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Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Vorlesungen
[210005] Key Concepts in the Study of Religion — Vorlesung
Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 12.45 ; the chronological dimension of religion: concepts and questions upon the possible 'evolution of religion' Â In the second part of the course, Lecturers from CERES will present their current research projects. The course consists of recorded lectures that can be viewed via Moodle, Literature to be prepared for each session, and online meetings (to be announced via Moodle). Students will get credits for this course by uploading hand-ins for each week and passing a written or oral exam at the end. This 4-hour course shall introduce M.A. students of the M.A. Program to the subject 'religious studies'. This will be done in the first part of the course by presenting and discussing key terms and concepts central to the scientific approach towards religion. These include aspects and dimensions such as of life; the social dimension of religion: religious roles and instituions; the chronological dimension of religion: concepts and questions upon the possible 'evolution of religion' In the second part of the course, Lecturers from CERES will present their current research projects. The course consists of recorded lectures that can be viewed via Moodle, Literature to be prepared for each session This 4-hour course shall introduce M.A. students of the M.A. Program to the subject 'religious studies'. This will be done in the first part of the course by presenting and discussing key terms and concepts central to the scientific approach towards religion. These include aspects and dimensions such as: Â the definition (and deconstruction) of the 'religion', along with the concepts , and online meetings (to be announced via Moodle). Students will get credits for this course by uploading hand-ins for each week and passing a written or oral exam at the end.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050695A] Communication AM, Gruppe A (Summer School) — Übung
Dr. Marten Juskan- Score: 10.29 SUMMER SCHOOL After a brief general discussion of relevant factors in human communication you will get to practise and hone your linguistic skills in concrete scenarios. Communicative tasks include – for example – abstracts, emails, and covering letters, in each case with a special focus on the requirements of communicating successfully in (an academic) context. A significant part
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150275] Convex and Integral Geometry (Part 2) — Vorlesung
Dr. Daniel Rosen, Dr. Holger Sambale, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle- Score: 9.36 Convex and Integral Geometry (Part 2) Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),, In the first part of this lecture we develop further the concepts and results from integral geometry. We especially deal systematically with intrinsic volumes and their surrounding theory in higher dimensions. The second part of the lecture is devoted to the celebrated Brunn-Minkoswki inequality and discusses a number of its striking applications. This course is a continuation of the course
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030097] Methods in Philosophy of Science — Seminar
Jun.Prof. Dr. Jan Baedke- Score: 9.35 This seminar addresses methodological issues in philosophy of science. This includes, among others, ways to conduct philosophy of science vs. philosophy for science, methods of integrated history and philosophy of science (HPS), argumentation theory as well as experimental and digital methods in philosophy of science. The seminar is obligatory for students of the master program HPS +. Kompaktseminar 26.-29.09.22, 10-16, HPS+
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Physical Chemistry
[181852] In-depth Practical: Physical Chemistry, Part I + II — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martina Havenith-Newen, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kruss, Prof. Dr. Karina Morgenstern, Prof. Dr. Poul B. Petersen- Score: 8.81 In-depth Practical: Physical Chemistry, Part I + II Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Physical Chemistry (per part )
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Optional Courses
[126511] Training of Competences, part 2 (MSc-CE-W02) — Übung
Ulrike Königs- Score: 8.38 Training of Competences, part 2 (MSc-CE-W02) Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Optional Courses,,
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, MA-Fachstudienphase, Seminare
[050309] Comics über Literatur (A2, V2, A5, V6) — Blockseminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Monika Schmitz-Emans- Score: 8.23 . Vorbesprechung: Fr. 6.5., 10-14 Uhr. Sitzungen: Fr. 3.6., 10-16 Uhr Fr. 8.7., 10-16 Uhr.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Romanistik, Proseminare, Sprachwissenschaft
[050911] Lexikographie des Französischen — Proseminar
Dr. Judith Kittler- Score: 8.18 1. vorbereitende obligatorische Sitzung am Termin: dann: Blockseminar vom 5.09.-09.09.2022 von 10-16 Uhr
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Fachdidaktik, Übungen
[050572] Sprechen (3.3, A.4) — Übung
apl. Prof. Dr. phil. Ralph Köhnen- Score: 8.08 zwar am Fr. 6. Mai 12-18 Uhr und Sa. 7. Mai 10-16 Uhr. TN durch aktive Mitarbeit. Blockveranstaltung Freitag, 6. Mai 12-18 h und Samstag, 7. Mai 10-16 h
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080369] S Migration and transnational relations in Postindustrial Cities (A&O, Teil II; IT, Teil I; IK, Teil I; FW, Teil III) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries- Score: 8.05 ) elaborating some basic social mechanisms that structure international migration since long, then (2) addresses the history and current relevance of migration in postindustrial cities of the UNIC network (https://www.unic.eu) and (3) finally gives opportunities to deepen in selected aspects of transnational relations and organizations caused by or inducing migration. This Master-course is part of the joint Master of Education,Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts,, Migration is a crucial and dynamic part of human life. International migration ranges from voluntary migration of high skilled labor migrants up to forced migration of refugees. Even in times of global mobility, international migrants always pass by specific places. Therefore, the course focuses on transnational relations caused by migration in postindustrial cities. This course starts from (1 efforts of 8 European universities, integrated in the UNIC network (https://www.unic.eu), to coordinate and innovate their teaching and researching activities. Therefore, Master students of all 8 UNIC universities are welcome to participate in this course. One basic idea is to deal with all the main topics mentioned before in a comparative perspective by taking the cities of the UNIC universities . Participants have the chance to define specific research questions and work on that in teams – group work will be presented on the last onsite day. Voraussetzungen für Studiennachweise / Modulprüfungen - conditions for CPs Active participation in 1 onsite meeting, regular participation in weekly sessions onsite or digitally (each Tuesday 10-12 CET, 05.04.-19.07.2022); zoom and Moodle access
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177703] Research project on ore deposit — Übung
Prof. Dr. Annika Dziggel- Score: 8.01 This course emcompasses the guided independent study of well characterized hydrothermal ore deposits using hand specimens, thin- and polished sections and a range of whole rock and mineral-chemical data. This course introduces students to research oriented learning and is aimed at preparing the students for their Master projects. Relevant literature will be presented at the beginning of each
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177521] Methods of rock analysis — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Sumit Chakraborty, Dr. Thomas Fockenberg- Score: 7.99 This is a required course at the beginning of the petrological curriculum at the Masters level. The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the variety of analytical tools that are available to the modern petrologist / geochemist. For each method discussed, the basic physical principle of the analysis, the capabilities (e.g. major / trace elements, detection limits, kinds of elements analyzed etc.) and typical applications will be introduced. The ultimate objective is to provide an overview which will help subsequently to appreciate the literature better and to plan the Masters Thesis properly.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Mastermodul Sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien
[080300] S -DIGITAL-Enjoying Theories (ST, Teil I/II) — Seminar
Dr. Ryoko Asai- Score: 7.93 1-Fach Master: Module f�r alle Studienprogramme,Mastermodul Sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien,, of the issue more clearly. Of course, each theory has been established based on different social contexts and also has different characteristics. Therefore, we need to learn how to use theories for examining an issue effectively as well as understand the characteristics of the theories. Understanding theories is a ticket to freedom of thought and creativity. In order to learn social theories, we will read English texts about some theories and discuss our views on them. We will examine how the theories address particular social issues, and how to apply the theories to analyze the issues. To make the reading of the texts as comfortable as possible, guiding questions to each of the texts will be provided. Participants will learn: How to approach theoretical texts effectively How to consider ourselves üfungen: Studiennachweis: Reading the texts(in English), Submitting a report that responds to reflective questions for each of the texts, Presenting own ideas and opinions, commenting on and discussing other participants’ ideas and opinions. Modulprüfung: Writing an essay. Wednesday 10-12 h Details about readings and materials will be announced at the beginning of the term. Must read books and papers are proposed corresponding to each topic in the class.
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[128047] Objektorientierte Modellierung und Programmierung der Finite-Elemente-Methode / Objekt-oriented Modelling and Implementation of Structural Analysis Software (MSc-BI-W39 und MSc-CE-WP10) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke- Score: 7.69 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Compulsory Optional Courses,, of the finite element method and object-oriented programming are briefly summarized. The programming part of the course comprises two parts. In the first part, the topic is fixed: Students individually develop an object-oriented finite element program for the linear analysis of spatial truss structures. The program is verified by means of the static analysis of a representative benchmark and afterwards applied for the numerical analysis of an individually designed spatial truss structure. In the second part, students can choose between different options. Either, the application developed in the first part is extended to more challenging problems (nonlinear analysis, other element types, etc.) or students switch to an existing object-oriented finite element package (e.g. Kratos) and develop , the fundamentals of the finite element method and object-oriented programming are briefly summarized. The programming part of the course comprises two parts. In the first part, the topic is fixed: Students individually develop an object-oriented finite element program for the linear analysis of spatial truss structures. The program is verified by means of the static analysis of a representative benchmark and afterwards applied for the numerical analysis of an individually designed spatial truss structure. In the second part, students can choose between different options. Either, the application developed in the first part is extended to more challenging problems (nonlinear analysis, other element types, etc.) or students switch to an existing object-oriented finite element package (e.g. Kratos) and develop
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Theoretical Chemistry
[181874] In-depth Practical: Theoretical Chemistry, Part II — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Christof Hättig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Marx, Prof. Dr. Lars Schäfer- Score: 7.63 In-depth Practical: Theoretical Chemistry, Part II Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Theoretical Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Theoretical Chemistry
[181875] In-depth Practical: Theoretical Chemistry, Part III — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Christof Hättig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Marx, Prof. Dr. Lars Schäfer- Score: 7.63 In-depth Practical: Theoretical Chemistry, Part III Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Theoretical Chemistry
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Übungen MEL
[050609B] Medieval English Literature, Gruppe B — Übung
Julia Wellnitz- Score: 7.39 Each MEL group will have a different over-arching theme which may vary from semester to semester. Some of the themes covered so far are: “Woman Defamed, Woman Defended�?, “Love from the Sacred to the Profane�?, or “Of Men, Monsters and Marvels�?. Students must choose a subtopic from within the theme and set up a research project resulting in an individual research report as well as a slide presentation based on this report at the end of the course. Several quizzes, a bibliography and a review are also part of the requirements. The lectures, seminars and virtual teaching sessions (which can be used to ‘compare notes’ with fellow students and/or consult on an individual or group basis with the lecturer) introduce both medieval literature as well as the more practical aspects
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Übungen MEL
[050609A] Medieval English Literature, Gruppe A — Übung
Dr. phil. Daniel McCann- Score: 7.39 Each MEL group will have a different over-arching theme which may vary from semester to semester. Some of the themes covered so far are: “Woman Defamed, Woman Defended�?, “Love from the Sacred to the Profane�?, or “Of Men, Monsters and Marvels�?. Students must choose a subtopic from within the theme and set up a research project resulting in an individual research report as well as a slide presentation based on this report at the end of the course. Several quizzes, a bibliography and a review are also part of the requirements. The lectures, seminars and virtual teaching sessions (which can be used to ‘compare notes’ with fellow students and/or consult on an individual or group basis with the lecturer) introduce both medieval literature as well as the more practical aspects
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Masterstudiengang Public History, Modul 7, Modul 7 - Korb 5 20. Jahrhundert
[040154] HS: Das Bewegen schwerer Lasten von der Antike bis heute. Mehr als eine Kulturgeschichte! — Hauptseminar
Prof. Dr. Manfred Rasch- Score: 7.37 Blocksem. in Präsenz, Vorbesprechung: Freitag 8.4. 12-16 Uhr, Seminare Samstag 2. und 9.7. jeweils 10-16 Uhr. Blockseminar
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Management und Regulierung von Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Organisation, Mastermodul Erwerbsregulierung und Partizipation
[080371] S Workers' Participation worldwide (E&P, Teil I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wannöffel- Score: 7.32 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Management und Regulierung von Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Organisation,Mastermodul Erwerbsregulierung und Partizipation,, . Please note that the course will be held in English! Blockseminar 7.4.22 16-18h in Raum GD 2/156 7.6.22 10-18h 8.6.22 10-18h 9.6.22 10-16h
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Soziologie, Arbeit, Organisation und Gesellschaft
[080366] S Organisations, Institutions, Social Movements (A&O, Teil I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Margit Fauser- Score: 7.23 2-F�cher Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Soziologie,Arbeit, Organisation und Gesellschaft,, now. Economic change, post-fordist production and the emergence of the “new economy�? have been accompanied by changing forms of organization that put greater emphasis on network structures. At the same time, new forms of collective action and protest mobilization can be observed, in parts leading to new forms of self-organizing addressing deficits of existing organisations and markets and improve your English language skills is essential. All participants are expected to prepare each week’s reading and participate actively in the seminar discussions and work-groups. In addition, they prepare one article summary (2 pages) and one shorter oral input (10 Minutes). (Studiennachweis). Graded examination (Modulprüfung) consists of a more extended oral presentation (20 minutes, in English
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018), Module 3: Sports Medicine & Sports Nutrition
[100908] Seminar Sports nutrition for Health and Performance Part II — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Petra Platen- Score: 7.20 Seminar Sports nutrition for Health and Performance Part II Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018),Module 3: Sports Medicine & Sports Nutrition,,
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177702] Pre-field course seminar — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Annika Dziggel, Dr. Silvia Volante- Score: 7.04 The content and exact duration of the field course depend on the field area, which is variable each year (Scotland, South Africa, …). The field course is preceded by a seminar. The aim of this field course is to train the student's field skills in tectonics and economic geology, and to combine theoretical knowledge with field observations. The field course may include small mapping projects and visits to open pit and underground mines. Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben Relevant literature will be presented at the beginning of each course.
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Bachelor Psychologie (PO 2017), 6. Semester, Bereich Nachqualifizierung nach Approbationsordnung
[112525] Pädagogische Psychologie — Blockveranstaltung
Jr.-Prof. Dr. Malte Elson- Score: 7.02 Nachqualifizierung für die Bachelor Psychologie Studiengänge PO 2017 und älter. In der Blockveranstaltung werden die Grundlagen der Pädagogik für Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten vermittelt. Online, Blockveranstaltung: 22.04. 29.04. 06.05. 13.05. 20.05.2022 10-16 Uhr
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Bachelor, Modul 4
[040142] PÜ: Geschichte im Museum. Theorie und Praxis historischer Museen und Ausstellungen — praktische Übung
Dietmar Osses- Score: 7.02 Dozent/in: Osses Blockseminar mit zwei Exkursionen: 06.09., 16-18 Uhr; 07.09., 14-18 Uhr; 08.09., 10-16 Uhr; 13.09., 16-18 Uhr; 14.09., 14-18 Uhr; 15.09., 10-18 Uhr; 16.09., 16-18 Uhr
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul
[080310] S Big data in applied Economic research (FEG) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Zohal Hessami- Score: 6.87 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme,Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul,, is and to what extent it can be used to test hypotheses and analyze causal relationships. In the second part of the course, students will present one paper from the literature that uses big data to illustrate the concepts discussed in the first part of the course. In addition, they will write a critical three-page referee report on another paper from the literature. Students learn about a new set of methods
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[126509] High-Performance Computing on Multi- and Manycore Processors (MSc-CE-WP25 und MSc-BI-W55) — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogel- Score: 6.84 Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik,M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Anwendungsmodule The lecture addresses parallelization for multi- and manycore processors. Thread-based programming concepts (pthreads, C++11 threads, OpenMP, OpenCL) are introduced and best- practice implementation aspects are highlighted based on applications from scientific computing. In the first part, the lecture provides an overview on relevant data structures, solver techniques and programming patterns from scientific computing. An introduction to multi-threading programming on multicore systems is then provided with special attention to shared-memory aspects. Parallelization patterns are discussed and highlighted. Numerical experiments and self-developed software implementations are used to discuss and illustrate the presented content. In the second part, students are assigned (pthreads, C++11 threads, OpenMP, OpenCL) are introduced and best- practice implementation aspects are highlighted based on applications from scientific computing. In the first part, the lecture provides an overview on relevant data structures, solver techniques and programming patterns from scientific computing. An introduction to multi-threading programming on multicore systems is then provided with special attention to shared-memory aspects. Parallelization patterns are discussed and highlighted. Numerical experiments and self-developed software implementations are used to discuss and illustrate the presented content. In the second part, students are assigned advanced topics for shared-memory computation from the engineering science including finite element methods and artificial
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Archäologische Wissenschaften, 2-Fach-BA Fachmodule: Klassische Archäologie, Fachmodul 2, 2-BA FM 2 KA-1
[040419] Die Lehrwerkstatt: Keramik — Übung
Dr. phil. Soi Agelidis, Ulrike Weber- Score: 6.80 Lehrwerkstatt Plätze: 12, nur mit persönlicher Anmeldung Vorbesprechung: Do 07.04.2022, 10:00 h Blockveranstaltung: Sa 21./ So 22. und Sa 28./ So 29.05.2022 10-16 h alle fünf Termine obligatorisch alle fünf Termine in der Lehrwerkstatt
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080372] S Transnational Labor Governance and the Digital Transformation (E&P, Teil II; FW, Teil I) — Seminar
Dr. Patrick Witzak- Score: 6.80 Master of Education,Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts,, welfare state is a geographical space for the granting of social rights. However, these national social spaces are eroding and new, partly supranational alliances, cross-border regions, transnational value chains and digital spaces are forming in which traditional national social rights are partly being undermined or renegotiated. Within this field of conflict between migration, labor, digitization examination can be taken in module part I or II. The module grade results from the module examination in the one part, in the other part of the module an ungraded proof of study has to be provided. Thus, two options are available for the seminar "Transnational Labor Governance and the Digital Transformation": 1: Graded by a written seminar thesis (Hausarbeit) and preceded by a presentation (Referat). 2
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160626] Astronomisches Beobachtungs-Praktikum / Laboratory: Observational astronomy — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Dominik J. Bomans, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar- Score: 6.67 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics, Anmerkung: Das Praktikum schließt Seminarvorträge zur Vorbereitung der Techniken und der aktuellen BeobachtungsprogrammeZielsetzungen:Erlangung praktischer Erfahrungen in modernen Beobachtungsmethoden (CCD Photometrie und Spektroskopie) und Auswertung solcher Daten Blockveranstaltung n.V. (im Rahmen des Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikums für Physikerinnen und Physiker) / compact course (part
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160620] Selected Topics of Astronomy II (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Dominik J. Bomans, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar, Prof. Dr. Anna Franckowiak, Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hildebrandt- Score: 6.57 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics, to the seminar participants as part of a lecture and thus practice presentation techniques.
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodule im Bereich Economics, Modul Introductory Migration Economics
[073007] V Introductory Migration Economics — Vorlesung
Dr. Lisa-Sofie Höckel- Score: 6.48 , it is expected that each student summarizes and presents a journal article from the field of migration economics. This module gives an introduction to the topic of migration economics. The module consists of an introductory lecture and a literature seminar. The literature gives an overview of the basic theoretical and empirical concepts dealt with in migration economics. The seminar aims to deepen specific topics dealt with in the lecture. Students are required to independently prepare for this. In doing so, it is expected that each student summarizes and presents a journal article from the field of migration economics.
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, praktische Vertiefung
[211037] Information Security — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Ghassan Karame- Score: 6.45 Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit,M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,praktische Vertiefung For the first time, we offer a Master seminar on Information Security. The seminar will focus on various security and privacy aspects in cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms, security aspects of machine learning platforms, as well as on the security of secure hardware, such as Trusted Execution Environments. Students are expected to investigate a narrow topic based on recently published literature. The investigation findings are to be included in a report and presented in a 15-20 minute slot during the class. We will organize the seminar in the spirit of a scientific conference. Besides writing a report on the selected topic, students are expected to constructively review each other’s reports - akin the peer-review system commonly used in current academic conferences
— Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), ICAMS Graduate School - Scale Bridging Materials Modelling, Lecture series - Scale bridging modelling II+ III
[440201] Lecture series Scale bridging modelling II + III — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Hartmaier, Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinbach- Score: 6.25 Each of the three ICAMS departments offers a two days block course per year, where the main material simulation methods of the corresponding length scale are introduced. The students learn to apply the methods in hands-on tutorials. Senior doctoral candidates from the organizing department support these tutorials. Teaching language is English. In order to earn all credit points, students will have to actively participate in all three courses once. Each of the three ICAMS departments offers a two days block course per year, where the main material simulation methods of the corresponding length scale are introduced. The students learn to apply the methods in hands-on tutorials. Senior doctoral candidates from the organizing department support these tutorials. Teaching language is English
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Management Game "General Management"
[072016] V Management Game "General Management" — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Knauer, Dr. rer. oec. Martin Seidler- Score: 6.25 The management game models structure and functions of industrial companies. Participants represent the boards of directors and have to make decisions in all fields of management. The groups are in competition with each other and have to cope with challenging scenarios. The students are supposed to handle complex problems and to make group-decisions under uncertainty and time pressure. Thus they get to know interdependencies of different aspects of management while acting together in small groups and having fun in learning. The management game models structure and functions of industrial companies. Participants represent the boards of directors and have to make decisions in all fields of management. The groups are in competition with each other and have to cope with challenging scenarios
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Linguistik
[050619] English Forensic Linguistics — Seminar
Dr. Karin Stoklasa- Score: 5.98 Blockseminar (Introductory meeting: 03.06.2022, fr 10-12; Workshop days: 10.06., 17.06., 24.06., 01.07.2022, je fr 10-16) This course aims at introducing the main concepts, theories, and methods of forensic linguistic research and, in doing so, provides a broad overview of this particular linguistic field. The course focuses on different subfields of forensic linguistics such as forensic
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (PO 2020), 2. Semester, Bereich Kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Modul Diskurse über aktuelle Themen der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften
[118164] S Event Cognition: Memory and Perception of Naturalistic Activities — Seminar
Phd David Stawarczyk- Score: 5.88 Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (PO 2020),2. Semester,Bereich Kognitive Neurowissenschaft,Modul Diskurse �ber aktuelle Themen der kognitiven Neurowissenschaften Everyday experiences consist in a continuous flow of experience, yet people seem to segment this flow of information automatically and effortlessly into discrete and meaningful event. For instance, one might describe baking a cake by listing the following parts: “Preheating the oven, mixing the ingredients, pouring the dough in a mold, etc.�? An extended amount of evidence suggests
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Politik Ostasiens, Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen
[090314] LSI Online Japanisch 2 — Seminar
Britt Bielewicz, David O`Brien- Score: 5.83 Master-Veranstaltungen,Politik Ostasiens,Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen, knowledge, concepts, and vocabulary. Teaching materials and processes are specially designed for individual and self-learning. After the last session of each unit, discussions on the topics will take place in online sessions. The course will be conducted with the LSI ONLINE platform. Students are required to register with the LSI. The platform, the contents, and the general organisation
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung
[211125] Journal Club "Learning and Memory" — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Sen Cheng- Score: 5.83 Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik,M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung We will discuss the latest research results in learning and memory at the systems level. Each session will consist of either a presentation based on a published article or a research talk. Presentations will be given by one participant and will be followed by a group discussion. Research talks will be given by members of the computational neuroscience group or external invited guests. Some
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachenausbildung, Übungen
[050762B] Translation MM, Gruppe B — Übung
Dr. Ewan Dow- Score: 5.72 Translation across a variety of fields and text types will be undertaken. ‘General’ translation texts will be supplemented by texts from the semi-specialised fields of Literature, Linguistics, Science & Technology, Social Science, and Business (see CIOL exams). In addition, each session will introduce one aspect of the wider theoretical background to Translation Studies. Assessment
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177503] Field trip in igneous and metamorphic petrology — Geländeübung
Dr. Thomas Fockenberg, Dr. rer. nat. Niels Jöns- Score: 5.72 A ca. 10 day field trip (exact duration depending on locality; variable each year) to make petrological observations and integrate these with relevant field relations, structural observations and background geology of the area. Synthesis of these results with studies on thin sections and chemical data from the rocks to develop an evolutionary model of the area. Variable depending on field
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachenausbildung, Übungen
[050762A] Translation MM, Gruppe A — Übung
Dr. Ewan Dow- Score: 5.72 Translation across a variety of fields and text types will be undertaken. ‘General’ translation texts will be supplemented by texts from the semi-specialised fields of Literature, Linguistics, Science & Technology, Social Science, and Business (see CIOL exams). In addition, each session will introduce one aspect of the wider theoretical background to Translation Studies. Assessment
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Practical Subjects
[142268] Research Project Conference Participation — Projekt
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hofmann- Score: 5.72 of our students presented his published results (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procir.2018.08.124) of his master thesis as part of the course “Research Project with conference participation�?. The results were presented during the session USP2: Ultrashort pulse processes lead by Dr. Cvecek. The main research to Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), man�d�ato�ry elec�tive mo�du�les LAP,Prac�tical Sub�jects,
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Übungen
[200068] Praktische Religionswissenschaft (RW im Beruf) — Übung
Stefanie Kramer, Jonna Mäder, Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 5.64 -Modul anrechnen lassen wollen, obligatorisch. Interessierte Studierende, die ein Praktikum in einem anderen Kontext absolvieren oder überlegen eine Qualifikationsarbeit in diesem Bereich zu schreiben, sind selbstverständlich eingeladen teilzunehmen. This event is a part of the internship in the Master's program and - besides internship and internship report - is part of the PR/ AC module. In the kick
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150252] Introduction to Fibrations — Vorlesung
Dr. Riccardo Ugolini- Score: 5.63 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),, The course Introduction to Fibrations is aimed at Master students in Mathematics and Physics with an interest in Geometry. We will begin by recalling the definition of manifold and of its tangent space; the latter will be our first example of a fibration. In general, one can imagine a fibration over a manifold as a collection of objects (groups, vector spaces, topological spaces, etc.) varying smoothly (or holomorphically, in the complex case) with the points of the manifold. All the regular operationson the objects in question can be transferred to fibrations; we will speak about dual fibrations, sum of fibrations, homeomorphisms, and so on. We will conclude this first part of the course by discussing holomorphic line bundles, the Picard group, and tautological line bundles on the projective
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie, Mastermodul Kulturpsychologie, Kultur- und Sozialtheorie
[080413] S - Hegemony: Between Marx and Freud (KPKS, Teil I / II; IK, Teil I / II) — Seminar
Dr. Anup Dhar, Sandra Plontke, Bent Schiemann- Score: 5.57 2-F�cher Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie,Mastermodul Kulturpsychologie, Kultur- und Sozialtheorie,, For Vygotsky “psychology is in need of its own Das Kapital�?. If psychology is in need of its own Das Kapital, Marxism is also in need of its own Interpretation of Dreams. The respective theorisations of Marx and Freud cannot be put to a relation or dialogue without displacement; without making each move into territories hitherto forbidden. The Course argues that such a movement into each
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Politik Ostasiens, Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen
[091011] Business Korean für Fortgeschrittene — Übung
Dr. Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon- Score: 5.57 Master-Veranstaltungen,Politik Ostasiens,Modul SP� Sprach�bungen, Im Anschluss an die Kurse Business Korean werden die Sprach-, Wortschatz- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten auf mittlerem Niveau weiter ausgebaut, die für eine Vielzahl von koreanischen Geschäftsumgebungen erforderlich sind. This course is for students who are interested in developing Korean language skills for employability and use in workplace contexts. Each week, we will focus on key aspects
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030105] Logic and Artificial Intelligence — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Christian Straßer- Score: 5.49 lose some of our previous consequences.This course will focus on several of the key formalisms of non-monotonic logic (such as default logic, preferential semantics, logic programming and formal argumentation theory, see https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-nonmonotonic/ for an overview). The course will be organized in different blocks, each devoted to one family of systems. Each block
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[126515] Advanced Finite Element Methods (MSc-CE-WP04) — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke- Score: 5.48 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Compulsory Optional Courses,, finite elements. In addition, an overview of nonlinear constitutive models including elasto-plastic and damage models is given. The second part of the lecture focuses on algorithms to solve the resulting non-linear equilibrium equations by load- and arc-length controlled Newton-type iteration schemes. Finally, the non-linear finite element method is used for the non-linear stability analysis constitutive models including elasto-plastic and damage models is given. The second part of the lecture focuses on algorithms to solve the resulting non-linear equilibrium equations by load- and arc-length controlled Newton-type iteration schemes. Finally, the non-linear finite element method is used for the non-linear stability analysis of structures. The lectures are supplemented by exercises to support
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie, Mastermodul Kulturpsychologie, Kultur- und Sozialtheorie
[080402] S Data Infrastructures: social and cultural perspectives (KPKS, Teil I / II) (englischsprachig) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Estrid Sørensen- Score: 5.46 2-F�cher Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie,Mastermodul Kulturpsychologie, Kultur- und Sozialtheorie,, , socially and organisationally just as they have political consequences. These shapings and those political consequences are to be explored in the seminar. Participants develop a competence to critically reflect on digital data. The seminar is divided into three parts: It starts with literature studies. Two books will be read. This sound like a lot, but we will both have “shut up and read�? sessions the material and practical character of data and data infrastructures. The second part focuses literature on ethnographies of data infrastructures. This method was developed to study the social embeddedness of data infrastructures. Students focus their attention on data infrastructures as built systems as well as on the constant adaptations to organisational and cultural realities that on the one hand accompany data infrastructures and on the other hand are also shaped by data infrastructures. In the third part, the seminar becomes a laboratory of data infrastructures. Together, small empirical investigations of historical, social, political or cultural aspects of data infrastructures will be carried out. Students will have the opportunity to apply and test the theoretical and methodological insights
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Bachelor in Management and Economics, Profilierungsphase, Wahlpflichtmodul aus dem Bereich Law of Economics
[071005] V Öffentliches Recht / Privatrecht — Vorlesung
Dr. iur. Uwe Hoffmann, Prof. Dr. Johann-Christian Pielow- Score: 5.35 Der Teil des öffentlichen Recht (Prof. Dr. Pielow) wird als Zoom-Vorlesung angeboten (ohne Aufzeichnung!); der Part des Zivilrechts (Dr. Hoffmann) wird durch Podcasts/ Vorlesungsvideos angeboten
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Englische Literatur bis 1700
[050629] The Canterbury Tales: How to Do Things with Words and Narrative (SUMMER SCHOOL) — Seminar
Julia Wellnitz- Score: 5.34 and include, among others, a miller, a man of law, a pardoner and a prioress. They do not only tell tales but they also interact with each other, that is, they tease, interrupt and insult each other. This situation invites a double approach to the tales, which we will take in this seminar. On the one hand, we will adopt a narratological perspective and examine the tales as narratives that tell stories and narrative construction. The focus will be on The Canterbury Tales, but we will also analyse other selected Middle English texts. We will also ask the question in what ways historical pragmatics and modern narratology differ from or complement each other when it comes to their usefulness for examining literary texts. Willingness to engage with theory, basic knowledge of Middle English will be helpful
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Oberseminare / Arbeitsgemeinschaften / Kolloquien
[150557] Doktorandenseminar: Reading course in pseudoholomorphic curves — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Barney Bramham- Score: 5.30 We are learning some of the analysis behind pseudo-holomorphic curves. This course continues from last semester, but you do not have to have taken part last semester to join in now. Anyone is welcome, also just to listen, but it's probably best if you have taken the courses Differential Geometrie I and Funktionalanalysis.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, BA-Fachstudienphase, Seminare
[050337] Literatur und Feuilleton (V2, V4) — Blockseminar
Carolin Kaiser- Score: 5.27 Termine Obligatorische Vorbesprechung: Fr, 29.04.2022, 10-12 Uhr Sitzungstermine: Fr, 27.05. + Sa, 28.05., Fr, 08.07. + Sa, 09.07., jeweils 10-16 Uhr (Der Raum wird noch bekanntgegeben) In diesem praxisorientiertem Blockseminar werden in einer Art Schreibwerkstatt verschiedene kreative Schreibmethoden und Textformen feuilletonistischen Schreibens erarbeiten, eigene Rezensionen verfassen
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Theaterwissenschaft, B.A.-Phase
[050624] Shakespeare’s Intertextual Afterlives: Concepts and Case Studies — Vorlesung
Uwe Klawitter, Prof. Dr. Roland Weidle- Score: 5.18 This course of lectures – delivered by two lecturers in dialogue with each other and the participants – seeks to generate insights into the rich field of the productive reception of Shakespeare’s plays. The ‘afterlives’ (a term from reception theory) chosen for discussion are representative 20th and 21st-century re-imaginations in narrative fiction, drama, poetry and film . These creative receptions of individual Shakespearean plays (in the case of poetry also individual Shakespearean characters) will be explored by introducing and using concepts of the text-to-text approach in reception theory as well as analytical tools developed by theories of intertextuality and intermediality. Each case study will focus on the aesthetically and ideologically informed selections
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fachsprachen
[050687] Science and Technology — Seminar
Dr. phil. Robert William Smith- Score: 5.01 The course will take in a wide variety of ESP texts including articles from information and computer science, the sciences of physics, astronomy, geology, (evolutionary) biology, history, anthropology, archaeology, medicine as well as from several fields of engineering. The study of the characteristics of specialist languages in general and of each of these specialist languages in particular
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Übungen
[210059] Arabic 102, Modern Standard Arabic for Reading Knowledge for CERES students — Übung
Prof. Dr. phil. Alexandra Cuffel- Score: 5.00 This class is the continuation of the introduction to modern standard Arabic for reading knowledge which was offered in the previous semester. Students wishing to take this class should have successfully completed Introductory Modern Standard Arabic for Reading Knowledge Part 1. Those who have not done so but wish to take the class should have some previous training in Arabic and review the first 15 chapters of grammar from Elementary Modern Standard Arabic Part 1, ed. Peter Abboud and Ernest McCarus (Cambridge University Press) – available on Moodle for this class - to ensure that they have a firm command of the grammatical points and vocabulary contained in these chapters. During this semester we will complete chapters 16-30 of the same book. This class, its predecessor
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachenausbildung, Übungen
[050760B] Communication MM, Gruppe B — Übung
Dr. Ewan Dow- Score: 4.98 This course largely focuses on giving presentations, but will inevitably involve background reading, discussion and note-taking as part of your academic communication skills. Feedback from tutor and peers is designed to help participants ‘find their voice’ in an academic context. Assessment/requirements: active participation across the module and one 10-15-minute, individual formal
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Seminare
[060124] Grundlagenseminar: Literature and Jurisprudence in the 21st Century *** — Seminar
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos, Dr. Karolina Prochownik, Alina Wolski- Score: 4.96 teilgenommen haben und keine Vorkenntnisse über die „Recht und Literatur“-Bewegung mitbringen. This seminar aims to introduce students to the “Law and Literature�? movement in contemporary legal scholarship. In the first and introductory part of the course, we will discuss the main directions of this field of study: “Law in Literature�? (which explores the phenomenon of law as well as issues of legal philosophy in literary texts) and “Law as Literature�? (which aims to contribute to the study of law in the form of a literary text). Finally, we will discuss some critical reactions regarding these projects. In this part, we will learn about and examine the views of significant figures in the legal and literary movements (e.g., Benjamin Cardozo, James Boyd White, Jane Baron, Martha Nussbaum ), including famous legal philosophers (e.g., Ronald Dworkin, Richard Posner). In the second and central part of the seminar, we will adopt the perspective of “Law in Literature�? and “Law as Literature�? to literary and legal texts, respectively. We will assume the “Law in Literature�? perspective and discuss a selection of literary texts - novels and short stories of the 21rst century concerning thought and practice, and the potential of literary analysis of legal texts for jurisprudence. The seminar will be held in English.During the seminar, we will read and discuss a new selection of theoretical, literary, and legal texts. Therefore, the course is open to both students who have already taken part in “Law and Jurisprudence�? courses at RUB (in winter term of 2019/2020 or winter term 2021 /2022) and would like to further extend their knowledge in this field, as well as to those students who have not taken part in those seminars and have no prior knowledge about “Law and Literature�? movement. Zoom Video Course Mo 16.00-18.00 Uhr, Beginn: 11.04.2022
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende im Projekt "Universität ohne Grenzen"
[251273] Englisch NUR für Teilnehmer/innen am Projekt 'Universität ohne Grenzen' (B2 - B2/C1): Introduction to English for Academic Purposes (Part 2) kompakt — Sprachkurs
Dr. Natalia Fritsler- Score: 4.90 Englisch NUR für Teilnehmer/innen am Projekt 'Universität ohne Grenzen' (B2 - B2/C1): Introduction to English for Academic Purposes (Part 2) kompakt
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende im Projekt "Universität ohne Grenzen"
[251272] Englisch NUR für Teilnehmer/innen am Projekt 'Universität ohne Grenzen' (B1 - B1/B2): Introduction to English for Academic Purposes (Part 1) kompakt — Sprachkurs
Kristina Baute- Score: 4.90 Englisch NUR für Teilnehmer/innen am Projekt 'Universität ohne Grenzen' (B1 - B1/B2): Introduction to English for Academic Purposes (Part 1) kompakt
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Hochfrequente Sensoren und Systeme, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Praktikum HSS
[142180] Master-Praktikum Schaltungsdesign integrierter Hochfrequenzschaltungen mit Cadence — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Pohl- Score: 4.79 Master-Praktikum Schaltungsdesign integrierter Hochfrequenzschaltungen mit Cadence Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020),Hochfrequente Sensoren und Systeme,Wahlpflichtbereich,Mas�ter-Prak�ti�kum HSS ginnt zunächst mit einer kurzen Einführung in die BiCMOS-Schaltungstechnik, in das Betriebssystem LINUX und in die für dieses Praktikum wichtigen Entwurfswerkzeuge Spectre und CADENCE. Danach beginnt ein über das ganze Semester laufendes Entwurfsprojekt aus der Hochfrequenztechnik, z.B. der Entwurf eines FM� puter-aided circuit design and project-oriented work in several teams and learned a convincing presentation of the results achieved in a final discussion. CONTENT: This practical course begins with a brief introduction to BiCMOS circuit technologies, the LINUX operating system, and the design tools Spectre and CADENCE, which are im
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Linguistik
[050614] Word Formation — Seminar
Dr. Verena Minow- Score: 4.75 In this seminar, we will focus on the various ways news words are created in English on the basis of existing words and affixes. We will look at each of the major word formation processes such as derivational affixation, compounding, conversion, blending and truncation. We will first discuss how these processes work in English before taking a closer look at some of the major theories on word
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Kultur und Person, Mastermodul Kultur und Geschlecht
[080408] S -DIGITAL- Gender, Technology and Wellbeing (K&G, Teil II) — Seminar
Dr. Ryoko Asai- Score: 4.71 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Kultur und Person,Mastermodul Kultur und Geschlecht,, are announced at the beginning of the term. Must read books and papers are proposed corresponding to each topic in the seminar. According to a topic, films and art works could be referred. Here are possible readings: Verbeek, Peter-Paul (2011): Moralizing Technology: Understanding and Designing the Morality of Things. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Braidotti, Rosi (2013): The Posthuman. Cambridge
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[160350] Epitaxy of Semiconductor Crystals — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Arne Ludwig- Score: 4.68 Content:Students learn the basics of eptaxial growth of semiconductorsAims:On the example of specialized challenges in semiconductor appluications, students learn how such requirements can be fulfilled. Part of the course will be details about band structure and so called band-gap engineering.In training courses they learn how to operate the epitaxial growth. Semiconductor mono
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Masterstudiengangs 'Lasers and Photonics'
[251230] Englisch NUR für Studierende des Masterstudiengangs 'Lasers and Photonics' (B2-C1): English for Specific Academic Purposes: Producing and Presenting a Scientific Poster — Sprachkurs
Kara Callahan- Score: 4.66 GOALS: The aim of this course is to provide you with the tools and strategies necessary to enable you to speak and write more effectively about your subject area and participate actively in courses, seminars and working groups of your study programme. Assessment: The course grade will be based on the written and the oral versions of the poster presentation. CONÂTENT: As in Part 1 of the course (English for academic purposes), students will receive training in all of the language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) required for effective participati on in the Laser and Photonics master programme.To this end, we will continue to work on authentic texts relevant to the field of Lasers and Photonics (extracts from text books, texts from scientific journals, popular science
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Medienwissenschaft, Systematische Module - Medien, Gender und Queer
[051725] Behind the Magic: Disney und Diversität — Seminar
Dr. Veronique Sina- Score: 4.63 .05., 10-16, GB 1/144 Block II: 03.06., 10-16, GB 1/144 Block III: 08.07., 10-15, GB 1/144
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed. Erweiterungsstudium (Pädagogik 2017), Pflichtbereich, AM 4 Teil 4
[030201] Interkulturelle Filmbildung (Blockveranstaltung) — Hauptseminar
Uwe Leonhardt- Score: 4.61 kontextualisieren. Die Veranstaltung findet über Zoom statt. Termine: 24.06./25.06.2022 und 01.07.2022 jeweils von 10-16h Grundlagen-Literatur und Link-Tipps: Faulstich, Werner: Grundkurs Filmanalyse Monaco, James: Film verstehen Bostnar, Nils (u.a. Hrsg.): Einführung in die Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft Hartung, Anja (u.a. Hrsg.): Filmbildung im Wandel Wacker, Kristina: Filmwelten verstehen und
XIX. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie
— Veranstaltungen für Hörerinnen und Hörer aller Semester, Vorlesungen
[190509] Lecture Series Neurobiology (part SS) — Vorlesung
Dr. Michael Andriske, Claudia Distler-Hoffmann, Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner, Prof. Stefan Herlitze, Dr. Wolfgang Kruse, Dr. Frank Paris, Prof. Dr. Andreas Reiner, PD Dr. Jacqueline Reinhard-Recht, Dr. Lars Roll, Dr. David Wegrzyn, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese, Dipl.-Biol. Paul Michael Ziemba- Score: 4.55 Lecture Series Neurobiology (part SS)
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik I, Seminare
[050810B] Grundlagen der Sprachdidaktik, Gruppe B — Seminar
Alexander Kaul- Score: 4.43 at the end of our class will also be part of the requirements.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik I, Seminare
[050810C] Grundlagen der Sprachdidaktik, Gruppe C — Seminar
Sebastian Flaake- Score: 4.43 of our class will also be part of the requirements.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik I, Seminare
[050810A] Grundlagen der Sprachdidaktik, Gruppe A — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Markus Ritter- Score: 4.43 of our class will also be part of the requirements.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080385] S Kontexteffekte von Wohngebieten (S&R, Teil II; FW, Teil III) — Seminar
PD Dr. Sebastian Kurtenbach- Score: 4.33 Master of Education,Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts,, . 287–316). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Minh, A., Muhajarine, N., Janus, M., Brownell, M., & Guhn, M. (2017). A review of neighborhood effects and early child development: How, where, and for whom, do neighborhoods matter? Health and Place, 46, 155–174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.04.012 Levy, B. L., Phillips, N. E., & Sampson, R. J. (2020). Triple Disadvantage
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Wirtschaft und Politik Ostasiens (PO 2017), Gemeinsamer Bereich, Internationale Politische Ökonomie Ostasiens
[090310] Die Beziehungen der Europäischen Union mit dem Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen (ASEAN) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bersick- Score: 4.33 ´points of view and taking part in group discussions and activities the students will improve their interpersonal skills, such as dealing with conflicting opinions among group members and working together to accomplish assignments or tasks.Besides enhancing their professional communication techniques the participants of the seminar will be intensively exposed to the topic of European and Asian studies the students will benefit by improving their communication skills, gaining expert knowledge on the topic of multi-dimensional relations between the European Union and East Asia, networking with others and renewing their motivation and confidence.Through the practice of presenting their arguments and ideas clearly as well as learning to listen to others´points of view and taking part in group discussions
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Linguistik
[050616] Englishes on Social Media — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Christiane Meierkord, Olga Sadovnikova- Score: 4.31 Digital communication has now become an integral part of our daily communication with others. This has gone along with changes in communication technologies, and these have affected the ways people use language(s) in their interactions, for example on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and YouTube. At the same time, English has come to dominate social media channels and its many varieties
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050708] Shakespeare’s Intertextual Afterlives: Critical Perspectives — Seminar
Uwe Klawitter, Prof. Dr. Roland Weidle- Score: 4.31 This class is particularly recommended to the Master students taking part in the lecture “Shakespeare’s Intertextual Afterlives: Concepts and Case Studies�?, but it is also open to all students who wish to know more about how 20th and 21st-century novelists, playwrights, poets and film-makers use Shakespearean plays to express their own concerns. The class offers an opportunity for a
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Geographisches Institut, Gestufter Studiengang Geographie (Abschluss: B.Sc. / B.A.), Wahlmodule, Wahlpflichtmodule B.Sc. / B.A.
[170120b] Methoden der Stadt- und Regionalanalyse: Introduction to programming and applied statistics — Seminar
Panagiotis Sismanidis- Score: 4.30 Regionalanalyse (Alternative zur Übung und dem Seminar aus der Humangeographie). Anrechenbar als Wahlpflichtmodul. The course consists of 12 lectures, 8 of which are dedicated to intr oducing the fundamentals of Python and 4 to data analysis and visualization. Each lecture includes a set of compulsory assignments. To complete this course
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Base Modules
[050826] Computational Linguistics and AI — Vorlesung
Mirjam Koch- Score: 4.30 and theoretical tasks each week. We will also focus on understanding their advantages and limitations for Linguistics as a discipline with goals other than simple language "processing" but scientificunderstanding. Attention: Vorlesung and Übung belong together and are credited collectively What to do for credit points Studienleistung: Active participation in the tutorials by presence in at least 60
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Geographisches Institut, Gestufter Studiengang Geographie (Abschluss: B.Sc. / B.A.), Wahlmodule, Wahlpflichtmodule B.Sc. / B.A.
[170120a] Methoden der Stadt- und Regionalanalyse: Introduction to programming and applied statistics — Seminar
Panagiotis Sismanidis- Score: 4.30 - und Regionalanalyse (Alternative zur Übung und dem Seminar aus der Humangeographie). Anrechenbar als Wahlpflichtmodul. The course consists of 12 lectures, 8 of which are dedicated to intr oducing the fundamentals of Python and 4 to data analysis and visualization. Each lecture includes a set of compulsory assignments. To complete
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul
[030084] Theories of Self Consciousness — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Albert Newen- Score: 4.19 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme,Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul,, In this seminar, we will explore theories of self-consciousness. This includes a variety of phenomena which are part of or closely related to self-consciousness, namely the sense of agency, of ownership and the phenomenon of perspectivity as well as the role of an autobiographical self and its development. Especially concerning the latter we have to account for the role of memory for our autobiographical self.This seminar is a research-oriented seminar which especially enables the participants to develop a project which leads into a BA-thesis or a master-thesis. It has a focus in philosophy but will involve some psychogical texts as well. The main topic is the discussion of modern theories of human self-consciousness. Self-consciousness can be defined as the ability to consciously represent oneâ
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed.(Bildungswissenschaft) (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, WM 3 Teil 2
[030298] Schooling beyond the nation-state: border crossing aspects of formal education — Hauptseminar / Oberseminar
Dr. Simona Szakács-Behling- Score: 4.10 typologies and profiles with the help of online data collection methods. The seminar is organised as a block, consisting of 5 meetings of 4 to 5 hours each, in which specific texts (expected to be read in advance) will be discussed. The conversation language is English.  Â
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Practical Subjects
[142266] Competitive International Research Project Presentation — Projekt
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Hofmann- Score: 4.00 Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP,Practical Subjects, GOALS: Learn inÂterÂnaÂtioÂnal and inÂterÂdiÂsciÂpliÂnaÂry comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtiÂon about a sciÂenÂtiÂfic proÂject Learn difÂfeÂrent exÂpeÂriÂmenÂtal techÂniÂques CONÂTENT: The stuÂdent with the supÂporÂted proÂject in "ComÂpeÂtiÂtiÂve InÂterÂnaÂtioÂnal ReÂseÂarch ProÂject" traÂvels to the inÂterÂnaÂtioÂnal partÂner, perÂforms the pro
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Mandatory Elective Courses
[141423] Ultrafast Laser Physics 2: Generation and Applications of Ultrashort Pulses — Vorlesung mit Übung
Michelle Reiche, Prof. Dr. Clara Saraceno- Score: 3.99 Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), man�d�ato�ry elec�tive mo�du�les LAP,Man�d�ato�ry Elec�tive Cour�ses, denkopplung in Faserlasern, Anwendungen ultrakurzer Pulse in Wissenschaft und Industrie. SONSTIGES: EXAM: Students who attened the exam of the course "Ultrafast Laser Physics and Technology" are not allowed to take part in the exam. PRÜFUNG: mündlich (30 min), Anmeldung: FlexNow Termin nach Absprache mit dem Dozenten. GOALS plification, use of ultrashort pulses in science and industry. MISCELLANEOUS: EXAM: oral (30 min), registration: FlexNow Date according to prior agreement with lecturer. Students who attened the exam of the course "Ultrafast Laser Physics and Technology" are not allowed to take part in the exam. Beginn: 13.04.2022
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Core Modules
[050831] Dependency Parsing — Hauptseminar
Dr. Halima Husic- Score: 3.98 Core Module Theoretical Linguistics A robust and reliable analysis of the syntactic structure is essential for empirical research at the syntax-semantics interface. Therefore, parsing is a pre-step to linguistic analysis at the sentence level. In this course we will explore different parsing techniques with a special focus on those with a dependency structure. In the second part of the semester
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Öffentliche Finanzen und staatliches Handeln
[080227] S Survey Experiments in Public Economics (ÖfFin, Teil II) — Seminar
Maximilian Thomas- Score: 3.98 a broad range of topics, including public preferences for redistribution and social mobility, public spending and public debt, as well as immigration policy. The introductory part of the seminar is held as a lecture. Following the introduction, participants are expected to present one of the research papers and engage in active discussion. The language of the seminar will be English
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Politik Ostasiens, Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen
[090354] LSI Online Chinesisch 1 — Seminar
Yuqiao Li, Mireia Paulo- Score: 3.95 Master-Veranstaltungen,Politik Ostasiens,Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen, -building exercises and articles (based on Chinese sources). The course is divided into three units: economy, international relations and society. In the course, the learning units systematically build on one another so that learners can accumulate knowledge, concepts, and vocabulary. Teaching materials and processes are specially designed for individual and self-learning. After the last session of each unit
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013), Elektronik, Wahlpflicht Module, Master-Praktikum EL
[142379] Master-Projekt Humanitäre Technologie — Projekt
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Baer- Score: 3.95 Master-Projekt Humanit�re Technologie Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013),Elektronik,Wahlpflicht Module,Master-Praktikum EL nannten Partnern zum Abschluss in eine reales Szenario überführt werden. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle Fachrichtungen. INHALT: Ausgewählte Projekte mit wechselndem Inhalt zum Thema "Humanitäre Technologie". Die Projekte können je nach Inhalt Software und/oder Hardware behandeln und sollen nach Abschluss in eine manitarian applications are regularly offered. These projects can have both, hardware and software components. In colaboration with the above-mentioned partners, it is intended to transferred the results into a real-world scenario at the end of the project. The event is aimed to all disciplines. CONTENT: Selected projects with va
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050710] Dark Feelings: Emotion Studies and Medieval Literature — Seminar
Dr. phil. Daniel McCann- Score: 3.93 The emotions constitute an essential facet of human existence, and play a central role in all forms of literary and artistic production. Although the experience of emotional states is trans-historical, each culture discursively frames and conceptualises those states in specific ways. This is certainly the case during the Middle Ages, as the cultural discourses of medicine, religion
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik II, Vertiefungsseminare
[050821] Teaching Foreign Languages with Technology — Seminar
Sina Werner- Score: 3.89 and investigate meaningful ways and methods to implement tools and apps. Based on the subject-didactic discourse we will develop criteria for planning lessons that integrate technology. Discussing concepts such as the myth of the digital natives and teacher competences in a digital world (T/DPACK) will also be part of this seminar. We will consult different theories and methods (e.g. TBLT, SAMR, flipped
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210028] Fengshui in the People's Republic of China — Seminar
Dr. phil. Licia Di Giacinto- Score: 3.86 an Masterstudierende. Voraussetzung für den Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises ist die regelmäßige und aktive Teilnahme, die Übernahme eines Referates und das Verfassen einer Zusammenfassung. In the last decades Fengshui has become a key part of Western culture. It is easy to find Fengshui related literature or to consult Fengshui specialists in every big city of the West. And yet, the history of this collective . (Bruun, Ole Kopenhagen: NIAS Press 2011). The class is open to Master Students of the Religious Studies. Regular attendance, active participation and submission of a summary at the end of the term are expected. Bruun, Ole (2011): Fengshui in China. Geomantic Divination between State Orthodoxy and Popular Religion. 2. rev. ed. Kopenhagen: NIAS Press Ho, Peng Yoke (2003). Chinese
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030089] Compositionality in Language, Mind, and Brain — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Markus Werning- Score: 3.80 in different lines of research, and highlight its most challenging problems and opportunities. The force and justification of compositionality have long been contentious. First proposed by Frege as the notion that the meaning of an expression is syntax-dependently determined by the meaning of its parts, it has since been deployed as a constraint on the relation between theories of syntax and semantics, as a
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050638] James Joyce: "Ulysses" — Seminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Burkhard Niederhoff- Score: 3.80 earlier works, Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man. Covid permitting, this course will be taught on campus. Required text: James Joyce, Ulysses, edited by Declan Kibberd and Seamus Deane, Penguin, 1992. Assessment/requirements: active participation; being part of an expert group preparing a chapter; a paper on one aspect of the chapter prepared.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050692] Legal English — Übung
Dr. phil. Robert William Smith- Score: 3.80 The course will look in detail at a variety of legal texts – and hence legal concepts – from both a legal theory and a legal practice perspective. While the legal theory part will cover basic notions and schools of jurisprudence that should permit the analysis of legal systems and their evolution over large stretches of space and long periods of time, the model chosen for understanding
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Geographisches Institut, Gestufter Studiengang Geographie (Abschluss: M.Sc.), Wahlmodule
[170096] Microeconomics of Competitiveness: Firms, Clusters and Economic Development — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kiese, Simon Rohde- Score: 3.78 of case protagonists including heads of state, senior ministers, governors, and others. Following Harvard’s tradition, the course is based on case studies only. Each session deals with a particular company, region or country case investigating the drivers of competitiveness. As preparation for each session, all students are required to read the respective case of approx. 20 cases. A three
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Linguistik
[050613] Language and Social Identity — Seminar
Dr. Susanne Strubel-Burgdorf- Score: 3.76 details of how language use and social identity interact with each other, how we influence our language and how we are defined or categorized (by others) through our language use. For this, we will not only read a lot (e.g., chapters from introductory books as well as original research articles) but also work on our very own ideas on how to collect data and do some research on our own. Assessment
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Seminar KT
[143203] Master-Seminar Memristive Systeme für Neuromorphe Schaltungen — Seminar
Priv. Doz. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Ochs- Score: 3.62 Master-Seminar Memristive Systeme für Neuromorphe Schaltungen Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020),Kommunikationstechnik,Wahlpflichtbereich,Master-Seminar KT Âledge is shared, but also the funÂdaÂmenÂtals and rules of oral preÂsenÂtaÂtiÂons, in geÂneÂral, are diÂsÂcusÂsed and pracÂticed. After this seÂmiÂnar, each parÂtiÂciÂpant will have leÂarÂned to creaÂte and give preÂsenÂtaÂtiÂons which are perÂceiÂved as well-strucÂtuÂred, comÂpreÂhenÂsiÂble and inÂteÂresÂting. FurÂtherÂmoÂre, it is posÂsiÂble to diÂsÂcuss tech Âsent it in the seÂmiÂnar. The toÂpics are reÂlaÂted to memÂrisÂtiÂve or neuÂroÂmorÂphic cirÂcuits, which exÂploit the meÂmoÂry proÂperÂties of novel elecÂtriÂcal comÂpoÂnÂents. PosÂsiÂble toÂpics are new deÂvices with meÂmoÂry, neuÂron moÂdels, synÂapÂse moÂdels, netÂwork toÂpoÂloÂgies, bioÂloÂgiÂcalÂly inÂspiÂred cirÂcuits, etc. Each stuÂdent preÂpaÂres and gives a preÂsenÂtaÂtiÂon on a cerÂtain topic out of the given area. To each preÂsenÂtaÂtiÂon beÂlongs a thoÂrough diÂsÂcusÂsion, at which every stuÂdent is ought to parÂtiÂciÂpaÂte. MISÂCELÂLAÂNEOUS: https://​moodle.​ruhr-uni-boÂchum.​de/​m/​course/​view.​php?​id=32267 nach Absprache mit dem Dozenten
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, Proseminare
[050519] Digitaler Selbstverlag — Proseminar
Dr. Dorothea Walzer- Score: 3.58 ührungssitzung und an allen vier Blocktagen von 10-16 Uhr sowie die Erbringung der digitalen Begleitaufgaben. Dieses Seminar ist für max. 30 Teilnehmer angesetzt. Fr, 22.04., 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr (Einführung über Zoom) Blöcke der Verantstaltung: Fr. 24.06. - Sa. 25.06.; 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr (in Präsenz) Fr. 01.07. - Sa. 02.07.; 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr (in Präsenz)
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, BA-Fachstudienphase, Seminare
[050339] Lesen und Schreiben über Gewalt (A3, V4) — Blockseminar
Dr. phil. Uwe Lindemann, Dr. Judith Schönhoff- Score: 3.58 Kameramörder. Vorbesprechung: 13.6.2022, 16-18 Uhr Blöcke: Fr, 1.7.2022, 14-18 Uhr Sa, 2.7.2022, 10-16 Uhr Fr, 22.7.2022, 14-18 Uhr Sa, 23.7.2022,10-16 Uhr Mi, 21.9.2022, 10-14 Uhr
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013), Wahlpflicht Module Elektronik, Rechnergestützte Schaltungsanalyse
[141376] Rechnergestützte Schaltungsanalyse — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Peter Brinkmann, Dr.-Ing. Dennis Krüger, Dr.-Ing. Pierre Mayr- Score: 3.49 ÂerÂciÂses are selecÂted with a view to the conÂtents of the study of elecÂtriÂcal enÂgiÂneeÂring and inÂforÂmaÂtiÂon techÂnoÂloÂgy. Both parts are diÂviÂded into lecÂtuÂres in the lecÂtuÂre hall HID and exÂerÂciÂses at the CIP pool of the DeÂpartÂment of ElecÂtriÂcal EnÂgiÂneeÂring and InÂforÂmaÂtiÂon TechÂnoÂloÂgy. CONÂTENT: The courÂse "ComÂpuÂter aided cirÂcuit ana ÂlyÂsis" conÂsists of two parts: Part I: InÂtroÂducÂtion to cirÂcuit siÂmuÂlaÂtiÂon with "SPICE" Part II: InÂtroÂducÂtion to the comÂpuÂter alÂgeÂbra sysÂtem (CAS) "MaÂtheÂmaÂtiÂca". In the first part the stuÂdents learn to deÂscriÂbe cirÂcuits (amÂpliÂfier, filÂter, DC-AC conÂverÂter) on the netÂlist level and as a cirÂcuit diaÂgram, and to siÂmuÂlaÂte them in both time
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Rechtswissenschaftliche Fremdsprachenlehrveranstaltungen (§ 7 Abs. 1 Ziff. 3 JAG NRW vom 11.03.2003)
[060306] U.S. Intellectual Property Law — Kurs
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos- Score: 3.48 ündliche Beteiligung erwartet. This course will provide students with a basic and fundamental overview of major areas of intellectual property law in the United States. We will cover topics related to United States patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, as well as how each of these different areas are interrelated to one another. We will not only discuss how to obtain intellectual property rights
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Sinologie (PO 2020), C-S2 Modernes Chinesisch Grundstufe 2
[090800] Modernes Chinesisch II — Übung
Mi Liu, Dr. phil. Alexander Saechtig, Duanzhuang Zheng- Score: 3.47 :00-12:00 Uhr 0234/32-27067, Uni134 (3.10), E-Mail: alexander.saechtig@rub.de Yuehua Liu et al.: Integrated Chinese. Level 1, Part 2. Textbook (Traditional Characters). 3rd edition (Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2009)Â
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, Proseminare
[050516] Das literarische Experiment als Prinzip im Werk von Georg Büchner — Proseminar
Dr. Marina Doetsch- Score: 3.36 Arbeitstechniken sollen in der gemeinsamen Seminararbeit eingeübt werden. Blockveranstaltung Mo, 18.07.-Do, 21.07.2022, 10-16 Uhr Folgende Texte sollen gemeinsam erarbeitet werden: Büchner: Datons Tod Büchner: Leonce und Lena Büchner: Woyzeck Büchner: Lenz Büchner: Der hessische Landbote Schülerschriften Büchner: Über Sch
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik II, Vertiefungsseminare
[050819] Social Media in ELT — Seminar
Nils Müller- Score: 3.32 will be conducted online with a group of year 9 students. Students from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) in Quito will participate in this seminar as part of the "PiStE" project (http://www.pse.rub.de/PiStE/). There will be no registration via eCampus. Please register via email: nils.mueller@rub.de.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie, Mastermodul Interkulturalität
[080331] S Varieties of Capitalism, societies and politics in contemporary Latin America (IT, Teil I, IK, Teil I) — Seminar
Dr. Ilán Bizberg, Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries- Score: 3.20 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie,Mastermodul Interkulturalität,, countries to the world economy. In the second part of this course we will discuss the social and political situation of Latin America. We will analyze the different structures of the State and of their Welfare States, in various countries. We will then discuss the most recent and important social movements (trade unions, popular, indigenous, feminist, LGBTQ movements) and their relations to politics. We
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Sinologie (PO 2020), C-S4 Modernes Chinesisch Mittelstufe 2
[090801] Modernes Chinesisch IV — Übung
Ping Li-Marx, Rong Xu-Heinrich- Score: 3.19 .19, rong.xu-heinrich@rub.de Yuehua Liu et al.: 'Integrated Chinese', Level 2, Part 2, Bd. 'Textbook' (Simplified and Traditional Characters) (Boston: Cheng & Tsui, 2010). Erhältlich sind auch Audio-CDs, ein Workbook sowie der Teilband 'Character Workbook', die ergänzend bestellt werden können, aber nicht verpflichtend sind.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 4th term (4. Semester), Thesis in the Master Programme Biochemistry (Master-Arbeit)
[185090] Master Thesis — Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten
Dozent(inn)en der Schwerpunkte im Studiengang- Score: 3.17 Master Thesis Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.),4th term (4. Semester),Thesis in the Master Programme Biochemistry (Master-Arbeit),
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Praxismodul Master
[080802] Praktikum Master Sozialwissenschaft — Praktikum
Maike Liebetanz- Score: 3.16 Praktikum Master Sozialwissenschaft 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme,Praxismodul Master,,
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Wahlpflichtmodule
[211034] Physical Attacks and Countermeasures — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Amir Moradi- Score: 3.14 dition to the final exam there exist weekly programming projects (i.e., homework) and a final seminar. Each part has to be handled individually and is part of the final grade. For passing this course the students have to achieve at least 50% in the final exam AND 50% in the cumulative final grade. The cumulative final grade is composed of: Weekly projects (ho Studieng�nge IT-Sicherheit,M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Wahlpflichtmodule ter such kinds of attacks. In the first part of the lecture different kinds of physical attacks are introduced, while in the second part we focus on countermeasures and the methods to make implementations resistant against known physical attacks. MISCELLANEOUS: IMPORTANT: Because of the current sitation, the lecture will have a fully virtual format. To get access to the videos and material, students have to enroll in the moodle course (https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/m/enrol/index.php?id=37774). To get the password, please write a mail to Nicolai Müller (nicolai.mueller@rub.de). A big part of the lecture is project-based. In ad
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Module für alle Studienrichtungen, Praxismodul Zwei-Fächer-Master
[080803] Praktikum Master Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft, Sozialpsychologie und -anthropologie — Praktikum
Maike Liebetanz- Score: 3.12 Praktikum Master Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft, Sozialpsychologie und -anthropologie 2-Fächer Master: Module für alle Studienrichtungen,Praxismodul Zwei-Fächer-Master,,
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Internationalisierung und Vergesellschaftung im Vergleich
[080244] S Introduction to Transnational Studies (InterVerg, Teil I, Intstrukt, Teil I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Margit Fauser- Score: 3.12 will discuss the weekly readings and organize group work, supplemented by additional material and further input that help us understand the conceptual and empirical contributions of each text. Students will take over smaller tasks in preparation of particular sessions (Studiennachweis). Graded examination (Modulprüfung) consists of an oral presentation (15 minutes, in English) and a written term paper
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Koreanistik (PO 2020), K-B3 Modernes Korea
[091010] Interkulturelle Kommunikation Teil 2 — Übung
Dr. Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon- Score: 3.07 besonders in Geschäftsumgebungen begründen. Intercultural competence becomes an invaluable part of life as we live in culturally diverse environment. In order to develop a foundational level of intercultural competency, this course will provide an introduction to intercultural questions stemming from the growing diversity and interconnectedness of the world and challenge students to learn about
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050695C] Communication AM, Gruppe C — Übung
Dr. Connor Pitetti- Score: 3.07 of the terms, concepts, and interpretive frameworks that literacy studies scholars have used to study the function of reading and writing in contemporary society. We will apply these concepts and frameworks to our own experiences with written communication and to the social groups and communities of which we are a part in various in-class exercises and in your final written assignment. In this way, we
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050695D] Communication AM, Gruppe D — Übung
Dr. Connor Pitetti- Score: 3.07 of the terms, concepts, and interpretive frameworks that literacy studies scholars have used to study the function of reading and writing in contemporary society. We will apply these concepts and frameworks to our own experiences with written communication and to the social groups and communities of which we are a part in various in-class exercises and in your final written assignment. In this way, we
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Cultural Studies (GB)
[050664] Cultural Political Economy: Understanding How Hegemony Works — Übung
Dr. Georgia Christinidis- Score: 3.07 sense of what is happening to us. This course will build on and deepen the understanding of hegemony you attained in the “Introduction to Cultural Studies�?, and give you a more interdisciplinary perspective on the processes involved. During the first part of the block, we will be focusing on the method and look at one or more sample ‘case studies’ where others have used the method to explain
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Research Modules
[050849] Research Project 1 with Colloquium — Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. phil. Tibor Kiss- Score: 3.07 topic, extracting data, and laying the foundation for your final with constant documentation of your work and a content plan for your resulting paper. During the semester you will participate in the weekly colloquium where everyone presents their research ideas and gives feedback on those of others. An important part will be how you develop your idea and present it – this presentation
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory modules LAP, Optical Metrology
[141263] Optical Metrology — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Brenner, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Gerhardt- Score: 3.03 Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015),mandatory modules LAP,Optical Metrology, ÂtiÂcal meÂtroÂloÂgy is used as cross-secÂtioÂnal techÂnoÂloÂgy in many diÂsciÂpliÂnes. At first, the basic chaÂracÂteÂrisÂtics of light and its inÂterÂacÂtion with matÂter are poinÂted out in a short funÂdaÂmenÂtal chÂapÂter. SubÂseÂquentÂly, the tools of opÂtiÂcal meÂtroÂloÂgy, i.e. acÂtive and pasÂsiÂve opÂtiÂcal eleÂments are diÂsÂcusÂsed. The main part
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Globalisierung, Transnationalisierung und Governance, Mastermodul Internationalisierung und Transnationalisierung
[080611] S Corruption, Data and the Sustainable Development Goals (IT, Teil II) (Summer School) — Blockseminar
Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul, Birgit Frey- Score: 2.99 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Globalisierung, Transnationalisierung und Governance,Mastermodul Internationalisierung und Transnationalisierung,, ��roadmap�? to fight a specific corruption problem, using governance data with linkages to SDGs. At the end of each learning session, the participants are required to answer a few short questions relating to their own corruption problem for which they are developing a road map. In answering these questions, the participants identify key players who can help them, map out relevant indicators and datasets
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040263] Einführungsseminar Fachdidaktik: Grundlagen historischen Lernens — Einführungsseminar
Dr. Kathrin Klausmeier- Score: 2.92 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (PO 2020), 3. Semester, Bereich Masterarbeit und Kolloquium, Kolloquium
[117452] S Masterarbeit — Master-Arbeit
- Score: 2.92 Master-Arbeit Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (PO 2020),3. Semester,Bereich Masterarbeit und Kolloquium,Kolloquium
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Medienwissenschaft, Systematische Module - Mediengeschichte und Medientheorie
[051709] From black-and-white to streaming sites. The changing faces of American Television from 1949 to 2022 — Seminar
Dennis Dellemann- Score: 2.92 Television system. From its early post-vaudevillian beginnings to its contemporary struggles with, e.g., streaming services, and endings as a leading medium. Each day of the seminar we will analyze a different decade regarding theories, strategies, and (technical) innovations. We will also focus on the developments of the television system, genres, characters, aesthetics, narrative forms, regulations
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040262] Einführungsseminar Fachdidaktik: Grundlagen historischen Lernens — Einführungsseminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Nicola Brauch- Score: 2.91 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040270] Vertiefungsseminar Fachdidaktik: (genauer Titel folgt) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Nicola Brauch- Score: 2.91 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040271] Vertiefungsseminar Fachdidaktik: (genauer Titel folgt) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Nicola Brauch- Score: 2.91 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master Ostasienwissenschaften, Vertiefung Japanologie (PO 2020), Kernbereich
[090252] Japaner im Tang-Reich (618—907) — Übung
PD Dr. Yukiyo Kasai, Dr. phil. Anke Scherer- Score: 2.90 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master Ostasienwissenschaften,Vertiefung Japanologie (PO 2020),Kernbereich
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Studiengang Master of Education (M.Ed.), 4. Semester
[183090] Master-Arbeit — Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten
Prüfer /-innen d. Fakultät f. Chemie und Biochemie- Score: 2.89 Master-Arbeit Studiengang Master of Education (M.Ed.),4. Semester,,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 4th term (4. Semester)
[181090] Master Thesis — Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten
Prüfer /-innen d. Fakultät f. Chemie und Biochemie- Score: 2.87 Master Thesis Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),4th term (4. Semester),,
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, praktische Vertiefung
[211117] Master-Seminar Quantum Computing — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Alexander May, Prof. Dr. Michael Walter- Score: 2.86 Master-Seminar Quantum Computing Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit,M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,praktische Vertiefung
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Master Startup
[210003] Master-Startup ITS — Allgemeine Unterrichtsveranstaltung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Güneysu- Score: 2.86 Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit,M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Master Startup
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050737] Hunger, Speed and Hedonism: Interwar Britain — Übung
Dr. Claus-Ulrich Viol- Score: 2.85 origins in the 1920s and 30s. As part of their coursework, students are expected to read and work through Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway (1925) or Aldous Huxley’s Point Counter Point (1928) or George Orwell’s Coming Up for Air (1939). We will draw up a list of who reads what in our first session. For our first session everyone is expected to have formed an idea on Cyril Power’s linocut â
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master Ostasienwissenschaften, Vertiefung Koreanistik (PO 2020), Kernbreich
[090405] Dansaekhwa - Abstrakte Kunst und Politik im Nachkriegskorea — Seminar / Übung
Dr. phil. Thorsten Traulsen- Score: 2.84 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master Ostasienwissenschaften,Vertiefung Koreanistik (PO 2020),Kernbreich
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master Ostasienwissenschaften, Vertiefung Koreanistik (PO 2020), Kernbreich
[090404] Denkmalschutz im (Süd)Korea des 20. Jahrhunderts — Seminar / Übung
Dr. phil. Thorsten Traulsen- Score: 2.84 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master Ostasienwissenschaften,Vertiefung Koreanistik (PO 2020),Kernbreich
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150231] Übungen Differentialtopologie — Übung
Prof. Dr. Björn Schuster- Score: 2.84 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Education 2020, Modul I: Schulische Didaktik und Praxis
[010520] Hauptseminar: Vorbereitungsseminar — Hauptseminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Hanna Roose- Score: 2.84 Master of Education (M.Ed.),Master of Education 2020,Modul I: Schulische Didaktik und Praxis,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150247] Übungen zu Finanzmathematik — Übung
Prof. Dr. Herold Dehling- Score: 2.83 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150209b] Tutorium zur Linearen Algebra II — Tutorium
Dr. Stefan Suhr- Score: 2.82 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150239] Übungen zu Funktionalanalysis — Übung
Dr. Abror Pirnapasov- Score: 2.82 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[201914] Master-Praktikum "Computational Proteomics" — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Martin Eisenacher- Score: 2.82 Master-Praktikum "Computational Proteomics" Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik,M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Anwendungsmodule
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150245] Übungen zu Statistik II — Übung
Dr. Nina Dörnemann- Score: 2.81 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160623] Methods in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Julia Tjus- Score: 2.81 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics, Lehrstuhlseminar zum Erlernen des Methodenspektrums in der Plasma-Astroteilchenphysik. Begleitend zu Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeiten
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040272] Vertiefungsseminar Fachdidaktik: Geschichtsunterricht meets Industriekultur – Konzeption, Erstellung und Erprobung von Unterrichtsmaterialien für Geschichtsunterricht und historisch-politische Bildung — Seminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Christian Bunnenberg- Score: 2.81 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master of Education Japanisch (PO 2020), J-L2 Fachdidaktik
[090660] Fachdidaktik — Seminar
Kana Eto- Score: 2.81 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master of Education Japanisch (PO 2020),J-L2 Fachdidaktik,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150271] Übung zu Kommutative Algebra — Übung
Dr. Nico Lorenz- Score: 2.81 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150261] Übungen zu Hochdimensionale Numerik und Diskrepanz — Übung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Weimar- Score: 2.80 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150227] Übungen zu Differentialgeometrie II (Differential Geometry II) — Übung
Giorgia Testolina- Score: 2.80 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Education 2020, Modul II: Exemplarische Themen des RU
[010501] Vorlesung: Diakonie als Unternehmen (verschoben auf das WiSe 22/23!) — Vorlesung
apl. Prof. Dr. Dieter Beese- Score: 2.80 Master of Education (M.Ed.),Master of Education 2020,Modul II: Exemplarische Themen des RU,
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master of Education Japanisch (PO 2020), J-L1 Fachwissenschaft & Sprachausbildung
[090651] Japanische Sprachgeschichte — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Sven Osterkamp- Score: 2.79 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master of Education Japanisch (PO 2020),J-L1 Fachwissenschaft & Sprachausbildung,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine
[180853] Biophysical Methods in Spectroscopy and Molecular Modeling — Seminar
- Score: 2.79 Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.),2nd Term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine details to be announced, Registration: kurs-bibi@rub.de, key word “Master-SpecMod�?
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Education 2020, Modul I: Schulische Didaktik und Praxis
[010524] Hauptseminar: Begleitseminar zum Praxissemester Ev. Theologie/Religionslehre — Hauptseminar
Julia Durchgraf- Score: 2.79 Master of Education (M.Ed.),Master of Education 2020,Modul I: Schulische Didaktik und Praxis,
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP, Practical Subjects
[139050] Master Project Applied Optics 2 — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ostendorf- Score: 2.79 Master Project Applied Optics 2 Master-Studiengang Lasers and Photonics (PO 2015), mandatory elective modules LAP,Practical Subjects,
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master of Education Japanisch (PO 2020), J-L1 Fachwissenschaft & Sprachausbildung
[090654] Japanisches Sprachsystem — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Sven Osterkamp- Score: 2.79 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master of Education Japanisch (PO 2020),J-L1 Fachwissenschaft & Sprachausbildung,
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Kommunikationstechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Praktikum KT
[142040] Master-Projekt DSP — Projekt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorothea Kolossa- Score: 2.77 Master-Projekt DSP Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020),Kommunikationstechnik,Wahlpflichtbereich,Master-Praktikum KT , this proÂject will be ofÂfeÂred as an onÂline class. TheÂreÂfoÂre, all meeÂtings are carÂried out with the help of video conÂfeÂrenÂces. The deÂtails will be preÂsenÂted in the first onÂline meeÂting on April 16, 2021, 10-11 am. Any quesÂtiÂons in this reÂspect will be anÂsÂweÂred in this meeÂting. ReÂgisÂtraÂtiÂon for the courÂse in adÂvanÂce is manÂdÂatoÂry! Plea
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Education 2020, Modul II: Exemplarische Themen des RU
[010521] Fachdidaktisches Hauptseminar: Jugendtheologie — Hauptseminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Hanna Roose- Score: 2.76 Master of Education (M.Ed.),Master of Education 2020,Modul II: Exemplarische Themen des RU,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150201] Übungen zu Analysis I — Übung
Dr. Carolin Kleemann, Dr. Mario Lipinski- Score: 2.76 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Amerikanische Literatur
[050649] American Literature of the First World War — Seminar
Dr. Connor Pitetti- Score: 2.75 The relationship between war and literature is long and interesting. Many of the great works of world literature are wholly or partly accounts of war; we would have no Iliad or Odyssey without the Trojan War, for example. Whether authors condemn it, celebrate it, or record it, war has long acted as an inspiration to literary art, and the ways in which writers respond to the reality
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210026] East Asian Religions and the birth of the "World Religions" — Seminar
Dr. phil. Licia Di Giacinto- Score: 2.75 to classify and categorize the religions of the world on the part of the European and American academy. Prominent examples are here the works of the Dutch theologian Cornelis Petrus Tiele (1830-1902) in Europe and the proceeding of thefirst world congress of religions that was held in Chicago in 1893. Readings from these works shall help the students to get an insight of the ways in which East Asian
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Hochfrequente Sensoren und Systeme, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Praktikum HSS
[142121] Master-Praktikum Hochfrequente Systeme — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ilona Rolfes- Score: 2.74 ÂliaÂble opeÂraÂtiÂon of the enÂtÂiÂre sysÂtem, difÂfeÂrent reÂquiÂreÂments are plaÂced on each of these comÂpoÂnÂents deÂpenÂding on the tarÂget apÂpÂliÂcaÂtiÂon. AcÂcorÂdingly, the first part of the pracÂtical courÂse coÂvers the chaÂracÂteÂrizaÂtÂiÂon of the inÂdiÂviÂduÂal comÂpoÂnÂents in a reÂceiÂving and transÂmitÂting unit using a 'testÂbed'. For this pur Master-Praktikum Hochfrequente Systeme Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020),Hochfrequente Sensoren und Systeme,Wahlpflichtbereich,Master-Praktikum HSS ÂpoÂse, the stuÂdents are inÂtroÂduÂced to the pracÂtical use of specÂtrum and netÂwork anaÂlyÂsis. The focus of the seÂcond part is the inÂvesÂtiÂgaÂtiÂon of anÂtenÂna proÂperÂties. For the wireÂless transÂmisÂsiÂon of elecÂtroÂmaÂgneÂtic waves, anÂtenÂnas are reÂquiÂred to send and reÂceiÂve the reÂspecÂtive siÂgnal. While the transÂmitÂting anÂtenÂna enÂsuÂres the ra
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080392] S Capitalism, intersectional inequalities, and social movements (IT, Teil I; FW, Teil III) — Seminar
Christoph Sorg, Prof. Dr. Sabrina Zajak- Score: 2.73 Master of Education,Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts,, , sexuality, age etc. In the next part of the seminar we will talk about how mobilization can challenge or defend these intersectional inequalities. In particular we will discuss how theories of capitalism, intersectionality and social movements help us understand social conflict over care work, political ecology, international inequality, racism and other related issues. In addition, we will look
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040286] Begleitseminar Praxissemester: III — Seminar
Dr. Kathrin Klausmeier- Score: 2.73 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150221] Übungen zu Funktionentheorie I — Übung
- Score: 2.73 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150235] Übungen zu Topologie — Übung
Dr. Matthew Spong- Score: 2.72 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150243] Übungen zu Statistik I — Übung
Pegah Golestaneh- Score: 2.72 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer PT
[141290] Plasmaspektroskopie — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Awakowicz- Score: 2.71 Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020),Plasmatechnik,Wahlpflichtbereich,Wahl�pflicht�f�cher PT struments. CONTENT: The lecture is an introduction to applied plasma spectroscopy and is divided into the three parts. First, it is discussed how light can be defined and why it is possible to diffract the light by its wavelengths. Afterwards, the different components and layouts of spectrometers are explained and demonstrated how the resolution of the system can be influenced. Furthermore, the procedures and problems of wavelength, relative, and absolute calibration are discussed. In the second part, the basic principles of atomic physics are presented, starting with the Bohr model to the Schrödinger equation. With this, the energy le vels and transitions of the atom will be described. Afterwards, the more complex two atomic molecules will be discussed, why their spectra differ from those of the atoms and which properties can be deduced from it. In the final part, examples from low pressure plasma systems are shown and plasma properties are determined from their spec
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Internationalisierung und Vergesellschaftung im Vergleich
[080247] S Der Wohlfahrtsstaat im internationalen Vergleich: Theorien und Methoden (InterVerg, Teil II) — Seminar
Till Stefes- Score: 2.71 (9650):163340. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61686-4. van Oorschot, Wim, und Heejung Chung. 2015. Feelings of Dual-Insecurity among European Workers: A Multi-Level Analysis. European Journal of Industrial Relations 21(1):2337. doi: 10.1177/0959680114523199. van Oorschot, Wim van. 2000. Who Should Get What, and Why? On Deservingness Criteria and the Conditionality of Solidarity among the Public. Policy & Politics 28
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150269] Übungen zu Numerik II — Übung
Prof. Dr. Patrick Henning- Score: 2.70 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master Ostasienwissenschaften, Vertiefung Japanologie (PO 2020), Kernbereich
[090255] Forschungsseminar / Kolloqium — Kolloquium / Seminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Katja Schmidtpott- Score: 2.70 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master Ostasienwissenschaften,Vertiefung Japanologie (PO 2020),Kernbereich
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150219] Übungen zu Kurven und Flächen — Übung
Dr. Benjamin Herbert Schulz-Rosenberger- Score: 2.69 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040284] Begleitseminar Praxissemester: I — Seminar
Dirk Urbach- Score: 2.69 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150244] Statistik II — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Holger Dette- Score: 2.69 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040285] Begleitseminar Praxissemester: II — Seminar
Jana Habig- Score: 2.69 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150266] Übungen zu Algebra II (komplexe halbeinfache Lie-Algebren) — Übung
Dr. Damian Sercombe- Score: 2.69 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150203] Übungen zu Analysis II — Übung
Sebastian Bergmann, Dr. Jörg Härterich, Dr. Florian Henning, Dr. Wolfgang Schmaltz, Prof. Dr. Kai Zehmisch- Score: 2.66 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150209] Übungen zu Lineare Algebra und Geometrie II — Übung
Prof. Dr. Björn Schuster, Leonard Tokic, Sven Wiesner- Score: 2.66 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018), Module 4: Lab & Field Studies
[100906] Seminar Advanced Lab & Field Experience — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Alexander Ferrauti, Prof. Dr. Daniel Hahn, Prof. Dr. Petra Platen- Score: 2.63 Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018),Module 4: Lab & Field Studies,, This course further promotes the student’s knowledge and skills in doing experimental research. Here they assist students from Module6 doing their master thesis again in a mentor/mentee relationship n.V.
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Bachelor-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, Technischer Wahlbereich, Bachelor-Praktikum Elektronische Schaltungen
[142064] Bachelor-Praktikum Elektronische Schaltungen — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Musch, Dr.-Ing. Gordon Notzon- Score: 2.62 ÂraÂmeÂter senÂsiÂtiÂviÂty against toÂleranÂces and paÂraÂsiÂtic efÂfects is esÂsenÂtiÂal part of these inÂvesÂtiÂgaÂtiÂons. MISÂCELÂLAÂNEOUS: The practical course 'Electronic Circuits' is offered in parallel to the lecture 'Electronics 2 - Circuits'. The contents of lecture and practical course are coordinated with each other, so that an additional learning effect is achieved. Beginn
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Pflichtmodule
[211011] Systemsicherheit — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Ghassan Karame- Score: 2.61 Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit,M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Pflichtmodule part of this course are exercises and homeworks, which aim to deepen the understanding of the material with practical examples
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018), Module 6: Master Thesis and Scientific Writing
[100926] Seminar Scientific Writing — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hahn- Score: 2.58 Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018),Module 6: Master Thesis and Scientific Writing,,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Studiengang Master of Education (M.Ed.), 4. Semester
[183335] Fachwissenschaftlicher Ergänzungsbereich — Vorlesung
- Score: 2.56 Studiengang Master of Education (M.Ed.),4. Semester,,
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master Ostasienwissenschaften, Vertiefung Japanologie (PO 2020), Kernbereich
[090910] Japanisch Oberstufe 2 - Aufsatz und Konversation — Übung
Reiko Suhara- Score: 2.55 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master Ostasienwissenschaften,Vertiefung Japanologie (PO 2020),Kernbereich
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Master of Arts / Master of Education, Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
[040261] Einführungsseminar Fachdidaktik: Grundlagen historischen Lernens — Einführungsseminar
Dirk Urbach- Score: 2.55 Geschichte,Register für Modulveranstaltungen,Master of Arts / Master of Education,Korb 5 - 20. Jahrhundert
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150259] Spezialvorlesung über Schleifenräume und Modulformen — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Gerd Laures- Score: 2.55 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik, Master of Arts in Development Management
[300002] Bochumer Summer School opening — Seminar
- Score: 2.55 Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik,Master of Arts in Development Management,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138610] Gasmesstechnik — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Peter Schley- Score: 2.54 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
— Master
[990005] Testveranstaltung zur Prüfungsanmeldung — Exkursion
Testkarte 3 Dozent, Test Dozent104, Dr. rer. nat. Christiane Lohaus- Score: 2.54 Master,,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138171] Seminar Biomechanik — Seminar
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Witzel- Score: 2.54 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138910] Biotechnologie — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Ute Merrettig-Bruns- Score: 2.54 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160614] Astroparticle Physics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Anna Franckowiak- Score: 2.53 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics, The lecture is targeted to Master students (but Bachelor students are also welcome). The new field of astroparticle physics will be introduced mainly from an experimental point of view, including cosmic rays, gamma rays, neutrinos, dark matter and gravitational wave.s Gliederung: Kommentar: More details here: https://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~afrancko/astroparticleSS2022.html Vorauss: C. Grupen
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138170] Synthese biomechanischer Konstruktionen — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Witzel- Score: 2.52 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Biophysics
[160855] Proteincrystallography (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann- Score: 2.52 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Biophysics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160242] Statistical Physics (Exercises) — Übung
Prof. Dr. Marialore Sulpizi- Score: 2.52 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138050] Umweltrisiken 1 — Vorlesung
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Görge Deerberg- Score: 2.52 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering
[136445] Verschleißschutztechnologie — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Sabine Siebert- Score: 2.52 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[136520] Lasertechnik — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Ostendorf- Score: 2.52 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik, Master of Arts in Development Management
[300004] Bochumer Summer School Teil II "Development in Practive " — Blockseminar
- Score: 2.51 Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik,Master of Arts in Development Management,,
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik, Master of Arts in Development Management
[300003] Bochumer Summer School Teil I "Statistical Methods" — Blockseminar
- Score: 2.51 Institut für Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik,Master of Arts in Development Management,,
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul
[060045] Gesellschaftsrecht — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. iur. Andrea Lohse- Score: 2.51 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme,Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160661] Crossing the Desert — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hildebrandt- Score: 2.51 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering
[132530] Industriegütermarketing — Vorlesung mit Übung
Mirko Düssel- Score: 2.51 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[126602] Dynamic Structures and Active Control — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamara Nestorovic- Score: 2.51 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150220] Funktionentheorie I — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Stéphanie Cupit-Foutou- Score: 2.50 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[136110] Prozesse der Verbrennungsmotoren — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Eifler- Score: 2.50 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul
[060090] Kommunalrecht * — Vorlesung
Dr. mag. rer. publ. Jens Gerlach- Score: 2.50 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme,Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul,,
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Theaterwissenschaft, M.A.-Phase, Master Szenische Forschung
[051620] Theater erforscht Haltungen: Stolz — Blockseminar
PD Dr. Kai Van Eikels- Score: 2.50 Theaterwissenschaft,M.A.-Phase,Master Szenische Forschung,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160329] Quantum Optics (Exercises) — Übung
Dr. Nathan Jukam- Score: 2.50 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung
[260025] Designing Explainable AI (XAI)_ENG — Blockseminar
Professor Dr. Christian Meske, Ina Schwanebeck-Lepski- Score: 2.49 Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik,M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung and give continuous feedback on the project and the associated seminar papers. The XAI block seminar is held entirely via online (outbreak) sessions to enable collaboration with students at the University of Oldenburg. Forms of examination The examination consists of two parts and can therefore only be passed if both performances are at least passed: One graded presentation Graded seminar paper
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Courses (Soft Skills)
[160524] Computational Physics II — Vorlesung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Elena Innocenti- Score: 2.49 Master of Science,Elective Courses (Soft Skills),,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160530] Introduction to Hydrodynamics (Exercises) — Übung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Horst Fichtner- Score: 2.49 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160209] Introduction to Theoretical Astrophysics (Exersices) — Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Julia Tjus- Score: 2.49 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen, Wahlmodule
[128219] Tragwerke unter Windeinwirkungen (MSc-BI-W) — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Kasperski- Score: 2.49 Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen,Wahlmodule,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160613] Introduction to Statistics for Astronomers and Physicists — Vorlesung
Dr. Angus Wright- Score: 2.49 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[136140] Reaktortheorie — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Marco K. Koch- Score: 2.49 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160664] Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Reconnection — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Scherer- Score: 2.49 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[136090] Turbomaschinen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Francesca di Mare- Score: 2.49 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering
[000000] Einführungsveranstaltung externe Erstsemester Masterstudiengang — Einführungskurs
Dr.-Ing. Holger Grote- Score: 2.49 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160205] Introduction to Plasma Physics I (Exercises) — Übung
Dr. rer. nat. Tsanko Tsankov- Score: 2.49 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150270] Kommutative Algebra — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Markus Reineke- Score: 2.48 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Arts - 2 Fach (PO 2016), Modul MBW: Bibelwissenschaften
[010133] Hauptseminar: Die Priesterschrift — Hauptseminar
Leonie K. Stör- Score: 2.48 Master of Arts (M.A.),Master of Arts - 2 Fach (PO 2016),Modul MBW: Bibelwissenschaften,
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Master Ostasienwissenschaften, Vertiefung Koreanistik (PO 2020), Kernbreich
[090451] Leichte hanmun-Texte: Übersetzung und Interpretation — Seminar / Übung
Prof. Dr. Marion Eggert- Score: 2.48 Master-Veranstaltungen,Master Ostasienwissenschaften,Vertiefung Koreanistik (PO 2020),Kernbreich
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150202] Analysis II — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Kai Zehmisch- Score: 2.48 Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium,Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.),,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering
[138510] MEMS & Nanotechnologie — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Ludwig- Score: 2.48 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering,,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen, Wahlmodule
[128225] Materialtheorie (MSc-BI-W / MSc-MB) — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Khanh Chau Le- Score: 2.48 Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen,Wahlmodule,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[138500] Computersimulation von Fluidströmungen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. David Engelmann- Score: 2.48 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138980] Maschinen für die Energiewende — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Polklas- Score: 2.48 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160412] Particle Detectors for Hadron Physics Experiments — Vorlesung
Prof. James Ritman- Score: 2.48 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Theaterwissenschaft, M.A.-Phase, Master Szenische Forschung
[051621] Glitch: Rutschtest einer queeren feministischen Ästhetik — Blockseminar
PD Dr. Kai Van Eikels- Score: 2.48 Theaterwissenschaft,M.A.-Phase,Master Szenische Forschung,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160411] Symbolic Computation in Mathematica — Vorlesung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hermann Krebs- Score: 2.48 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[138990] Sustainability in Process Engineering — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Philip Biessey- Score: 2.48 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138105] Neue Werkstoffe für Batterien, Brennstoff- und Elektrolysezellen — Vorlesung
apl.- Prof. Dr. Martin Bram- Score: 2.48 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen, Wahlmodule
[128228] Technologien für den Maschinellen Tunnelbau (MSc-BI-W) — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Wehrmeyer- Score: 2.48 Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen,Wahlmodule,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160326] Seminar on Quantum Materials (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Anna Böhmer- Score: 2.48 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering
[138030] Laserfertigungstechnik — Vorlesung mit Übung
apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cemal Esen- Score: 2.48 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang Maschinenbau (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[136120] Energieaufwendungen und Ökobilanzierung — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Julian Röder- Score: 2.48 Master-Studiengang Maschinenbau (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160413] Particle Detectors for Hadron Physics Experiments (Excercises) — Übung
Prof. James Ritman- Score: 2.46 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering
[138115] Vertriebsmanagement und -controlling — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr. rer. oec. Luis Barrantes- Score: 2.46 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Werkstoff- und Microengineering,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Nicht-MINT Module/Nichttechnische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138940] Business Development - Grundlagen der Geschäftsfeldentwicklung — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Renner- Score: 2.46 Nicht-MINT Module/Nichttechnische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013), Kommunikationstechnik, Zusatz Module
[144003] Kolloquium ETIT — Kolloquium
Hochschullehrende der Fakultät ET/IT- Score: 2.46 Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2013),Kommunikationstechnik,Zusatz Module,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Umwelttechnik und Ressourcenmanagement (UTRM), Vertiefungsrichung Wasserwesen und Geotechnik, Pflichtmodul
[138100] Umweltingenieurwesen II — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Philip Biessey- Score: 2.46 Studiengang Master Umwelttechnik und Ressourcenmanagement (UTRM),Vertiefungsrichung Wasserwesen und Geotechnik,Pflichtmodul,
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (PO 2020), Forschungskolloquien
[118918] S Forschungskolloquium — Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hofmann- Score: 2.46 Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (PO 2020),Forschungskolloquien,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Maschinen- und Automatisierungssysteme
[138130] Additive Fertigung - Metalle — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Sehrt- Score: 2.46 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Maschinen- und Automatisierungssysteme,,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen, Wahlmodule
[128223] Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Grundbau und Umwelttechnik (MSc-BI-W) — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Diethard König- Score: 2.46 Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen,Wahlmodule,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[138240] Thermodynamik der Gemische — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Span- Score: 2.46 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik
[138620] Geothermal Energy Systems — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Bracke- Score: 2.46 Master-Studiengang SEPM (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[139020] CO2-Abscheidung aus Industrieprozessen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Priv.-Doz. Dr.-Ing. Martin Schiemann- Score: 2.46 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[139230] Luftqualität — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Pollak- Score: 2.46 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138930] Mechanische Eigenschaften in kleinen Dimensionen — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Dehm- Score: 2.45 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— Master-Studiengang Maschinenbau (PO 2021), Studienschwerpunkt Strömungsmaschinen
[138140] Grundlagen der hydraulischen Strömungsmaschinen und Anlagen — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Romuald Skoda- Score: 2.45 Master-Studiengang Maschinenbau (PO 2021),Studienschwerpunkt Strömungsmaschinen,,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen, Wahlmodule
[128220] Sonderverfahren des Entwurfs für außergewöhnliche Ingenieurtragwerke (MSc-BI-W) — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Kasperski- Score: 2.45 Studiengang Master Bauingenieurwesen,Wahlmodule,,
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[138162] Management und Organisation von Arbeit — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Manfred Wannöffel- Score: 2.45 MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang,,,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Theoretical Chemistry
[181873] Theoretisch Chemisches Kolloquium — Seminar / Kolloquium
- Score: 2.45 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Theoretical Chemistry
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160404] Quantum Field Theory I (Exercises) — Übung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hermann Krebs- Score: 2.45 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[050009] Informationstheoretische Analysen natuerlicher Sprache — Proseminar
Dr. Thomas Stephan Juzek- Score: 2.45 Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik,M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik,Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020,Anwendungsmodule