltungen für Studierende anderer Fakultäten, Veranstaltungen für Studierende des Masterstudiengangs "Molecular and Developmental Stem Cell Biology", Vorlesungen
[203001] Stem Cell Lecture Series — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. Beate E.M. Brand-Saberi, Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner, und Gastvortragende, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Holm Zähres- Score: 4.22 Stem Cell Lecture Series
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul The People Side of Innovation
[074400] V The People Side of Innovation — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß- Score: 4.19 . It is people that have creative ideas for new products or for process improvements that devise marketing strategy or take technologies to the next level. Therefore, this course focuses on the people side of innovation. Throughout the semester, tutorials are held to provide additional and in-depth insights into the course content and to offer sufficient room for discussion.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080372] S Transnational Labor Governance and the Digital Transformation (E&P, Teil II; FW, Teil I) — Seminar
Dr. Patrick Witzak- Score: 4.16 , and regulation, it is of particular interest to what extent actors build, negotiate, and reinforce diverse rules. Cross-border labor is thus not only shaped by country-specific migration and labor market regimes. Supra- and international actors such as the ILO, the European Union, international trade union federations, NGOs and corporations are also playing an increasingly important role in regulating access to specific regions, countries and labor markets by negotiating minimum standards for decent work, in tackling forced labor, human trafficking and regulating digital forms of work. Language: Oral presentations and written materials are in English, but occasional use of German language is possible and recommended when it deserves clarity. Voraussetzungen für Studiennachweise / Modulprüfungen The module
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018), Module 3: Sports Medicine & Sports Nutrition
[100908] Seminar Sports nutrition for Health and Performance Part II — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Petra Platen- Score: 4.14 The course provides basics regarding nutrition and sports specific nutritional strategies. Based on this knowledge the students will develop different questions in small groups and perform some field investigations with a subsequent analysis and presentation of the results. Provided during the Information lecture
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Übungen MEL
[050609B] Medieval English Literature, Gruppe B — Übung
Julia Wellnitz- Score: 4.10 presentation based on this report at the end of the course. Several quizzes, a bibliography and a review are also part of the requirements. The lectures, seminars and virtual teaching sessions (which can be used to ‘compare notes’ with fellow students and/or consult on an individual or group basis with the lecturer) introduce both medieval literature as well as the more practical aspects of doing actual
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Übungen MEL
[050609A] Medieval English Literature, Gruppe A — Übung
Dr. phil. Daniel McCann- Score: 4.10 presentation based on this report at the end of the course. Several quizzes, a bibliography and a review are also part of the requirements. The lectures, seminars and virtual teaching sessions (which can be used to ‘compare notes’ with fellow students and/or consult on an individual or group basis with the lecturer) introduce both medieval literature as well as the more practical aspects of doing actual
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Courses
[126501] Fluid Dynamics (MSc-CE-P06) — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Höffer, Dipl.-Ing. Ulf Winkelmann- Score: 4.10 The technical basics of dynamic fluid flows are introduced, studied and recapitulated as well as related problems which are relevant for practical applications and solution procedures with an emphasis put on computational aspects. The lectures and exercises contain the following topics: Short review of hydrostatics and dynamics of incompressible flows involving friction (conservation of mass as related problems which are relevant for practical applications and solution procedures with an emphasis put on computational aspects. The lectures and exercises contain the following topics: Short review of hydrostatics and dynamics of incompressible flows involving friction (conservation of mass, energy and momentum, Navier-Stokes equations)Potential flowIsotropic turbulence and turbulence in a
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed.(Bildungswissenschaft) (PO 2020), Pflichtbereich, KM 2 Teil 4
[030389] Diagnostik im Unterrichtsalltag -Begleitung zum Praxissemester (Blockveranstaltung) — Oberseminar
Xenia-Lea Weber- Score: 4.10 Xenia-Lea Weber
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Biochemistry of Stem Cells
[185890] Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme "Biochemistry of Stem Cells" — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. Beate E.M. Brand-Saberi, Dr. Helmut Bühler, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Heumann, Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christina Sengstock, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Holm Zähres- Score: 4.07 Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme "Biochemistry of Stem Cells"
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018), Module 6: Master Thesis and Scientific Writing
[100926] Seminar Scientific Writing — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hahn- Score: 4.07 This course provides insight how to plan and to structure a scientific manuscript for publication in relevant journals in the field of Sports, Exercise and Health Science. It further provides insight into the process of manuscript submission in order to understand the peer-review process Di. 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr; 14täglich will be given during the lecture
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150265] Algebra II (komplexe halbeinfache Lie-Algebren) — Vorlesung
Claudia Knauber, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Röhrle- Score: 4.04 ., Boston, MA, 2005. N. Bourbaki, Éléments de mathématique. Groupes et algèbres de Lie. Chapitre I - VIII, Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles, Hermann, Paris 1975. R.W. Carter, G. Segal, I. Macdonald, Lectures on Lie groups and Lie algebras. London Mathematical Society Student Texts, 32. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995. R. W. Carter, Introduction to algebraic groups and Lie algebras .P. Serre, Lie Algebras and Lie Groups, 1964 lectures given at Harvard University. Second edition. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1500. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992. P. Tauvel, R. W. T. Yu, Lie algebras and algebraic groups. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. J. Tits, Liesche Gruppen und Algebren. Hochschultext. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983.
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen in Mathematik für Studierende der Angewandten Informatik, Informatik, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften
[126510] Numerical Methods and Stochastics (MSc-CE-WP08) — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Johannes Lederer, Dr. Mario Lipinski, Mahima Yadav- Score: 3.96 density, parameter estimation, prediction.- Multivariate statistics: correlation, principal component analysis, factoranalysis.- Linear models: multiple linear regression, F-test for linear hypotheses, Analysis of Variance. Some of the lectures will be held virtually; find all information on Moodle after the lectures have started.
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018), Module 3: Sports Medicine & Sports Nutrition
[100917] Seminar Applied Exercise Physiology & Sports Nutrition for Health & Performance — Seminar
Robin Schäfer- Score: 3.93 . Provided during the Information lecture
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory modules LAP, Photonics, Photonics
[141261] Photonics — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hofmann- Score: 3.86 GOALS: The students have learned the fundamentals of optical information transfer and retrieval. The have acquired basic knowledge of lasers, linear and non-linear optics and understand the concepts of optical memories (CD, DVD) and optical telecommunication. CONTENT: The lecture starts with the fundamentals of linear optics (refraction, dif plication, optical memories and optical telecommunications are discussed in separate chapters. The lecture is concluded with an outlook on the potential of photonic crystals. MISCELLANEOUS: EXAM: oral (30 min), rgeistration: FlexNow Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Start: 06.04.2021 Saleh, , Teich, "Fundamentals of Photonics", Wiley
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Studiengang Bachelor Biochemie, 6. Semester, Spezialveranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der Schwerpunktausbildung:, Schwerpunkt "Proteine in der Biomedizin"
[184652] Computer Simulation von Proteinen — Seminar
- Score: 3.86 Friday 8:30-10:00, Lecture Hall Biophysics NDEF04-397 (but see below) Preliminary Talk 8.4. 2022, Registration: till.rudack@rub.de, keyword „Master-Comp“ Currently per Zoom: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/65834450730?pwd=R2JsdG8rZU1JNHl0cnY2ZFFDaXpLdz09
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160614] Astroparticle Physics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Anna Franckowiak- Score: 3.86 The lecture is targeted to Master students (but Bachelor students are also welcome). The new field of astroparticle physics will be introduced mainly from an experimental point of view, including cosmic rays, gamma rays, neutrinos, dark matter and gravitational wave.s Gliederung: Kommentar: More details here: https://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~afrancko/astroparticleSS2022.html Vorauss: C. Grupen
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar PT
[143280] Master-Seminar Plasmatechnik — Seminar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Awakowicz, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Peter Brinkmann, Prof. Dr. Andrew R. Gibson, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mussenbrock, Apl. Prof. Dr. Julian Schulze- Score: 3.81 len führende Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt im Rahmen einer Videokonferenz Ihre Forschungsarbeiten vor. SONSTIGES Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an den Lehrstuhl: office@tet.rub.de PRÜFUNG: Seminarbeitrag GOALS: The students have learned dealing with technical and scientific literature lecture design meaningful use of media teaching and discussing scientific content CONTENT: Students prepare selected topics on plasma technology and plasma physics and present them in lectures. The topics will base on current research activities. Students participate in lectures of other seminar participants and of scholars. It is also possible to participate in lectures of the in
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, Hauptseminare, Hauptseminare B.A.
[050527] Opern für Germanisten — Hauptseminar
apl. Prof. Dr. phil. Ralph Köhnen- Score: 3.80 Gedächtnis eingegangen, die neben ihrer Musikalität eine tragfähige Semantik und also Allgemeingültigkeit für verschiedene Epochen bereithalten, also auch Antworten auf gesellschaftliche Fragen bieten. Diese Zusammenhänge sollen mit musikologischen Ansätzen, vor allem aber an folgenden Operntexten erarbeitet werden: Wolfgang A. Mozart/Schikaneder: ‚Die Zauberflöte‘ (Reclam) Carl M. von Weber
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Biomolecular Chemistry
[185810] Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme — Seminar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martina Havenith-Newen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Huber, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kruss, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Marx, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nils Metzler-Nolte, Dr. Wilma Neumann, Prof. Dr. Poul B. Petersen, Prof. Dr. Axel Rosenhahn, Prof. Dr. Lars Schäfer, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Schuhmann- Score: 3.80 Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Seminare im zweiten Studienjahr, Neuere Geschichte
[040089] S: Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Konsums im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert — Seminar
Dr. Nancy Bodden- Score: 3.79 (Massen-)Konsum behandelt. Außerdem geht es um Aspekte des Verbraucherverhaltens und der Preisentwicklung, um die teils politische Lenkung des Konsums sowie um den Strukturwandel des Einzelhandels und die Rolle von Werbung und Marketing als Konsumverstärker. Dabei werden immer wieder Bezüge zu den USA als Vorreiter im Bereich der Konsumentwicklung erstellt. Abschließend werden die in den 1970er Jahren
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160620] Selected Topics of Astronomy II (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Dominik J. Bomans, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar, Prof. Dr. Anna Franckowiak, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hildebrandt- Score: 3.73 to the seminar participants as part of a lecture and thus practice presentation techniques.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine
[185851] LAB-DAYS — Praktikum
Dr. Katalin Barkovits, Dr. Thilo Bracht, Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Martin Eisenacher, Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann, PD Dr. Carsten Kötting, Kuhlmann, PD Dr. Mathias Lübben, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Marcus-Alic, Prof. Dr. Axel Mosig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Sitek, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Raphael Stoll, Ingrid Vetter- Score: 3.73 Lecture Hall Biophysics (ND 04/397), course begin to be announced
XIX. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie
— Veranstaltungen für Hörerinnen und Hörer aller Semester, Vorlesungen
[190509] Lecture Series Neurobiology (part SS) — Vorlesung
Dr. Michael Andriske, Claudia Distler-Hoffmann, Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner, Prof. Stefan Herlitze, Dr. Wolfgang Kruse, Dr. Frank Paris, Prof. Dr. Andreas Reiner, PD Dr. Jacqueline Reinhard-Recht, Dr. Lars Roll, Dr. David Wegrzyn, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese, Dipl.-Biol. Paul Michael Ziemba- Score: 3.73 Lecture Series Neurobiology (part SS)
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177359] Medical Geology — Vorlesung / Seminar
Dr. Andre Banning- Score: 3.70 Lecture: Introduction to Medical Geology – definition, research questions and methods of the emerging discipline, interplay of geogenic contaminants, chronic exposure and endemic diseases using international examples of Medical Geological problems and phenomena; How can geoscientists contribute to understanding and tackling public health issues? Interdisciplinary approach and future challenges specific Medical Geology topic using self-researched literature. Lecture: Introduction to Medical Geology – definition, research questions and methods of the emerging discipline, interplay of geogenic contaminants, chronic exposure and endemic diseases using international examples of Medical Geological problems and phenomena; How can geoscientists contribute to understanding and tackling public health
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed.(Bildungswissenschaft) (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, WM 1 Teil 1
[030272] „Was machst Du denn da?“ - pädagogische Interaktionen (Blockveranstaltung) — Hauptseminar / Oberseminar
Dr. Benjamin Weber- Score: 3.62 Dr. Benjamin Weber
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Internationalisierung und Vergesellschaftung im Vergleich
[080247] S Der Wohlfahrtsstaat im internationalen Vergleich: Theorien und Methoden (InterVerg, Teil II) — Seminar
Till Stefes- Score: 3.60 Equality in an Enlarged Europe. Journal of European Social Policy 22(5):50728. doi: 10.1177/0958928712456576. Eichhorst, Werner, und Paul Marx. 2021. How Stable Is Labour Market Dualism? Reforms of Employment Protection in Nine European Countries. European Journal of Industrial Relations 27(1):93110. doi: 10.1177/0959680119899199. Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 1990. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism . Princeton University Press. Güell, Maia, Cristina Lafuente, Manuel Sánchez, und Hélène Turon. 2021. „So Different yet so Alike: Micro and Macro Labour Market Outcomes in Germany and Spain“. SERIEs. doi: 10.1007/s13209-021-00249-1. Korpi, Walter, und Joakim Palme. 1998. The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality, and Poverty in the Western Countries
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Theaterwissenschaft, B.A.-Phase
[050624] Shakespeare’s Intertextual Afterlives: Concepts and Case Studies — Vorlesung
Uwe Klawitter, Prof. Dr. Roland Weidle- Score: 3.59 This course of lectures – delivered by two lecturers in dialogue with each other and the participants – seeks to generate insights into the rich field of the productive reception of Shakespeare’s plays. The ‘afterlives’ (a term from reception theory) chosen for discussion are representative 20th and 21st-century re-imaginations in narrative fiction, drama, poetry and film. These creative
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Seminare
[150534] Seminar über Symplektische Geometrie — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Peter Heinzner- Score: 3.50 , Lagrange Untermannigfaltigkeiten, lokale Normalenformen und Tubenumgebungen von Untermannigfaltigkeiten besprochen. Eine Vorbesprechung des Seminars findet am Dienstag den 5.4.2022 um 12:00 Uhr über Zoom statt. Einen Link finden Sie im gleichnamigen Moodle Kurs. Ana Cannas da Silva: Lectures on Symplectic Geometry
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, Technischer Wahlbereich, Bachelor-Praktikum Elektronische Schaltungen
[142064] Bachelor-Praktikum Elektronische Schaltungen — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Musch, Dr.-Ing. Gordon Notzon- Score: 3.46 , sodass ein zusätzlicher Lerneffekt erzielt wird. PRÜFUNG: Praktikum GOALS: This practical course connects the theoretical circuit description and the practical circuit testing. The performed experiments are coupled to the accompanying lecture. After participation, students are able to operate electronic measurement equipment and can ve rify and test complex circuits. CONTENT: Accompanying to the lecture „Electronics2“, this practical course teaches the two main topics of fundamental electronic circuitry: Operating point adjustment and signal transmission. By means of selected hands on experiments, the influence of ancillary conditions on the transfer stability of discrete and in tegrated circuits is investigated. The general transmission behavior and the parameter sensitivity against tolerances and parasitic effects is essential part of these investigations. MISCELLANEOUS: The practical course 'Electronic Circuits' is offered in parallel to the lecture 'Electronics 2 - Circuits'. The contents of lecture and practical course are coordinated
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Übungen zu speziellen Methoden und Theorien, Mittelalterliche Geschichte
[040113] ÜMT: Klima und Gesellschaft vom 5. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert — Übung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber- Score: 3.46 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Studiengang Bachelor Biochemie, 6. Semester, Spezialveranstaltungen aus dem Bereich der Schwerpunktausbildung:, Schwerpunkt "Proteine in der Biomedizin"
[184651] Aktuelle Methoden der Proteinbiochemie und Strukturbiologie - Expression, Reinigung und Analyse und Strukturbiologie von Proteinen — Vorlesung
Dr. Katalin Barkovits, Dr. Thilo Bracht, Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Martin Eisenacher, Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann, PD Dr. Carsten Kötting, PD Dr. Mathias Lübben, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Marcus-Alic, Prof. Dr. Axel Mosig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Sitek, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Raphael Stoll, Ingrid Vetter- Score: 3.40 Wednesday, 11:15-12:45, Start: 6. 4. 2022, Lecture Hall Biophysics NDEF04-397, Registration: kurs-bibi@rub.de, key word “Bachelor-Methods” or “Master-Methods”
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Molecular Medicine
[185880] Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme — Ringvorlesung
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Klaus Brüning, Prof. Dr. med. Albrecht Bufe, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Erdmann, Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Hahn, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Kornelia Jaquet, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lars Ingo Ole Leichert, Prof. Dr. med. Huu Phuc Nguyen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Rassow, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Monika Raulf, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eike Steinmann, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Tatzelt, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Konstanze F. Winklhofer- Score: 3.40 Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Membrane and Nervous System Biochemistry
[185830] Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme "Membrane and Nervous System Biochemistry" — Vorlesung
apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Irmgard Dietzel-Meyer, Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eckart Förster, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Günther-Pomorski, Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Onur Güntürkün, Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Happel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Heumann, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Hollmann, Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Denise Manahan-Vaughan, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Carsten Theiss, Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Wolters- Score: 3.40 Lecture Series in the Focal Point Programme "Membrane and Nervous System Biochemistry"
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory modules LAP, Optical Metrology
[141263] Optical Metrology — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Brenner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Gerhardt- Score: 3.37 nology in many disciplines. At first, the basic characteristics of light and its interaction with matter are pointed out in a short fundamental chapter. Subsequently, the tools of optical metrology, i.e. active and passive optical elements are discussed. The main part of the lecture deals with measuring techniques like: geometry measurements, pro filometry, shape measurements, spectroscopy, high-speed cameras, infrared imaging, and biophotonics. MISCELLANEOUS: EXAM: oral (30 min), rgeistration: FlexNow Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Start: 04.04.2022 Saleh, , Teich, "Fundamentals of Photonics", Wiley & Sons, 2007
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080340] S Nahrungsmittelkonsum und Food Policy (LRP, Teil II ; PFA, Teil II; EDG, Teil II; FW, Teil I) — Seminar
Dr. Christian Bala- Score: 3.32 -Paul Gaudillière, Hrsg. 2021. Risk on the Table: Food Production, Health, and the Environment. The Environment in History 21. New York: Berghahn.Lang, Tim, und Michael Heasman. 2015. Food Wars: The Global Battle for Mouths, Minds and Markets. 2. Auflage. London: Earthscan from Routledge.Scrinis, Gyorgy. 2013. Nutritionism: The Science and Politics of Dietary Advice. Arts and Traditions of the Table
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150258] Quantengruppen — Vorlesung
Kudret Bostanci, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Deniz Kus- Score: 3.30 Anschluss mehrere Anwendungen diskutieren, z.B. in der Darstellungstheorie von Lie Algebren, Knotentheorie und Kristallinen Basen sowie Luztig's PBW Theorem beweisen. Abe: Hopf algebras Kassel: Quantum groups Jantzen: Lectures on quantum groups
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Hochfrequente Sensoren und Systeme, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer HSS
[141181] Integrierte Digitalschaltungen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Pohl- Score: 3.15 TENT: This lecture introduces the main principles for the field of integrated circuits and systems. After an introductory discussion of the fundamentals and applications of microelectronics, the lecture will proceed with a number of details of integrated semiconductor devices. Afterwards integrated digital CMOS basic circuits will be addressed. Fi nally, the lecture addresses more complex problems in the design of integrated system components and systems. Beginn: 05.04.2022
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Öffentliche Finanzen und staatliches Handeln
[080227] S Survey Experiments in Public Economics (ÖfFin, Teil II) — Seminar
Maximilian Thomas- Score: 3.12 a broad range of topics, including public preferences for redistribution and social mobility, public spending and public debt, as well as immigration policy. The introductory part of the seminar is held as a lecture. Following the introduction, participants are expected to present one of the research papers and engage in active discussion. The language of the seminar will be English
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[440612] Engineering Ceramics and Coating Technology — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Robert Vaßen- Score: 2.96 allowing the selection of ceramics for specific needs. A broad knowledge in different coating technologies gives the students the ability to select suitable coating methods especially for wear, corrosion and high temperature applications as thermal barrier coatings. Special emphasis will be laid on different thermal spray technologies. Block course, first lecture 6.4.2022. Further dates (Lab course) t
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Practical Subjects
[141262] Maths for Laser engineers — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dipl.-Inf. Martin Benning- Score: 2.96 tions Fourier transformation Statistics Informatics Exercises with Matlab MISCELLANEOUS: EXAM: lab, registration: directly with the lecturer Kick-off: 04.04.2022, 11:00-11:30 pm Start: 11.04.2022 This course will be offered for the last time in summer semester 2022.
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Practical Subjects
[142265] Competitive International Research Project — Projekt
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hofmann- Score: 2.96 GOALS: Learn to write and evaluate scientific proposals. CONTENT: The students define a specific scientific project and identify together with a lecturer an international group where they can work on the project. They write a short scientific proposal about this project. They all meet to constitute the evaluation board which decides which pro
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung
[260025] Designing Explainable AI (XAI)_ENG — Blockseminar
Professor Dr. Christian Meske, Ina Schwanebeck-Lepski- Score: 2.93 Sonntag, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence). After introductory lectures on the topics of Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Design Science Research by the lecturers, the students work independently on their scientific projects (in groups). Exchange among the groups through constructive discussions and feedback rounds is encouraged. The lecturers provide assistance with the work
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Seminare im zweiten Studienjahr, Mittelalterliche Geschichte
[040080] S: Rheinische Bischöfe in salischer Zeit — Seminar
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber- Score: 2.93 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Seminare im zweiten Studienjahr, Mittelalterliche Geschichte
[040077] S: Warum (Gegen)Papst Clemens (III.) tot im Tiber schwamm – Das Papsttum im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert — Seminar
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber- Score: 2.93 Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed. Erweiterungsstudium (Pädagogik 2017), Pflichtbereich, AM 5 Teil 2
[030217] Ü: Praktiken empirischer Forschung (Gruppe 1) — Übung
Inga Lotta Limpinsel, Markus Weber- Score: 2.82 Inga Lotta Limpinsel, Markus Weber
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed. Erweiterungsstudium (Pädagogik 2017), Pflichtbereich, AM 5 Teil 2
[030218] Ü: Praktiken empirischer Forschung (Gruppe 2) — Übung
Inga Lotta Limpinsel, Markus Weber- Score: 2.82 Inga Lotta Limpinsel, Markus Weber
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed. Erweiterungsstudium (Pädagogik 2017), Pflichtbereich, AM 5 Teil 2
[030219] Ü: Praktiken empirischer Forschung (Gruppe 3) — Übung
Inga Lotta Limpinsel, Markus Weber- Score: 2.82 Inga Lotta Limpinsel, Markus Weber
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Übungen
[210050] Arbeitsweisen der Religionswissenschaft — Übung
Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 2.81 "Introduction to Scientific Work" on different dates. The common kick-off date will take place on Friday, April 8th at 12:15 p.m. - after the parallel lecture 'Introduction to Religious Studies'. There, the tutorials will be distributed and you will receive all further necessary information.
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Energiesystemtechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar EST
[143081] Master-Seminar Energiesystemtechnik — Seminar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Constantinos Sourkounis, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Staudt- Score: 2.79 lationships with the aim of communicating these to other students comprehensibly in a lecture. They have acquired the ability to deal academically with technical and scientific literature by understanding and presenting a subject in selected excerpts from various sources. CONTENT: ** Selected topics ** of energy system technology will be worked out ** in dependently by the students ** and prepared for presentation in a lecture. The spectrum of topics includes: power converters and their control, electrical machines and their control, photovoltaics, wind energy converters, energy and battery management and topics related to electromobility. The seminar picks up topics from in-depth lectures of the institute. Thus, did actic ** synergy effects ** between the lecture content and the detailed independent presentation in the seminar are reached. MISCELLANEOUS: All participants must take part in the first "kick-off" session, where registration takes place. Pre-registration is not required. The password for the course materials will be announced at the kick-off session. The se
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080396] S Multilateralism in Crisis? Challenges for Global Governance (IIP, Teil II; PFA, Teil II; FW, Teil I) — Seminar
Dr. Aukje van Loon- Score: 2.76 authority in multilateral organizations, and (3); ‘the globalisation fatigue’ manifested by the surge of anti-establishment movements’ popularity, discontent with domestic politics and efforts to regain society’s control over market forces. For these reasons, questions regarding the challenges and future role of global governance are more important than ever. The focus in this seminar
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Elektromobilitätssysteme, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer EMOB
[141006] Mehrgrößensysteme und digitale Regelung — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Lunze, M. Sc. Alexander Schwab- Score: 2.74 ving project tasks they have gained experience and trained skills with computer-aided design tools. CONTENT: Modelling of multivariable systems, design of multivariable control and digital control, use of MATLAB for system analysis and control design (lecture accompanying project work), in particular: tuning rules for multivariable systems, de sign of multivariable control by pole placement, optimal control, Direct Nyquist Array Method, observer design, discrete-time control systems, design of sampled-data controllers Another part of this course's content is the work on a project (see course book; explanation during the lecture). The submission of the project results is a precondition for ad mittance to the exam (deadline for submission: 4 weeks before the exam). MISCELLANEOUS: Further information on the lecture and the course materials can be found on the website of the chair ATP (www.atp.rub.de) or in the Moodle course. Beginn: 06.04.2022 Lunze, Jan "Regelungstechnik 2: Mehrgrößensysteme, Digitale Regelung - 10. Auflage", Springer Verlag, 2020
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Practical Subjects
[142267] Research Project — Projekt
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hofmann- Score: 2.68 GOALS: Learn different experimental techniques Learn to present scientific results CONTENT: The students work together in small groups. They receive individual specific scientific experimental tasks from one of the lecturers and work on it in the laboratory. Finally they prepare a short scientific talk which may be submitted and pre
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177102] Induced seismicity seminar — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Rebecca Harrington- Score: 2.68 of topics below.AssessmentOral topic presentation and leading of one discussion topic (50%), general discussion participation (50%).Lecture Topics (tentative)Topic 1: Overview of induced earthquakesTopic 2: Faults and fluid flowTopic 3: Influence of lithology on induced earthquakesTopic 4: Statistical properties of induced earthquakesTopic 5: Earthquakes induced by reservoir impoundmentTopic 6
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177053] Rock physics — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Jörg Renner- Score: 2.68 and limits of empirical and theoretical concepts for the description of heterogeneous media. Please, attend an (online) organizational meeting on Monday April 4th, 2022, at 10 am. One of the purposes of the meeting is to settle the course format (weekly lectures vs. block course) and the dates. Furthermore, I will introduce the course subject and objectives.
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[128047] Objektorientierte Modellierung und Programmierung der Finite-Elemente-Methode / Objekt-oriented Modelling and Implementation of Structural Analysis Software (MSc-BI-W39 und MSc-CE-WP10) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke- Score: 2.66 to gain insights into both topics – object-oriented programming and finite element theory – students implement an object-oriented finite element program for the analysis of spatial truss structures. This combination of the theory of numerical methods with object-oriented programming provides an inspiring basis for the successful study of computational engineering. In the lecture, the fundamentals . In order to gain insights into both topics – object-oriented programming and finite element theory – students implement an object-oriented finite element program for the analysis of spatial truss structures. This combination of the theory of numerical methods with object-oriented programming provides an inspiring basis for the successful study of computational engineering. In the lecture
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Pflichtbereich
[141217] Optimierung in der Informationstechnik — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aydin Sezgin- Score: 2.65 -Rate, Kapazität eines bandgrenzten Kanals DoF MIMO, MIMO MAC, MIMO BC, MIMO IC, MIMO X Freiheitsgrade eines MIMO MAC Verteiltes Interferenz-Alignment: Algorithmen & Konvergenz Asymmetrische Signalisierung MATERIALIEN: FOLIEN: Lecture slides SONSTIGE: Evaluierung SoSe2014 08.04.2016 - Bildverarbeitung 08.04.2016 - Fil terentwurf 08.04.2016 - Antennen 08.04.2016 - Detektion SONSTIGES: PRÜFUNG: mündlich (30 min), Anmeldung: FlexNow GOALS: Modern communication technology is an interdisciplinary field that requires both in-depth knowledge and concepts from various disciplines. This lecture will teach students various concepts from multiple disciplines that are es sential in understanding reliable communication subjected to noise. CONTENT: The lecture mainly focuses on convex optimization. In every lecture, new methods from the field of convex optimization are introduced and exemplified through practical engineering examples, mainly from the field of communications. The introduced methods are universally ap , capacity of bandlimited channels * DoF MIMO, MIMO MAC, MIMO BC, MIMO IC and MIMO X-channels * Interference alginment * Asymmetric signalling MATERIALS: PRESENTATION SLIDES: Lecture slides MISCELLANEOUS: Register to the lectures via https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Soziologie, Mastermodul Raum und Entwicklung
[080391] S Innovation Systems: Dynamics, Actors, Interactions & Spatial Varieties (R&E, Teil II; PFA, Teil I) — Seminar
Maria Rabadjieva, Dr. Judith Terstriep- Score: 2.58 (social, ecological), has entered the scientific debate and policy agendas, and is topic of the seminar. In addition, innovation policy experienced a turn from fixing market and systems failure, towards tackling ‘grand societal challenges’ (SDGs) such as climate change, ageing, inclusive and smart growth as well as problems of ongoing economic restructuring. This ‘normative turn’ has made way for what
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Free Elective Courses
[141109] Free Choice — Vorlesung / Seminar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hofmann- Score: 2.56 . CONTENT: The choice of appropriate courses can be made out of all courses of the Ruhr-Universität. This includes lectures of all faculties and the programme of the Center for Foreign Language Education (Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, ZFA). Even the choice of courses of the Technical University Dortmund is possible due to a contract of both uni
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080392] S Capitalism, intersectional inequalities, and social movements (IT, Teil I; FW, Teil III) — Seminar
Christoph Sorg, Prof. Dr. Sabrina Zajak- Score: 2.55 29.04, 11-1pm (online), 12.05, 11-5pm (offline), 13.05, 11-5pm (offline), Unspecified date: online lectures (see below), 23.06, 11-5pm (offline), 24.06, 11-5pm (offline), 22.07, 11-1pm (online, final presentations) Critical theories of capitalism have (re-)gained popularity since the North Atlantic Financial Crisis. The collapse of the financial sector and the subsequent global recession ) For the „Modulprüfung“: oral exal 29.04, 11-1pm (online), 12.05, 11-5pm (offline), 13.05, 11-5pm (offline), Unspecified date: online lectures (see below), 23.06, 11-5pm (offline), 24.06, 11-5pm (offline), 22.07, 11-1pm (online, final presentations) Fraser, Nancy 2014: Behind Marx's Hidden Abode. For an Expanded Conception of Capitalism. In: New Left Review, Heft 86, 55–72. Hetland, Gabriel/Goodwin, Jeff 2013
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer PT
[141373] Plasma Chemistry — Blockkurs
Dr. Efe H. Kemaneci- Score: 2.45 netics and Thermodynamics Elementary chemical processes in plasma Kinetic plasma description Plasma-surface reactions Modelling approaches and numerical methods for plasma and plasma chemistry MISCELLANEOUS: EXAM: oral (30 min), registration: FlexNow Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Blockkurs: 25.07.-29.07.2022 Ausfall 2021 Smir
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Management und Regulierung von Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Organisation, Mastermodul Wirtschaftsstandorte und Dienstleistungsektoren
[080377] S FACE-Summerschool: Frauen und Gründung. In zwei Wochen von der Inspiration zur eigenen Gründungsidee. (W&D, Teil I/II) — Seminar
Nadine Egelhof, Maike Wagner- Score: 2.42 zweiten Teil des Design Thinking Workshops die eigene Gründungsidee konkretisiert. In der zweiten Woche werden die Studentinnen inhaltlich an die konkreten Voraussetzungen einer Unternehmensgründung herangeführt. Im Rahmen von Workshops unter anderem im Bereich des Marketings und der Selbstwirksamkeit sowie durch ein Pitchtraining werden das eigene Auftreten als Gründungsperson und die Möglichkeiten
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Internationalisierung und Vergesellschaftung im Vergleich
[080246] S -DIGITAL- Migrant Entrepreneurships in Europe (InterVerg, Teil II) — Seminar
Dr. Alexandra David, Dr. Judith Terstriep, Sarah Zurek- Score: 2.42 *FIRST SESSION VIA ZOOM -DETAILS BELOW* The current hype in migrant entrepreneurship in Europe can be partly explained by the long 'summer of migration' in 2015 and the arrival of a high number of newcomers in a short period. In search of new ways of labor market integration of migrants, several programs have been rolled out all over Europe to facilitate migrants' business activities. However
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Pflichtmodule
[211009] Einführung in die Kryptographie 2 — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Paar- Score: 2.35 nical understanding for practical application by describing selected algorithms of practical relevance, such as the Diffie-Hellmann key exchange or ECC-based schemes. The students get an overview of the solutions used in companies. They will be able to defend a certain solution with arguments. The lectures are also offered as videos in German and English thods and algorithms are introduced and explained with practical examples. The lecture can be divided into two parts: The first part starts with an introduction to asymmetric methods and their most important substitutes (Diffie-Hellman, elliptic curves). The focus is on the algorithmic introduction of asymmetric procedures, which include both encryption al gorithms and digital signatures. This part is completed by hash functions, which play an important role for digital signatures and Message Authentication Codes (MACs or cryptographic checksums). The second part of the lecture discusses the basics of security solutions based on the concepts of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Especially the so lutions used in companies (PKI, digital certificates etc.) will be discussed. MISCELLANEOUS: In the summer semester 2022 the course will be offered exclusively digitally, the first lecture will take place on 06.04.22. All required information and materials will be made available via the Moodle course (https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/enrol/index.php?id=40775). Enrollment in the Moodle course is possible without a password and should be done exclusively with a RUB mail address (exception: UA Ruhr). Lecture: Wed. 9:45 - 11:45 (digital)Exercise (alternative): Wed. 12:15 - 13:15 (digital)Exercise: Wed. 14:15 - 15:45 Bitte beachten Sie die aktualisierten Termine unter "Sonstiges" Please note the updated dates under "Miscellaneous ". Paar, Christof, Pelzl, Jan "Kryptografie ver
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050708] Shakespeare’s Intertextual Afterlives: Critical Perspectives — Seminar
Uwe Klawitter, Prof. Dr. Roland Weidle- Score: 2.35 This class is particularly recommended to the Master students taking part in the lecture “Shakespeare’s Intertextual Afterlives: Concepts and Case Studies”, but it is also open to all students who wish to know more about how 20th and 21st-century novelists, playwrights, poets and film-makers use Shakespearean plays to express their own concerns. The class offers an opportunity for a deeper
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Rechtswissenschaftliche Fremdsprachenlehrveranstaltungen (§ 7 Abs. 1 Ziff. 3 JAG NRW vom 11.03.2003)
[060306] U.S. Intellectual Property Law — Kurs
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos- Score: 2.35 , but also how and when to enforce those rights against an infringer. The course will reference current United States laws, cases, as well as rules and procedures enforced by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and U.S. Copyright Office. Some participation is expected during the lectures. Dozent:Herr Benjamin M. Hanrahan, Esq.; ab 3. Semester, Zoom Video Course, montags 14-16 Uhr, erster Termin 11. April
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Rechtswissenschaftliche Fremdsprachenlehrveranstaltungen (§ 7 Abs. 1 Ziff. 3 JAG NRW vom 11.03.2003)
[060301] U.S. Constitutional Law II: Fundamental Rights — Kurs
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos- Score: 2.26 to privacy, the right to bear arms, freedom of religion, the death penalty as well as same-sex marriage. This course is a core course for the Certificate Program of the Legal Faculty. The course is though a lecture, some participation is expected. Required reading: Unit III of Einführung in die Anglo-Amerikanische Rechtssprache (Band I, 3. Auflage) Introduction to Anglo-American Law & Language
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Wahlpflichtmodule
[211028] Komplexitätstheorie — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zeume- Score: 2.26 are distinct is considered one of the most significantopen questions in theoretical computer science, and even mathematics. However, P and NP are only two examples of complexity classes. Other classes arise in the study of required space, efficient parallelizability of problems,and solvability by randomized algorithms, among others.The lecture aims at giving a broad overview of the basic concepts and results
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar KT
[141211] Master-Seminar Physical Layer Security Journal Club — Seminar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aydin Sezgin- Score: 2.26 portance of the problem studied the methodology on how the problem is tackled the solution and the insights. Finally, they prepare a short scientific talk and give a presentation to fellow students. EXAM: seminar, registration: directly with the lecturer Kick-off: 05.04.2022 | 14:15-15:45 Uhr
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer PT
[141369] Crash Course on Plasma Simulation — Blockkurs
Dr. Jan van Dijk- Score: 2.24 actor model This is a hands-on course! Important: Please register under elke.konhaeuser@tet.rub.de EXAM: oral (30 min), registration: directly with the lecturer Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Blockkurs: 18.07.-22.07.2022
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Vorlesungen
[210002] Religion in der Moderne: Moderne Religionsgeschichte Vorderasiens und Europas — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr. Maren Freudenberg, Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 2.17 . Modernity as Structure c. ‘Postmodernity’ 2. Religious Transformations in the Modern Period (Regional Case Studies) a. Central Europe (Germany) b. The Middle East c. North America (USA) 3. Religion and Modernity – Concepts and Themes a. Secularization, Individualization and Pluralization b. Approaches to the Religion and Economy Nexus c. Spirituality vs. Fundamentalism The lecture
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Philosophie, Bachelor of Arts, BA WM a
[030031] Logik Texte - Zur Geschichte der modernen Logik — Seminar
Jun.Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Omori, Dr. Daniel Skurt- Score: 2.17 of selected texts and thereby approach its instrumental significance for the modern sciences, including philosophy.The seminar is aimed at students who have already made their first experiences in the field of logic with the lecture “Grundzüge der Logik” and is held bilingually in German and English. NF Math.+NW Karel Berka, Lothar Kreiser. Logik-Texte - Kommentierte Auswahl zur Geschichte der modernen
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210026] East Asian Religions and the birth of the "World Religions" — Seminar
Dr. phil. Licia Di Giacinto- Score: 2.17 with the Columbian Exposition of 1893. 2 Bände. Chicago: The Parliament Publishing Company, 1893. Masuzawa, Tomoko (2005): The Invention of World Religions. Or how European Universalism Was Preserved in the Language of Pluralism. Chicago Ill. u.a.: Univ. of Chicago Press. Tiele, C. P. Elements of the Science of Religion. Gifford Lectures. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1897-99.
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Rechtswissenschaftliche Fremdsprachenlehrveranstaltungen (§ 7 Abs. 1 Ziff. 3 JAG NRW vom 11.03.2003)
[060300] Introduction to American Law — Kurs
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos- Score: 2.09 decisis, sources of law in the United States, the U.S. court system (both state and federal), the jury system, parties to a lawsuit, basics of the adversary system of trial, pleadings and motions, pretrial discovery, the trial process, case briefs and citations. This course is a core course in the Certificate Program of the Legal Faculty. The course is though a lecture, some participation
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory modules LAP, Laser Materials Processing
[139960] Laser materials processing — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ostendorf- Score: 2.09 view about laser safety and an introduction in laser applications in medical engineering. EXAM: oral (30 min), registration: in the exam office Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Schaaf, Peter "Laser Processing of Materials - Fundamentals, Applications and Developments", Springer, 2010 Iffländer, Reinhard "Solid-State Lasers for Ma
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie, Mastermodul Kulturpsychologie, Kultur- und Sozialtheorie
[080413] S - Hegemony: Between Marx and Freud (KPKS, Teil I / II; IK, Teil I / II) — Seminar
Dr. Anup Dhar, Sandra Plontke, Bent Schiemann- Score: 2.09 : Studiennachweis: regelmäßige Teilnahme, Referat (auch Gruppenreferat) mit Handout sowie zwei Kurzkritiken zu beliebigen Themen in beliebigen Sitzungen; Modulprüfung: regelmäßige Teilnahme, Referat (auch Gruppenreferat) mit Handout oder zwei Kurzkritiken zu beliebigen Themen in beliebigen Sitzungen und Ausarbeitung einer Hausarbeit (ca. 20 Seiten) Lecturer: Dr. Anup Dhar 3 Blocktermine, N.N. Basic Texts
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Pflichtbereich
[141366] Technische Hochfrequenzplasmen — Vorlesung
Apl. Prof. Dr. Julian Schulze- Score: 2.08 troduction Basics Transport Sheath models Heating mechanisms Equilibrium concepts Selected diagnostics and simulation techniques Capacitive Radio Frequency Plasmas Inductive Radio Frequency Plasmas Applications All content is can be downloaded via the lecture website in digitalized form. The lecture and tutorial include recent in
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie, Mastermodul Kulturpsychologie, Kultur- und Sozialtheorie
[080343] S - Kulturpsychologische Sondierungen (KPKS, Teil I / II) — Seminar
Bent Schiemann, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Straub- Score: 1.96 Psychologie des Lernens auf handlungstheoretischer Grundlage Was wird aus dem Menschen? Optimierungen des Humanen I: Selbstoptimierung als Selbstrationalisierung (Gustav Großmanns Exzess im Lichte von Max Webers Rationalisierungsdiagnose) Optimierungen des Humanen II: Die Humanistische Psychologie als Besserungsanstalt für auteronome, sich selbst verwirklichende Subjekte Optimierungen des Humanen III
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Mandatory Elective Courses
[141423] Ultrafast Laser Physics 2: Generation and Applications of Ultrashort Pulses — Vorlesung mit Übung
Michelle Reiche, Prof. Dr. Clara Saraceno- Score: 1.95 Now Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Students who attened the exam of the course "Ultrafast Laser Physics and Technology" are not allowed to take part in the exam. Beginn: 13.04.2022
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Wahlpflichtmodule
[211034] Physical Attacks and Countermeasures — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Amir Moradi- Score: 1.87 tem by means of a physical attack does not infer to the weakness of the algorithm, but of the implementation. Therefore, considering such kinds of attacks as a potential risk for the security is a must when designing a cryptographic device and weaknesses in that regard need to be avoided from the start. The goal of this lecture is to give an overview about the known physical attacks and most considerably the schemes developed to counter such kinds of attacks. In the first part of the lecture different kinds of physical attacks are introduced, while in the second part we focus on countermeasures and the methods to make implementations resistant against known physical attacks. MISCELLANEOUS: IMPORTANT: Be cause of the current sitation, the lecture will have a fully virtual format. To get access to the videos and material, students have to enroll in the moodle course (https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/m/enrol/index.php?id=37774). To get the password, please write a mail to Nicolai Müller (nicolai.mueller@rub.de). A big part of the lecture is project-based. In ad
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Hochfrequente Sensoren und Systeme, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer HSS
[141062] Analoge Schaltungstechnik — Vorlesung mit Übung
M. Sc. Robin Kaesbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Musch- Score: 1.82 dents refined their circuit synthesis skills. CONTENT: The lecture gives insight to the following fields: Circuit biasing Differential amplifier Oscillators - Frequency doublers Phase Lock Loops (PLL) Direct digital synthesizer (DDS) MISCELLANEOUS: Beginn: 12.04.2022
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer PT
[141280] Biomedical Applications of Plasma Technology — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Andrew R. Gibson- Score: 1.82 faces for use in biomedicine, for example, as medical implants. This lecture gives insight into this topical research area by covering the technical basis for plasma applications in biomedicine, and important aspects related to their interactions with biological systems. The lectures are organized as follows: Plasma basics Atmospheric pres
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Energiesystemtechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer EST
[141089] Intelligente Netze — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Laskowski- Score: 1.74 nection with the energy transition. At the end of the lecture, they will be able to describe the basic structures of "intelligent networks" and to apply energy-related and ICT-relevant aspects. CONTENT: The lecture "Intelligent Networks" deals with the effects of the energy transition on the distribution network. Especially the distribution network is cur . These include solutions in demand and supply side management, as well as in the development of telecommunications infrastructures, which enable a stronger interaction of all resources and network areas than ever before. The lecture "Smart Grids" deals with the following topics: Legal foundations of the German energy industry Organization and fields
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory modules LAP, Laser Technology
[138950] Laser technology — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Evgeny Gurevich- Score: 1.71 ferent laser sources will be presented subdivided into solid-state lasers, gas lasers, liquid dye lasers and semiconductor lasers. Finally, non-linear optics is explained in order to generate new wavelengths. EXAM: oral (30 min), registration: FlexNow Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Silfvast, William "Laser Fundamentals", Cambridge Uni
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150260] Hochdimensionale Numerik und Diskrepanz — Vorlesung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Weimar- Score: 1.71 statt. Nähere Informationen finden sich im Moodle-Kurs der Veranstaltung. Chen, W., Srivastav, A. und Travaglini, G.: A Panorama of Discrepancy Theory. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2107. Springer, Cham, 2014. Dick, J. und Pillichshammer, F.: Digital Nets and Sequences - Discrepancy Theory and Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010. Kuipers, L. und Niederreiter
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Magister Theologiae (PO 2011 und 2022), Basismodul Religionswissenschaft/Interkulturelle Theologie
[010625] Seminar: Lived religions in plural cities (Blockseminar - online) — Blockseminar
Prof. Dr. theol Claudia Jahnel, Daniel Jara Jhayya- Score: 1.71 The Blockseminar is organized in the framework of the UNIC alliance of Post-Industrial European cities by the joint work of RUB and the University of Deusto in Spain. It will count with the participation of students from all over Europe and guest-lecturers from around the world. The Blockseminar aims to challenge the notion of post-modern cities as secular or post-religious spaces and points
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Medizintechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar MT
[143220] Master-Seminar Medizintechnik — Seminar
Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Dencks, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Schmitz- Score: 1.71 study areas. The topics offered are prepared by the students, worked out in writing and presented in lectures. The lectures will be discussed with regard to content and presentation. MISCELLANEOUS: Registration is carried out via the E-Learning Portal Moodle of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. You will receive further information in the preliminary meeting on 11
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013), Wahlpflicht Module Elektronik, Rechnergestützte Schaltungsanalyse
[141376] Rechnergestützte Schaltungsanalyse — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Peter Brinkmann, Dr.-Ing. Dennis Krüger, Dr.-Ing. Pierre Mayr- Score: 1.71 using the example of SPICE and Mathematica. They both got to know simulators and understand how to apply them. Practical exercises are selected with a view to the contents of the study of electrical engineering and information technology. Both parts are divided into lectures in the lecture hall HID and exercises at the CIP pool of the Department of Elec
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Practical Subjects
[141422] Laser Colloquium — Kolloquium
Michelle Reiche, Prof. Dr. Clara Saraceno- Score: 1.62 CELLANEOUS: The schedule of the colloquium can be found here: https://etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/puls/forschung/laser-kolloquium/ The Moodle to enrol can be found here: https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/course/view.php?id=45694# EXAM: seminar, registration: directly with the lecturer Beginn: 08.04.2022
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013), Elektronik, Wahlpflicht Module, Master-Praktikum EL
[142379] Master-Projekt Humanitäre Technologie — Projekt
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Baer- Score: 1.62 real application after completion. MISCELLANEOUS: Please contact the lecturer for further information. Vorbesprechung am 20.04.2022 ab 16:30 Uhr Bitte melden Sie sich beim Dozenten wenn sie am Projekt im SoSe22 teilnehmen möchten
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Pflichtbereich
[141284] Plasmatechnik 2 — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Awakowicz- Score: 1.61 teractions and concrete physical-technical processes and equipment. The first part of the lecture is about the gas-phase and surface processes in modern plasma-technical processes. On the basis of illustrative images, the physical bases of the important surface processes are obtained.The interaction of gas-phase and surface-kinetics will be shown by the example of the oxi pending on important parameters. The plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) forms the third part of the lecture. Here, the deposition of films such as silicon dioxide and amorphous hydrogen-doped silicon, which are so important for microelectronics, are discussed with simple models. MISCELLANEOUS: Beginn: 06.04.2022
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Veranstaltungen für Studierende anderer Fakultäten, Veranstaltungen für Studierende der natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fakultäten, Vorlesungen
[201015] Biomedizinische Funktionssysteme II — Vorlesung
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Hexamer- Score: 1.61 -Lungen-Maschine, ECMO, Herzunterstützungssysteme. SONSTIGES: PRÜFUNG: mündlich (30 min), Anmeldung: FlexNow GOALS: On the basis of 'Biomedical Systems I', the students have expanded their basic medical/physiological knowledge and become acquainted with other medical technology procedures in this second part of the lecture. CONTENT: The lecture presents the phy siological basics of other organ systems and deals with medical devices/procedures for diagnosis/therapy of related diseases. Lecture contents are: Basics of the measurement of biopotentials (electrodes, differential amplifiers, instrument amplifiers, isolation, filtering, interference suppression). Influencing body functions with neuronal or mu
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Medizintechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer MT
[141005] Künstliche Intelligenz für Ingenieure — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Lunze- Score: 1.53 principles of knowledge representation and the symbolic information processing, with application examples from the field of automation technology, in particular search methods in directed graphs, rule-based systems, design and function of logic-based systems, fault diagnosis applications. MISCELLANEOUS: Further information on the lecture
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Pflichtbereich
[141362] Modellierung technischer Plasmen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Peter Brinkmann- Score: 1.53 pose. CONTENT: A plasma is a system of many (1020) electromagnetically and quantum mechanically interacting particles (electrons, ions, neutrals) far from thermal equilibrium. The lecture discusses physical concepts and mathematical models which are suited to describe such systems and understand and calculate their properties. Motion of char
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Globalisierung, Transnationalisierung und Governance, Mastermodul Internationalisierung und Transnationalisierung
[080611] S Corruption, Data and the Sustainable Development Goals (IT, Teil II) (Summer School) — Blockseminar
Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul, Birgit Frey- Score: 1.53 areas. Voraussetzungen für Studiennachweise / Modulprüfungen: Preparation/Lecture: 30 h, Summer School: 50 h, Research and Project: 40 h (Erstellung einer Roadmap) + Präsentation im Plenum und fachspezifische schriftliche Ausarbeitung Je nach fachlicher Voraussetzung wird die Summer School wie folgt kreditiert: 3 ECTS for active participation + presentation 6 ECTS for active participation
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, Praxismodul 3
[144012] Praxisprojekt und Projektbericht — Praktikum
Hochschullehrende der Fakultät ET/IT- Score: 1.46 dustriellen Bedingungen Projektierung, Fertigungsvorbereitung, Dokumentation, Test Fertigung von Bauelementen, Leiterkarten, Schaltkreisen Montage von Geräten und Anlagen Installation und Inbetriebnahme von Geräten, Maschinen und Anlagen – Qualitätssicherung, Fertigungskontrolle, Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse Vertrieb, Marketing, kauf
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210041] Kreuzzüge: Heiliger Krieg – Kulturbegegnung – Migration — Vorlesung / Seminar
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph Auffarth- Score: 1.45 online and partly asynchronously. The main language of teaching is German, some materials can be provided in English. If you are interested in English materials, please contact the lecturer. Participation in the meetings is possible in both languages. Die beste Einführung ist die von Nikolas Jaspert: Die Kreuzzüge. (Geschichte Kompakt) Darmstadt ²2004; 72020. Englisch The crusades. (Trans. Phyllis G
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Pflichtmodule
[211011] Systemsicherheit — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Ghassan Karame- Score: 1.45 about basic protection mechanisms for modern OSs, software, and hardware systems. Students will also develop the ability to reason about the security of a given protocol and independently develop appropriate security defenses and security models. Form of examination Written exam (120 min), registraion over FlexNow Form of Teaching Lecture with exercises. An integral part of this course
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer KT
[141122] Antennen für die Mobil- und Satellitenkommunikation — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Geissler- Score: 1.45 tennas for user terminals, one should not only consider the gain and the antenna efficiency, but also the electrical effects of the phone chassis, as well as the influence of the user’s presence have to be included into the design. Besides, electronic beamforming antennas come more and more into the focus. This lecture starts with antenna basics, provides an over tennas, reflector antennas Application specific designs for mobile phones, for cars, for planes and for ships Steerable Antennas, electronic beamforming, phased arrays Besides, the lecture also comprises an interactive 3D field simulation session for antenna design as well as an excursion to an external antenna lab & design facility. Beginn
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, Technischer Wahlbereich, Lineare Optimierung
[141219] Lineare Optimierung — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aydin Sezgin- Score: 1.45 luation SoSe 2015 MISCELLANEOUS: Register to the lectures via https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ Additional literature: • Berstsimas, D., Tsitsikilis, J. N., “Introduction to linear optimization”, Athena Scientific, 1997 • Hamacher, H. W., Klamroth, K., “Lineare Optimierung und Netzwerkoptimierung”, 2. Auflage, Vieweg Verlag, 2006 Script for lecture
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Medizintechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar MT
[143204] Master-Seminar Algorithmen der Signalverarbeitung — Seminar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aydin Sezgin- Score: 1.38 FUNG: Seminarbeitrag GOALS: CONTENTS: MISCELLANEOUS: Register to the lectures via https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Automatisierungstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Praktikum AT
[142001] Master-Praktikum Automatisierungstechnik — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Lunze, Dr.-Ing. Christian Wölfel- Score: 1.38 blems. Moreover, they have received key qualifications by carrying out experiments in team-based group work. CONTENT: The practical course deepened the contents of the lecture 'automatic control' and provides opportunities for application of modern digital automation devices. The practical course comprises the following experiments: Robotic gripper
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Wahlpflichtmodule
[211015] Programmanalyse — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Kevin Borgolte- Score: 1.32 grams Analysis of control and data flow Symbolic execution Taint tracking Binary Instrumentation Program slicing Overview of existing analysis tools In the first part of the course, an introduction to x86/x64 assembler is given and the basic techniques of reverse engineering are presented. The lectures are accompanied by exercises, in which the pre
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Medizintechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar MT
[143163] Master-Seminar Sprach- und Mustererkennung — Seminar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Kolossa- Score: 1.32 tail and presented by the participants. Throughout the course of a semester, the students prepare a half-hour lecture on a current journal or conference article and present it in the seminar. Possible topics include, for example, robust and audiovisual speech recognition, EEG analysis and multimodal biometrics. CONTENT: The seminar not only teaches tech
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Elektronik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Praktikum EL
[142301] Master Praktikum fortgeschrittener Layout-Entwurf integrierter Schaltungen — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Oehm- Score: 1.32 derstanding of the design flow as well as the creation of more complex layout-designs is given in a current CMOS technology using a professional IC design software. CONTENT: In this laboratory, a more complex circuit, known from the lecture „Integrationsgerechte BiCMOS-Schaltungen“, is developed and layouted. With the help of these circuits the full design flow is prac
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Energiesystemtechnik, Pflichtbereich
[141088] Geregelte leistungselektronische Stellglieder — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Staudt- Score: 1.26 trary demands – is constructed. CONTENT: This lecture focuses self-commutated converters and their application to the control of electric power. As a basis an overview of typical topologies of self-commutated converters is give. The associated power-electronic element and their properties are introduced. Switching losses and their reduction are di plications. Relevant concepts and their respective properties are discussed. Control, specially current control , closes the lecture. In the context of control the switching of power electronics and its effect on the control chain is discussed . Special control structures which incorporate this switching behaviour directly are presented. MISCELLANEOUS: Beginn
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer KT
[141128] Systeme und Schaltungen der Mobilkommunikation — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Vogt- Score: 1.21 works, and almost unlimited communication capabilities are already part of our everyday life. In the framework of this lecture, the underlying techniques and concepts for electronic circuits, high frequency components, as well as system theoretical aspects of mobile communications systems are presented and discussed. Overview: - Introduction into mo
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Elektronik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer EL
[141302] Integrationsgerechte BiCMOS-Schaltungen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Oehm- Score: 1.15 cuit concepts which are composed by discrete elements cannot be one-to-one transferred into concepts which are suitable for integration, typically. Accordingly, as part of the lecture the most common approaches in order to integrate analog/digital core functionalities into a BiCMOS technology are introduced. The lecture accompanying interactive CAD com
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Mandatory Elective Courses
[141367] Electromagnetic Fields — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr. Denis Eremin- Score: 1.11 veguide modes Resonant cavities Green's function for a time-dependent problem in free space Fields and radiation of localized oscillating sources MISCELLANEOUS: EXAM: oral (30 min), registration: FlexNow Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Start: 04.04.2022 Jackson, John David "Classical Electrodynamics", Wiley & Sons, 1998 Griffiths, D.J. "In
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Automatisierungstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer AT
[141013] Vernetzte Regelungssysteme — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Lunze- Score: 1.11 sign methods of the communication structure Event-based control The exercises will be held in the CIP pool by using MATLAB. The content of the course includes the handling of project tasks, whereby the submission of the project results is a compulsory condition for the admission to the exam. MISCELLANEOUS: Further information on the lecture
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer PT
[141131] Systeme der Hochfrequenztechnik — Vorlesung mit Übung
Heike Mollenhauer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ilona Rolfes- Score: 1.11 ponents and circuits. They are able to handle methods for the analysis and the design of high-frequency systems. Examples in the fields of communication, radar, measurement and sensor techniques as well as medicine are known. content Content of the Lecture: Passive and active high-frequency components and circuits Propagation of electromagnetic waves Ge
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer PT
[141290] Plasmaspektroskopie — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Awakowicz- Score: 1.03 rameters from spectra as well as to pinpoint limitations and precision of the used models and instruments. CONTENT: The lecture is an introduction to applied plasma spectroscopy and is divided into the three parts. First, it is discussed how light can be defined and why it is possible to diffract the light by its wavelengths. Afterwards, the different com
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[141044] Grundlagen der automatischen Spracherkennung - AUSFALL SoSe 2022 — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Kolossa- Score: 1.03 tems. They can implement the core algorithms of automatic speech recognition and they understand the principle of operation of state-of-the art small- and large-vocabulary recognizers. CONTENT: The lecture teaches foundations and application of machine speech recognition in that form, in which they are being used in current systems for continuous speech re
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar KT
[143203] Master-Seminar Memristive Systeme für Neuromorphe Schaltungen — Seminar
Priv. Doz. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Ochs- Score: 1.03 ceived as well-structured, comprehensible and interesting. Furthermore, it is possible to discuss technical issues appropriately. CONTENT: In this course, current research topics in the field of circuit-based information processing are considered in detail and presented by the participants. In the course of a semester, the students prepare a half-hour lecture
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer KT
[141168] Embedded Multimedia — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Theimer- Score: 0.90 multimedia communication problem in a project team. CONTENT: The course teaches the basics for carrying out development work in the field of embedded systems and focuses on multimedia technologies. At the beginning of the lecture a short introduction into the development processes such as system engineering, software development and test pro
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Energiesystemtechnik, Pflichtbereich
[141400] Mechatronische Antriebssysteme — Vorlesung mit Übung
M. Sc. Florian Bendrat, Dr.-Ing. Matthias Krüger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Constantinos Sourkounis- Score: 0.90 wird in der ersten Lehrveranstaltung bekannt gegeben. PRÜFUNG: mündlich (30 min), Anmeldung: FlexNow Prüfungstermine und Anmeldehinweise GOALS: The students will be able to mathematically model complex drive systems considering the interactions of the subsystems. They will manage to design and understand higher-level control approaches. CONTENT: In the lecture
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer KT
[141210] Lineare zeitvariante Systeme: Methoden und Anwendungen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Priv. Doz. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Ochs- Score: 0.85 me-variant, they are difficult to master. This issue is addressed by the lecture, where methods of analysis, synthesis, and design of time-varying linear systems are taught. The systems are characterized by transfer functions and impulse responses, which are time- or frequency-variant. Especially, the time-variant transfer function is used to investigate the ro
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Pflichtbereich, Elektronik 2
[141066] Elektronik 2 - Schaltungen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Musch, Dr.-Ing. Gordon Notzon- Score: 0.85 tronic problems and synthesize electronic circuits. CONTENT: The lecture 'Electronics 2 - Circuits' provides the basics of circuitry with electronic components. Based on the properties of both discrete passive and active electronic components, for the increased complexity of electronic circuits the transmission behavior is determined ana
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, Technischer Wahlbereich, Quantenmechanik und Statistik
[141265] Quantenmechanik und Statistik — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hofmann- Score: 0.85 vice behaviour substantially. With other words: the function of modern semiconductor devices relies on quantum mechanical principles and cannot be underastood with classical physics anymore. The lecture covers the fundamentals of quantum mechanical concepts and of thermodynamical statistics. Concepts like the Schrödinger equation, wave func
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013), Wahlpflicht Module Elektronik, Bachelor-Praktikum Energietechnik
[142080] Bachelor-Praktikum Energietechnik — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Constantinos Sourkounis- Score: 0.76 dents learn to collaborate effectively and how to use this ability for their future work life. CONTENT: The most important electrical equipment explained in the lecture “Fundamentals of Electric Engineering III” is examined by the students in person during the lab “Basics of Electrical Power Engineering”. A total of six experiments is available: i.e. shunt-wound DC
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, Technischer Wahlbereich, Übertragung digitaler Signale
[141199] Übertragung digitaler Signale — Vorlesung mit Übung
Priv. Doz. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Ochs- Score: 0.76 velope detector. Furthermore, the carrier and symbol timing recovery is an important issue. This lecture covers also pulse shaping with respect to intersymbol interference and with respect to the used bandwidth. For this, the channel is additionally noisy, which can be treated by using matched filter techniques or a correlation receiver. Finally, the ma
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Medizintechnik, Pflichtbereich
[141223] Tomographische Abbildungsverfahren in der Medizin — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Dencks, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Schmitz- Score: 0.76 construction procedures, all steps from data acquisition to the image are taught. MISCELLANEOUS: Registration is carried out via the E-Learning Portal Moodle of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The required information is provided in the first lecture. Beginn: 06.04.2022 Morneburg, Heinz "Bildgebende Systeme für die medizinische Diagnostik", Publicis Corporate Pu
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Veranstaltungen für Studierende anderer Fakultäten, Veranstaltungen für Studierende der natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fakultäten, Kurse und Praktika
[202620] Master-Praktikum Biomedizinische Messtechnik — Praktikum
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Hexamer- Score: 0.68 cessing. The experience of physiological basics on the own body. CONTENT: The practical course deepens the lecture Biomedical Systems I in 4 experimental blocks. Measurement of Biopotentials: Differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, isolation, filtering, registration of ECG, EMG and EEG on the own body. Spirometry and respiratory gas
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Energiesystemtechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer EST
[141405] Energiespeichersysteme — Vorlesung mit Übung
M. Sc. Philip Krajinski, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Constantinos Sourkounis- Score: 0.68 tems (hybrid vehicles). CONTENT: The lecture 'Energy Storage Systems' deals with different types of storage for chemical, potential, kinetic and thermal energy and their use in power engineering systems. Building on the physical basis of the storage types, their functional principles are discussed. To structure the different types of storage sys
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Energiesystemtechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Praktikum EST
[142083] Master-Praktikum Regenerative Elektrische Energietechnik — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Constantinos Sourkounis- Score: 0.68 , Details sind im Moodle-Kurs angegeben. PRÜFUNG: Praktikum GOALS: The students expand and extend their knowledge in the area of renewable energy systems. They learn how to apply theory, as known from several lectures, to renewable energy sources. They become able to configure, analyze and optimize renewable energy systems and associated basic power elec
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Pflichtbereich, Praxismodul 1
[142222] MATLAB-Praktikum — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Kolossa, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aydin Sezgin- Score: 0.62 le. https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/m/course/view.php?id=38441 In total, there are 12 sessions. Six sessions are offered by the chair for DCS and the other 6 sessions are offered by the research groups of KS. Moreover, two sessions (one for the chair DCS and one for the research group KS) are planned as alternative sessions. We recommend taking the lecture Systemtheorie 1 in parallel. Beginn: 05.04.2022
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[141220] Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Dencks- Score: 0.57 formation is provided in the first lecture. Beginn: 08.04.2022 Lehmann, Thomas, Oberschelp, Walter, Pelikan, Erich "Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin", Springer, 1997 Campisi, Patrizio, Egiazarian, Karen "Blind Image Deconvolution. Theory and Applications", CRC Press, 2007 Fischer, Max, Haberäcker, Peter, Nischwitz, Alfred "Computergrafik und Bild
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Pflichtbereich, Systemtheorie 3
[141224] Systemtheorie 3 - Stochastische Signale — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Stefanie Dencks, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Schmitz- Score: 0.49 riodogram, parameter estimation for linear processes MISCELLANEOUS: Registration is carried out via the E-Learning Portal Moodle of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The required information is provided in the first lecture. Beginn: 05.04.2022 Kay, Steven M. "Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Volume I: Estimation Theory", Prentice Hall