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V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fachsprachen
[050685] Strategies of Conflict Management — Seminar
Karin Bachem- Score: 11.77 The modern business environment offers prime examples of critical and goal-driven scenarios – often resulting in conflict situations. Common perceptions of business being all about profit generation and maximisation as well as the need to measure individual performance and economic success are reflected in highly competitive and conflictive situations. Thus, in order to achieve the planned and expected business objectives, communication and negotiation tools and skills are required for any kind of professional encounter. Since such encounters often result in a stalemate or, even worse, in continued and frequently escalating conflicts between the parties involved, a number of tools are needed to resolve such disputes successfully. In fact, similar conflict potential can be found in an educational environment, too. Therefore, this seminar is designed to offer a toolbox of approaches and strategies that enable parties involved in disputes to professionally handle critical and crucial situations. Course materials will be provided in a digital format. Assessment/requirements: term paper or final written exam.
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Politik Ostasiens, Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen
[090314] LSI Online Japanisch 2 — Seminar
Britt Bielewicz, David O`Brien- Score: 10.11 online, wöchentlich Zeit der Zoom-Meetings: montags, 16:15-17:45 Uhr. Erster Veranstaltungstag ist der 25/04/2022. This seminar is an advanced language course. It will introduce you to key current aspects of the Japanese political system, international relations, economic developments, and society. It allows students to develop relevant knowledge and critical thinking skills to pursue a holistic understanding of contemporary Japan. The carefully chosen material is intended to improve students’ language skills (reading) through interactive online skill-building exercises and articles (based on Japanese sources). The course is divided into three units: society, politics and economy. In the course, the learning units systematically build on one another so that learners can accumulate knowledge, concepts, and vocabulary. Teaching materials and processes are specially designed for individual and self-learning. After the last session of each unit, discussions on the topics will take place in online sessions. The course will be conducted with the LSI ONLINE platform. Students are required to register with the LSI. The platform, the contents, and the general organisation
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Courses (Soft Skills)
[160524] Computational Physics II — Vorlesung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Elena Innocenti- Score: 9.81 Master of Science,Elective Courses (Soft Skills),,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Courses (Soft Skills)
[160525] Computational Physics II (Übung) — Übung
Dr. Jérémy Dargent, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Elena Innocenti- Score: 9.63 Master of Science,Elective Courses (Soft Skills),,
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Politik Ostasiens, Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen
[090354] LSI Online Chinesisch 1 — Seminar
Yuqiao Li, Mireia Paulo- Score: 9.61 This class will be conducted online and is non-linear. Regular online discussion meetings 14-16 o‘clock: 13.04.2022; 04.05.2022; 01.06.2022; 29.06.2022; 13.07.2022 This seminar is an advanced language course. It will introduce you to key current aspects of the Chinese political system, international relations, economic developments, and society, as well as to provide opportunities for exploring and analysing contemporary issues including those arising from China’s ascendancy as a world power. It allows students to develop relevant knowledge and critical thinking skills to pursue a holistic understanding of contemporary China. The carefully chosen material is intended to improve students’ language skills (reading, listening, and writing) through interactive online skill -building exercises and articles (based on Chinese sources). The course is divided into three units: economy, international relations and society. In the course, the learning units systematically build on one another so that learners can accumulate knowledge, concepts, and vocabulary. Teaching materials and processes are specially designed for individual and self-learning. After the last session of each unit , discussions on the topics will principally take place in online sessions. If needed, the discussions will also be taken place in campus. General Objectives: Learn how to analyse and compare mass-information for academic purposes; Demonstrate analytical thinking skills through the interpretation of evidence, identification and evaluation of points of view, and the formulation of warranted, non -fallacious conclusions; Develop the skills to conceptualize possible explanations for major events in Chinese politics and apply empirical data to support or reject those interpretations; Expand student’s communicative competence in modern Chinese on the passive (listening and reading comprehension) as well as on the active side (writing). Assignments Objectives: To demonstrate knowledge of issues
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Master of Cognitive Science, A1 Introduction to Cognitive Science
[112916] S Short format scientific communication — Blockseminar
Prof. Dr. Jonas Rose- Score: 9.61 . Communicating the value of research is a critical skill that will enable you to apply these skills from an early stage of your career.During the science writing course, a combination of seminars that encourage group discussion will explore current topics at the cutting edge of research in working memory and visual neuroscience. Assessments designed to replicate the requirements of academia will help you hone Effective writing is one of the most important skills in today’s science, engineering, and business landscapes. Effectively communicating the value of your research can make the difference between if they are funded and accepted for publication or not.What research means to scientific experts in the field vs. a broad public audience requires very different communication approaches the skills learned to become an effective scientific writer. Teachers: Clark, Hahn Ende August/Anfang September
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Courses (Soft Skills)
[160014] The Science of Interstellar (Summer School) — Einführungsveranstaltung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Horst Fichtner, Dr. rer. nat. Ivonne Möller- Score: 9.58 Master of Science,Elective Courses (Soft Skills),,
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik II, Vertiefungsseminare
[050818] How to Become a CLIL Teacher — Seminar
Sebastian Flaake- Score: 9.42 This course is intended to introduce you to the field of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), which is also known as “Bilingualer Sachfachunterricht�? in Germany. The basic idea of CLIL is to teach content subjects, e.g. politics, history, or biology, through or with the help of a foreign language. We will reflect on the theoretical and conceptual foundations of CLIL, explore the many forms of its practical implementation, and critically examine accompanying research findings. One of the aims of this course is for students to develop and test their own teaching materials and/or teaching units – ideally for their respective subjects. Assessment/requirements: active participation, in-class presentation/micro-teaching, developing teaching materials.
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177702] Pre-field course seminar — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Annika Dziggel, Dr. Silvia Volante- Score: 9.36 The content and exact duration of the field course depend on the field area, which is variable each year (Scotland, South Africa, …). The field course is preceded by a seminar. The aim of this field course is to train the student's field skills in tectonics and economic geology, and to combine theoretical knowledge with field observations. The field course may include small mapping projects Pre-field course seminar and visits to open pit and underground mines. Termin wird noch bekannt gegeben Relevant literature will be presented at the beginning of each course.
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210039] Lives, myths and the politics of Hindu gods and goddesses — Seminar
Dr. Anne Hartig, Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 9.28 , iconographic and comparative analysis, with readings and in-class discussions, students will not only enhance their skills to ‘read’ images but also learn that images develop in relation to their ritual, religious, cultural, political and socio-economic context. Course objectives By the end of the course, students will - have learned to identify images of popular Hindu deities - be familiar course will introduce students to popular Hindu deities using various media, ranging from mythological texts, sculptures, prints, to cartoons, and movies. Combining art historical methods, such as formal, iconographic and comparative analysis, with readings and in-class discussions, students will not only enhance their skills to ‘read’ images but also learn that images develop in relation to their ritual, religious, cultural, political and socio-economic context. Course objectives By the end of the course, students will - have learned to identify images of popular Hindu deities - be familiar with important tales and stories - have developed and practiced skills in describing and analyzing images - have a broader understanding of South Asian religion, culture and art - be able to perform by other religious communities in regions beyond India’s borders, others have emerged only recently and are worshipped locally. With emphasis on the 20th and 21st century, this visually rich course will introduce students to popular Hindu deities using various media, ranging from mythological texts, sculptures, prints, to cartoons, and movies. Combining art historical methods, such as formal with important tales and stories - have developed and practiced skills in describing and analyzing images - have a broader understanding of South Asian religion, culture and art - be able to perform visual analysis of images Contemporary Hinduism embraces different ideas, beliefs, practices and rituals, the great majority of which revolves around the worship of one or several deities. Hindu deities
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Core Modules
[050831] Dependency Parsing — Hauptseminar
Dr. Halima Husic- Score: 8.86 Core Module Theoretical Linguistics A robust and reliable analysis of the syntactic structure is essential for empirical research at the syntax-semantics interface. Therefore, parsing is a pre-step to linguistic analysis at the sentence level. In this course we will explore different parsing techniques with a special focus on those with a dependency structure. In the second part of the semester we will conduct a case study on the attachment of prepositional phrases, which will enable us to reflect on the importance of parsers as well as their limits. What to do for credit points Studienleistung: Active participation shown through short presentations, protocols, or exercises. Prüfungsleistung:Term paper (10 pages, 11/14 point), programming task with documentation (3 pages) If you want to participate in the course, please send an e-mail with your name, Matrikel-No. (and/or name of co-op university/ degree program) and course title to anneli.vonkoenemann@rub.de by April 1st, 2022 (23:59 h) at the latest
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Masterstudiengangs 'Lasers and Photonics'
[251230] Englisch NUR für Studierende des Masterstudiengangs 'Lasers and Photonics' (B2-C1): English for Specific Academic Purposes: Producing and Presenting a Scientific Poster — Sprachkurs
Kara Callahan- Score: 8.56 of the course (English for academic purposes), students will receive training in all of the language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) required for effective participati on in the Laser and Photonics master programme.To this end, we will continue to work on authentic texts relevant to the field of Lasers and Photonics (extracts from text books, texts from scientific journals, popular science GOALS: The aim of this course is to provide you with the tools and strategies necessary to enable you to speak and write more effectively about your subject area and participate actively in courses, seminars and working groups of your study programme. Assessment: The course grade will be based on the written and the oral versions of the poster presentation. CONÂTENT: As in Part 1 magazines etc.) to further develop your reading skills and improve your understanding and use of key terminology.The main focus of the writing component is a poster presentation. To gether we will go through the steps necessary to create an authentic scientific poster to present your field of research interest. During a simulated poster presentation session, you will present your research to other
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Wirtschaft und Politik Ostasiens (PO 2017), Gemeinsamer Bereich, Internationale Politische Ökonomie Ostasiens
[090310] Die Beziehungen der Europäischen Union mit dem Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen (ASEAN) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bersick- Score: 8.39 In the course of the seminar the students will benefit by improving their communication skills, gaining expert knowledge on the topic of multi-dimensional relations between the European Union and East Asia, networking with others and renewing their motivation and confidence.Through the practice of presenting their arguments and ideas clearly as well as learning to listen to others ´points of view and taking part in group discussions and activities the students will improve their interpersonal skills, such as dealing with conflicting opinions among group members and working together to accomplish assignments or tasks.Besides enhancing their professional communication techniques the participants of the seminar will be intensively exposed to the topic of European and Asian studies by presentations and discussions. Thereby the students will be able to gain a wide range of knowledge in this specific field.Additionally, the intensive study during the seminar as well as the interaction with other people who share the same interest is intended to renew the students´ motivation and enthusiasm to pursue the study of European and Asian studies in the future. In the course of the seminar the students will benefit by improving their communication skills, gaining expert knowledge on the topic of multi-dimensional relations between the European Union and East Asia, networking with others and renewing their motivation and confidence.Through the practice of presenting their arguments and ideas clearly as well as learning to listen to others´points of view and taking part in group discussions and activities the students will improve their interpersonal skills, such as dealing with conflicting opinions among group members and working together to accomplish assignments or tasks.Besides enhancing their professional communication techniques the participants of the seminar will be intensively exposed to the topic of European and Asian studies by presentations and discussions. Thereby the students
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik I, Seminare
[050810B] Grundlagen der Sprachdidaktik, Gruppe B — Seminar
Alexander Kaul- Score: 8.31 The main aim of this compulsory introductory course will be to give you a first good insight into some central theoretical and practical aspects of foreign language learning and teach-ing. We will be analysing your present beliefs about successful language teaching and learning, and possibly call some of them into question. To achieve these aims we will follow a reflective model of training
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik I, Seminare
[050810C] Grundlagen der Sprachdidaktik, Gruppe C — Seminar
Sebastian Flaake- Score: 8.31 The main aim of this compulsory introductory course will be to give you a first good insight into some central theoretical and practical aspects of foreign language learning and teach-ing. We will be analysing your present beliefs about successful language teaching and learning, and possibly call some of them into question. To achieve these aims we will follow a reflective model of training
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik I, Seminare
[050810A] Grundlagen der Sprachdidaktik, Gruppe A — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Markus Ritter- Score: 8.31 The main aim of this compulsory introductory course will be to give you a first good insight into some central theoretical and practical aspects of foreign language learning and teach-ing. We will be analysing your present beliefs about successful language teaching and learning, and possibly call some of them into question. To achieve these aims we will follow a reflective model of training
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Sport & Exercise Sciences for Health & Performance (M.Sc.)(PO >=2018), Module 4: Lab & Field Studies
[100906] Seminar Advanced Lab & Field Experience — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Alexander Ferrauti, Prof. Dr. Daniel Hahn, Prof. Dr. Petra Platen- Score: 8.16 This course further promotes the student’s knowledge and skills in doing experimental research. Here they assist students from Module6 doing their master thesis again in a mentor/mentee relationship n.V.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050718] British Short Stories — Übung
Prof. Dr. phil. Burkhard Niederhoff- Score: 7.92 If you want to brush up your skills in the analysis of narrative texts, focusing on such aspects as setting, narrator, point of view, theme etc., this is the course for you. It will also give you the chance to get to know some nineteenth- and twentieth-century writers that you might not be familiar with. Writers to be discussed will include R.L. Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, E.M. Forster , Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, Somerset Maugham, William Golding and Julian Barnes. Required texts: the short stories will be provided by way of Moodle and/or a reader. Assessment/requirements: active participation; writing assignments throughout the semester (so that students will have completed this course by the end of the semester).
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik II, Vertiefungsseminare
[050820] Songs and Films in ELT — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Markus Ritter- Score: 7.92 and advanced language learners. All the models of teaching that will be covered in this course are firmly tied to the current syllabus of NRW and, thus, aim to provide students with a sound grasp on didactic skills and useful ideas. Assessment/requirements: details about how to obtain credit points will be clarified in the first session. Blockseminar: 29.08.22-01.09.22 How do you teach songs and film in secondary schools? How does teaching songs and film differ from written texts in the English classroom? How do you prepare a session that is based on songs and film? This course will address these questions and will develop various approaches to teaching songs and film in secondary schools considering both intermediate
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachenausbildung, Übungen
[050760B] Communication MM, Gruppe B — Übung
Dr. Ewan Dow- Score: 7.91 This course largely focuses on giving presentations, but will inevitably involve background reading, discussion and note-taking as part of your academic communication skills. Feedback from tutor and peers is designed to help participants ‘find their voice’ in an academic context. Assessment/requirements: active participation across the module and one 10-15-minute, individual formal
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Rechtswissenschaftliche Fremdsprachenlehrveranstaltungen (§ 7 Abs. 1 Ziff. 3 JAG NRW vom 11.03.2003)
[060305] An Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law*** — Kurs
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos, Dr. Felipe Oliveira de Sousa- Score: 7.74 , in order to highlight differences and similarities across a diversity of constitutional traditions. During this course, you will (i) become acquainted with the fundamental features of the systems of government referred above; (ii) acquire insights about recent philosophical discussions on judicial review and the different ways in which it can be designed; (iii) reflect on how features of the constitutional systems referred above may help to explain and understand current social phenomena (e.g. political polarization); and (iv) reflect on whether and how traditional concepts of constitutional law may be revised in order to cope with recent developments in the global and transnational arena.This course has a strong inter-disciplinary character. At the same time in which it will draw on traditional Verfassungsrechts stützen, andererseits aber auch auf einschlägige Nebenliteratur, insbesondere der Verfassungstheorie und der politischen, sozialen und Rechtsphilosophie. This course provides an introduction to the overarching concepts of constitutional law in a comparative fashion. It draws on the political and legal systems of the United States, China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, France and Germany doctrinal analyses of constitutional law, it will also draw on relevant side-literature, especially of constitutional theory and of political, social and legal philosophy. Zoom Video Course donnerstags 10-12 Uhr, erster Termin 14.04.2022 M. Tushnet, An Advanced Introduction to Comparative Constitutional Law, Northhampton: Elgar Publishing, 2014.A.W Heringa, Constitutions Compared – An Introduction
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Politik Ostasiens, Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen
[091009] Fortgeschrittenes Koreanisch anhand aktueller Themen und Fragen — Übung
Dr. Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon- Score: 7.71 Fortgeschrittener Sprachkurs mit starkem Fokus auf Sprech- und Schreibfähigkeiten. Aktuelle Angelegenheiten und Probleme in der heutigen koreanischen Gesellschaft werden durch Medienformen wie Nachrichten, Fernsehen, Filme und soziale Medien erklärt und diskutiert. Advanced language course with a strong focus on speaking and writing skills. Current affairs and issues in contemporary Korean society explained and discussed through media forms such as news, television, films and social media. You are asked to become active co-producers of the course rather than merely being passive learners. Thus, the best way to get the most out of this course is to be prepared to join in and actively participate. Jaewon.Nielbock-Yoon@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Von der Lektorin werden selbst erstellte
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Zertifikat Erweiterungsfach Lehramt (PO 2022), Modul 8: Erleben und Verhalten, Erziehung und Bildung
[100019] Seminar Psychological perspectives on performance- and health-oriented sports — Seminar
Dr. Sarah Jakowski- Score: 7.67 This interactive course examines the application of psychological theories and research to sports behaviours. Case studies from a variety of sports will be explored to develop a set of psychological skills that can be applied across sports. Ob die Veranstaltung online oder in Präsenz stattfinden wird, entscheidet sich in der ersten Veranstaltungswoche in Abhängigkeit von den internationalen
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050727] Listen Up! Sonic Dissent in African American Literature and Art — Übung
Julia Lange- Score: 7.65 This seminar addresses the intersection of African American studies and sound studies over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries. Focusing on the sonic dimension in African American literature we will examine how black writers reflect on the relationship between race, gender, class and sound. How do black artists use sound (music, laughter, noise, etc.) or its absence (silences, erasures of engaging with cultural, social and political differences, this course aims to open up new perspectives on both canonical and lesser known texts. Drawing from a multimedia archive, we will trace the numerous links between black cultural production (novels, poems, plays, protest songs) and sound art, technologies and theories in their historical evolution. The following novels will be discussed over the course of the term, so please ensure that you get hold of them by the start of the semester: Ralph Ellison, Insivible Man Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God Colson Whitehead, Harlem Shuffle Secondary reading material and a full syllabus will be shared by the first session of the summer term and be published in Moodle. Assessment/requirements: active participation, presentation
International Course Catalogue
— Interdisciplinary Centre For Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS)
[440512] Phase-Field Theory and Application — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr. Oleg Shchyglo, Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinbach, apl. Prof. Dr. Fathollah Varnik- Score: 7.58 International Course Catalogue The students understand the principles of mesoscopic structure formation in condensed matter as the basis of the phase-field theory. They are able to derive the basic relations of this theory and relate the parameters to measurable physical quantities. They are able to use theoretical methods to investigate scale separation in condensed matter. The students are skilled in the application to derive the basic relations of this theory and relate the parameters to measurable physical quantities. They are able to use theoretical methods to investigate scale separation in condensed matter. The students are skilled in the application of the phase-field theory in numerical simulations. In the practical exercises, they developed a simple software code to simulate dendritic growth in 3D, thus being
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Core Modules
[050835] (Social) Web Data Mining with Python — Hauptseminar
Dr. Claudia Roch- Score: 7.57 Core Module Computational Linguistics In this course we will explore the possibilities of web data mining. It includes, on the one hand, aquiring practical skills for accessing APIs and gathering, processing and analysing text data from social web platforms like e.g. Twitter etc. using Python. On the other hand, we will also discuss the relevance for linguistic data science research and what kind of ethical concerns exist. What to do for credit points Studienleistung: Active participation shown through short presentations, protocols, or exercises. Prüfungsleistung: Term paper (10 pages, 11/14 point), programming task with documentation, data collection (annotation task) with documentation (3 pages) If you want to participate in the course, please send an e-mail with your name , Matrikel-No. (and/or name of co-op university/ degree program) and course title to anneli.vonkoenemann@rub.de by April 1st, 2022 (23:59 h) at the latest Russell, M. A. & Klassen, M. (2019)3. Mining the Social Web. O' Reilly.
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Koreanistik (PO 2020), K-B3 Modernes Korea
[091007] Koreanische Phonetik und Phonologie — Übung
Dr. Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon- Score: 7.56 In diesem Kurs werden Sie Ihre Koreanischen Aussprachfähigkeiten verbessern und lernen, wie Sie Koreanishch in der heutigen globalisierten Welt sprechen. In this course, you will improve your Korean pronunciation skills and learn about which pronunciation features are important for mutual understanding. In exercises and videos, you will practise Korean sounds and intonations and learn about some regional accents (dialects) as well. By the end of the course, you will have improved your Korean pronunciation so you will feel confident about speaking Korean in different contexts. n.V. Jaewon.Nielbock-Yoon@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Von der Lektorin werden selbst erstellte Materialien zur Verfügung gestellt. Class materials come from book chapters and newspaper/magazine articles
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050695B] Communication AM, Gruppe B — Übung
Dr. Verena Minow- Score: 7.56 This course aims to improve your written and spoken communication skills through a variety of exercises and tasks. While we will focus to some extent on different forms of communication in an academic setting, we will also devote quite a bit of time to communication in other areas of every-day life. In addition, there will be ample opportunity to use English in a more creative way, for example
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Master-Veranstaltungen, Politik Ostasiens, Modul SPÜ Sprachübungen
[091011] Business Korean für Fortgeschrittene — Übung
Dr. Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon- Score: 7.48 Im Anschluss an die Kurse Business Korean werden die Sprach-, Wortschatz- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten auf mittlerem Niveau weiter ausgebaut, die für eine Vielzahl von koreanischen Geschäftsumgebungen erforderlich sind. This course is for students who are interested in developing Korean language skills for employability and use in workplace contexts. Each week, we will focus on key aspects of Korean for the workplace. We will practice dialogues in searching and applying for jobs, preparing for interviews, taking interviews, starting a new job, and working with new colleagues. The course does not follow a language syllabus but takes workplace Korean as its starting point, and offers functional language phrases and real, authentic workplace scenarios. You are asked to become active co -producers of the course rather than merely being passive learners. Thus, the best way to get the most out of this course is to be prepared to join in and actively participate. Jaewon.Nielbock-Yoon@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Business Korean 2 by Hawoo Publishing Inc. ISBN 979-11-90154-37-6 Other class materials come from book chapters and newspaper/magazine articles, and will be links in the syllabus, emailed to students
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160322] Journal Club: Applied solid state physics — Seminar
Dr. rer. nat. Arne Ludwig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Wieck- Score: 7.44 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics, Contents:The idea of the journal club is to discuss recent discoveries in the field of applied solid state physics and in general physics with a possible link to solid state physics.Aims:Scientific presentation skills, literature search and scientific kowledge will be trained.Examination:The students prepare one publication from a recent discovery with the journal club organizer and present
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry), Biochemistry
[186229] Literature and Methodology Seminar: Latest developments in biochemistry as reflected in current literature — Seminar
Ingrid Vetter- Score: 7.27 Literature and Methodology Seminar: Latest developments in biochemistry as reflected in current literature
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210033] Mediating the Transcendent in South Asia — Kolloquium / Seminar
Dr. Serena Autiero, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jessie Pons- Score: 7.16 specifically.  This seminar brings together Master students, doctoral candidates and early career researchers who share an interest in the interplay between religion and media in South Asian religious traditions, may it be during historical or contemporary periods. This course is envisaged as a colloquium which will meet every week to discuss topics pertinent to the participants’ research. It will offer a platform for participants to share their work, whether prospective or on-going. It will combine the presentation of concrete case-studies based in different historical contexts with the discussion of more theoretical reading that reflect on the relationship between religion, material, and immaterial objects as a specifically South-Asian phenomenon. This reading will draw upon modern scholarship historical or contemporary periods. This course is envisaged as a colloquium which will meet every week to discuss topics pertinent to the participants’ research. It will offer a platform for participants to share their work, whether prospective or on-going. It will combine the presentation of concrete case-studies based in different historical contexts with the discussion of more theoretical reading that reflect on the relationship between religion, material, and immaterial objects as a specifically South-Asian phenomenon. This reading will draw upon modern scholarship as well as on Classical Indian discourses (e.g. commentarial literature, treatises) to explore how the interaction between religion, material culture, and aesthetics has been theorized.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050717] The Sonnet through the Ages (18th to 20th Centuries) — Übung
Dr. phil. Claudia Ottlinger- Score: 7.03 , to name just a few. The course will compare various sonnet patterns and explore a myriad of themes. The major aim is to improve students’ skills in text analysis. All the relevant texts will be made available on Moodle. Assessment/requirements: active class participation, thorough preparation of the texts, short end-of-term test.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Englische Literatur nach 1700, Übungen
[050634] How to Do Things with Poems — Übung
Prof. Dr. phil. Burkhard Niederhoff- Score: 6.94 There is a notion abroad that analysing poems is an occult gift that you are either born or – more likely – not born with. This course builds on the assumption that analysing poems is a skill that can be acquired, much like swimming, playing the piano or learning a foreign language. We will focus on different aspects such as genre, syntax, metre and metaphor to work our way into the complex structures of form and meaning provided by a selection of mostly canonical poems. We will also try our hand at the so-called ‘production-oriented’ method, i.e. the rewriting of a poem as a parody or the filling in of blanks, which is also taught in German schools and should therefore be interesting to students who aspire to be teachers. Covid permitting, this course will be taught on campus. Required
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210036] “Unorthodox” Christianities: global dissident identities, movements and spiritualities — Seminar
Daniel Jara Jhayya- Score: 6.91 .The course establishes a global connection between the Americas and African Pentecostalism,considering its transformative influence in world Christianity. In this continent, it explores themain developments and trends of local Christianity and reflects on the role of ancestral spiritsand witchcraft in African religious traditions. Likewise, special attention is paid to the role ofthe Christian faith The course deals with different “unorthodox�? ways of experiencingthe Christian identity in the XXI century, their main movements, and spiritualities. To do so, itbuilds over the academic concepts of transculturation and transdifference, and theirimplications in the religious debate. Within this framework, it analyzes phenomena asreligious affiliations, practices, beliefs, attitudes , orientations, and belongings. ConsideringAmerica, it explores Latin American “unorthodoxies�? as Liberation Theology and the cults tothe Virgin Mary and the “Santa Muerte�? (“Holy Death�?). Furthermore, it deeps into NorthAmerican evangelical conservative and fundamentalist movements.The course establishes a global connection between the Americas and African Pentecostalism,considering its transformative influence in world Christianity. In this continent, it explores themain developments and trends of local Christianity and reflects on the role of ancestral spiritsand witchcraft in African religious traditions. Likewise, special attention is paid to the role ofthe Christian faith in the struggles of African diasporic groups in the western world. Finally,two contemporary Christian phenomena are analyzed: the emergence of growing-focused“mega-churches�?, and its proclamation of the so-called “prosperity gospel�?. The course deals with different “unorthodox�? ways of experiencingthe Christian identity in the XXI century, their main movements, and spiritualities. To do so, itbuilds over the academic concepts of transculturation and transdifference, and theirimplications in the religious
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung
[211120] Student Conference: Research Project — Anleitung zu wiss. Arbeiten
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berger, Dr. Jacob Krüger- Score: 6.88 in software engineering (or even computer science as a whole). We will provide some example topics, but the students are encouraged to define their own ones together with their supervisor. During the lectures, students will do a short kick-of presentation to introduce their topics to the group. Besides the lecture, the course requires the students to work independently on their project following the research method they selected, with supervision as needed. Before the final submission, a draft is submitted for which the students receive feedback in the form of two reviews by their peers. In the end, they have to submit a scientific paper (refined based on the reviews) and present the results in front of the course; thus simulating a real conference. After this module students understand and can employ basic research methods are able to critically reflect on and review scientific publications know how to write scientific papers and present their results can plan and execute a research project Content: Research Methods: Research strategy and process Research design (experimental, case study, literature survey) Qualitative
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Globalisierung, Transnationalisierung und Governance, Mastermodul Internationalisierung und Transnationalisierung
[080611] S Corruption, Data and the Sustainable Development Goals (IT, Teil II) (Summer School) — Blockseminar
Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul, Birgit Frey- Score: 6.86 Termine: Preparatory Meeting: 24.06.2022, 9-18 h, BF 4/46 (Bochumer Fenster) The Summer School “Corruption, Data and the Sustainable Development Goals�? aims to equip participants with the knowledge and the skills needed to collect, analyse and use governance data to monitor corruption and promote anti-corruption reforms across the Sustainable Development Goal framework.To do so, it takes threatening security and undermining peacebuilding. Ultimately, the objective of the course is to stimulate new initiatives that can further establish the credibility of governance data generated by citizens and civil society to fight corruption, improve aid performance, and track implementation of the SDGs. A key element of the course is that the participants are expected to produce a � for assessing and measuring corruption, and come up with an advocacy strategy. The Summer School is offered as a partnership between Transparency International (TI), the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) at Ruhr University Bochum, and Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization (APPRO). By the end of this course the participants will: Understand the scale, nature and cost of corruption on politics, economics, and society. Be familiar with a range of theoretical approaches to measuring and tackling corruption. Learn about the various stakeholders involved in governance reform, their competing interests as well as develop skills to generate the kind evidence-based advocacy that can drive policy reform. Know about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , including the SDGs, and particularly its governance facets. Develop familiarity with a number of typologies of indicators and datasets, as well as experience working hands-on with several actual governance indices. Acquire skills to conduct analysis of sectoral value chains and integrity risks. Be able to develop their own policy monitoring and evaluation frameworks that can be applied to different
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Koreanistik (PO 2020), K-B3 Modernes Korea
[091006] Koreanische Sprache in populären Medien — Übung
Dr. Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon- Score: 6.81 Im Anschluss an die Kurse, Korean Language in Popular Media, werden die sprachlichen Fähigkeiten auf mittlerem Niveau weiter ausgebaut. Drawing upon an interdisciplinary approach, this course addresses several major themes focusing on the dynamics of the use of the language(s) in Korean media. Media literacy is the ability or skill to critically analyze for accuracy, credibility, or evidence the language skills needed to analyze what you read and watch. In the end you will demonstrate your increased media literacy in a culminating final project. Jaewon.Nielbock-Yoon@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Von der Lektorin werden selbst erstellte Materialien zur Verfügung gestellt. Class materials come from book chapters and newspaper/magazine articles, and will be links in the syllabus, emailed to students
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fachsprachen
[050686] From Globalisation 1.0 to Globalisation 4.0 in Business — Seminar
Karin Bachem- Score: 6.81 In this seminar students will learn that globalisation is by no means only a buzzword used or abused excessively in the world of business and social interaction. Globalisation describes the development of an ever more integrated global economy. In essence, globalisation does not only reflect a particular frame of mind but also a complex network of commercial, financial and political practices and of business into temporary lockdowns. Text material as well as audio and video material will provide the basis of the weekly seminar units. Course materials will be provided in a digital format. Assessment/requirements: final written exam or term paper.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Aufbaumodul Internationalisierung und Vergesellschaftung im Vergleich
[080244] S Introduction to Transnational Studies (InterVerg, Teil I, Intstrukt, Teil I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Margit Fauser- Score: 6.70 of this course is English. There is no requirement on participants to possess a high level of proficiency in English, but the willingness to use and improve your English language skills is essential. The course is premised on intensive reading in preparation for the weekly sessions and it will train students in academic reading as a key study skill that is crucial in order to gain in-depth knowledge. We
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul The People Side of Innovation
[074400] V The People Side of Innovation — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß- Score: 6.66 konzentriert sich dieser Kurs auf die People-Seite der Innovation. Während des Semesters werden Tutorien abgehalten, um zusätzliche und tiefere Einblicke in die Kursinhalte zu geben und genügend Raum für Diskussionen zu bieten. People clearly are an organization's most critical resource. Their knowledge and skills along with their commitment, creativity, and effort are the basis for competitive advantage. It is people that have creative ideas for new products or for process improvements that devise marketing strategy or take technologies to the next level. Therefore, this course focuses on the people side of innovation. Throughout the semester, tutorials are held to provide additional and in-depth insights into the course content and to offer sufficient room for discussion.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Cultural Studies (GB)
[050664] Cultural Political Economy: Understanding How Hegemony Works — Übung
Dr. Georgia Christinidis- Score: 6.65 social phenomena. Then, you will undertake your own case studies on a topic of your choice, which you will present and discuss with the rest of the course during the second block of the seminar. Assessment/requirements: active participation, case study and reflection paper. sense of what is happening to us. This course will build on and deepen the understanding of hegemony you attained in the “Introduction to Cultural Studies�?, and give you a more interdisciplinary perspective on the processes involved. During the first part of the block, we will be focusing on the method and look at one or more sample ‘case studies’ where others have used the method to explain
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Master Cognitive Science, AM6 EEG-Training
[118157] S Practical course neuropsycholgical methods: EEG (for M.Sc. Cognitive Science) — Blockpraktikum
Dr. Laura-Isabelle Klatt, Dr. Julian Elias Reiser- Score: 6.45 of published neuropsychological literature, students will develop a research question and present the results of the experiment in a written report, according to the publishing standards of neuroscientific journals. The basic skills and literature will be discussed in the seminar. As of now, this course is planned to be held as in-person seminar, including data collection in the EEG laboratory. A first S Practical course neuropsycholgical methods: EEG (for M.Sc. Cognitive Science) online via Zoom stattfinden. Begleitend zum Kurs wird Online-Lehrmaterial auf der Plattform Moodle bereitgestellt. Der Kurs wird in Englischer Sprache angeboten. Students must enroll for both the “practical course�? and the “seminar course�?. Participation in both modules is mandatory. The goal of the course is to be able to independently conduct and analyze a basic EEG study. On the basis organizational meeting will be held online via Zoom. Along with the in-person meetings, additional materials and assignments will be provided on Moodle. The course language is English. Vorbesprechung 27.04.22 um 16 Uhr (online via Zoom) , 14.05.&15.05.22 (Blocktermine, ganztägig)
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Master Cognitive Science, AM6 EEG-Training
[118158] S Seminar course neuropsychological methods: EEG (for M.Sc. Cognitive Science) — Blockseminar
Dr. Laura-Isabelle Klatt, Dr. Julian Elias Reiser- Score: 6.45 of published neuropsychological literature, students will develop a research question and present the results of the experiment in a written report, according to the publishing standards of neuroscientific journals. The basic skills and literature will be discussed in the seminar. As of now, this course is planned to be held as in-person seminar, including data collection in the EEG laboratory. A first S Seminar course neuropsychological methods: EEG (for M.Sc. Cognitive Science) online via Zoom stattfinden. Begleitend zum Kurs wird Online-Lehrmaterial auf der Plattform Moodle bereitgestellt. Der Kurs wird in Englischer Sprache angeboten. Students must enroll for both the “practical course�? and the “seminar course�?. Participation in both modules is mandatory. The goal of the course is to be able to independently conduct and analyze a basic EEG study. On the basis organizational meeting will be held online via Zoom. Along with the in-person meetings, additional materials and assignments will be provided on Moodle. The course language is English. Vorbesprechung 27.04.22 um 16 Uhr (online via Zoom), 09.07. - 10.07.22 (Blocktermine, ganztägig)
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Englische Literatur nach 1700, Seminare
[050643] Nineteenth-Century Cultural Discourses (Summer School) — Seminar
Monika Müller- Score: 6.24 these discourses are both reflected and criticized in nineteenth-century British and American print media and literature. While British authors, apart from an ever-present interest in gender often focused on the possible effects of evolution and devolution (e.g. Charles Kingsley in his book The Water Babies [1863]), American writers – such as Harriet Beecher Stowe – also worried about the effect . Assessment/requirements: active participation, assignments, presentation, final test (or term paper to be handed in after the course).
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Cultural Studies (USA)
[050648] The African American Novel — Seminar
Martin Zimmermann- Score: 6.24 in Cincinnati, Ohio; a house which is haunted by a ghost. We are going to explore how Morrison’s neo-slave narrative engages with the remembrance of the trauma of slavery. In this course students will be introduced to significant works of African American literature, and we are going to explore aspects of race, gender and the experiences of racism and slavery as reflected in these literary texts. Texts
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Basismodulphase, Sprach- und Textproduktion
[050601E] Academic Skills, Gruppe E — Übung
Dr. Georgia Christinidis- Score: 6.22 Academic Skills, Gruppe E
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Basismodulphase, Sprach- und Textproduktion
[050601D] Academic Skills, Gruppe D — Übung
Dr. Connor Pitetti- Score: 6.22 Academic Skills, Gruppe D
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Basismodulphase, Sprach- und Textproduktion
[050601C] Academic Skills, Gruppe C — Übung
Dr. Connor Pitetti- Score: 6.22 Academic Skills, Gruppe C
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Basismodulphase, Sprach- und Textproduktion
[050601A] Academic Skills, Gruppe A — Übung
Dr. Georgia Christinidis- Score: 6.22 Academic Skills, Gruppe A
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Basismodulphase, Sprach- und Textproduktion
[050601B] Academic Skills, Gruppe B — Übung
Dr. Ewan Dow- Score: 6.22 Academic Skills, Gruppe B
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Bachelor, Fakultätsfremdes Aufbaumodul
[030003] General Philosophy of Science — Vorlesung
Jun.Prof. Dr. Jan Baedke- Score: 6.08 Philosophy of science reflects on the foundations, methods and aims of science. General philosophy of science includes further subjects like patterns of the historical development and the social structure of science. In the closer sense, it can be retraced continuously from the ancient world until present. Several disciplinary terms (such as “philosophy of mathematics�? or later � ��philosophy of physics�? and “philosophy of biology�?) have been developed not until the 18th century and reflect the increasing significance of specific scientific knowledge for modern philosophy. The lecture gives an overview over the present status of general philosophy of science. It deals, on the one hand, with problems of methods and certain key concepts (such as “explanation�? and �
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Allgemeine Unterrichtsveranstaltungen, Seminare
[201001] Interdisziplinäre Gespächs- und Anamneseführung — Seminar
Jannis Achenbach- Score: 5.93 Wahlfach, Di 18.00 - 21-00 oder Do 17.30-20.30, Skills Labs
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[440504] Interfaces and surfaces — Vorlesung mit Übung
PD Dr. habil. Thomas Hammerschmidt, PD Dr. habil. Rebecca Janisch- Score: 5.83 Students will understand the relevance of surfaces and interfaces in materials science and gain basic knowledge of experimental and computational techniques to characterize them. They understand the relationship between atomistic descriptions of interfaces/surfaces and macroscopic materials properties, especially thermodynamic and mechanical properties. They will develop the skills to read of interfaces/surfaces and macroscopic materials properties, especially thermodynamic and mechanical properties. They will develop the skills to read and understand the relevant literature, to choose the most suited experimental or modelling approaches for specific tasks and to applythem to material science problems.
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Chirurgie, Seminare
[201716] Periphere Nerven, klin. Untersuchung, Ultraschall und Nervennähte — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Mortimer Gierthmühlen, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder- Score: 5.80 n.V., Skills-Labor, Universitätsklinikum Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum
XIX. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie
— Vertiefungsstudium, Blockstudium, S-Module nach Vereinbarung
[190384] Soft-Skill Seminar: Datenaufarbeitung, Analyse, Bewertung und Präsentation — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner, PD Dr. Jacqueline Reinhard-Recht, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese- Score: 5.80 Soft-Skill Seminar: Datenaufarbeitung, Analyse, Bewertung und Präsentation
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Übungen
[210068] Academic Skills — Tutorium
Ann-Kristin Götz- Score: 5.80 Academic Skills
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Koreanistik (PO 2020), K-B3 Modernes Korea
[091010] Interkulturelle Kommunikation Teil 2 — Übung
Dr. Jaewon Nielbock-Yoon- Score: 5.76 to order and comprehend the world. The aim is to allow you insight into how and why Koreans are thinking, interacting, and perceiving themselves as they are and better prepare for cross cultural adjustment and intercultural relationship building, especially in a second language. The course will help you foster the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for intercultural communicative competence besonders in Geschäftsumgebungen begründen. Intercultural competence becomes an invaluable part of life as we live in culturally diverse environment. In order to develop a foundational level of intercultural competency, this course will provide an introduction to intercultural questions stemming from the growing diversity and interconnectedness of the world and challenge students to learn about
XIX. Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie
— Vertiefungsstudium, Blockstudium, S-Module nach Vereinbarung
[190238] Soft-Skill Seminar: Literaturrecherche, Auswertung und Präsentation mit praktischen Übungen — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner, PD Dr. Jacqueline Reinhard-Recht, Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese- Score: 5.74 Soft-Skill Seminar: Literaturrecherche, Auswertung und Präsentation mit praktischen Übungen
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[440502] Microstructure and Mechanical Properties — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Markus Anthony Stricker- Score: 5.73 , the students are able to discuss the correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of materials and they develop the skills to apply this knowledge to materials science problems. The students understand the definitions of mechanical equilibrium and are able to apply it to simple problems. Based on this understanding they are able to implement and to apply a simple Finite Element code for elastic problems. They learn and understand the basics of continuum plasticity and can motivate classical plasticity models from microstructural principles. Based on this understanding, the students are able to discuss the correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of materials and they develop the skills to apply this knowledge to materials science problems.
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Kompetenzspezifische Kurse, Englisch: Improve your Academic Writing Skills through Practice and Feedback
[251095] Englisch: Improve your Academic Writing Skills through Practice and Feedback (C1 - C1/C2) kompakt (blended-learning) — Sprachkurs
Seth Berk- Score: 5.63 Englisch: Improve your Academic Writing Skills through Practice and Feedback (C1 - C1/C2) kompakt (blended-learning) Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung,Englisch,Kompetenzspezifische Kurse,Englisch: Improve your Academic Writing Skills through Practice and Feedback
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— Master of Education, Mastermodul Zentrale Inhalts- und Problemfelder des sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts
[080369] S Migration and transnational relations in Postindustrial Cities (A&O, Teil II; IT, Teil I; IK, Teil I; FW, Teil III) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Ludger Pries- Score: 5.61 Migration is a crucial and dynamic part of human life. International migration ranges from voluntary migration of high skilled labor migrants up to forced migration of refugees. Even in times of global mobility, international migrants always pass by specific places. Therefore, the course focuses on transnational relations caused by migration in postindustrial cities. This course starts from (1 ) elaborating some basic social mechanisms that structure international migration since long, then (2) addresses the history and current relevance of migration in postindustrial cities of the UNIC network (https://www.unic.eu) and (3) finally gives opportunities to deepen in selected aspects of transnational relations and organizations caused by or inducing migration. This Master-course is part of the joint efforts of 8 European universities, integrated in the UNIC network (https://www.unic.eu), to coordinate and innovate their teaching and researching activities. Therefore, Master students of all 8 UNIC universities are welcome to participate in this course. One basic idea is to deal with all the main topics mentioned before in a comparative perspective by taking the cities of the UNIC universities (Bilbao, Bochum, Cork, Istanbul, Liege, Oulu, Rotterdam, Zagreb; according to corresponding participation of students from that locales) as points of reference. The course is organized based on a blended learning concept: there will be a one day onsite meeting at the RUB Campus on 4th of April, then weekly hybrid meetings until end of semester, when a second onsite day on Friday 22nd of July 2022
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Mastermodul Sozialwissenschaftliche Theorien
[080300] S -DIGITAL-Enjoying Theories (ST, Teil I/II) — Seminar
Dr. Ryoko Asai- Score: 5.55 of the issue more clearly. Of course, each theory has been established based on different social contexts and also has different characteristics. Therefore, we need to learn how to use theories for examining an issue effectively as well as understand the characteristics of the theories. Understanding theories is a ticket to freedom of thought and creativity. In order to learn social theories, we will read üfungen: Studiennachweis: Reading the texts(in English), Submitting a report that responds to reflective questions for each of the texts, Presenting own ideas and opinions, commenting on and discussing other participants’ ideas and opinions. Modulprüfung: Writing an essay. Wednesday 10-12 h Details about readings and materials will be announced at the beginning of the term. Must read books and papers
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Cultural Studies (USA)
[050655] “I miss you more than I remember you” – Introduction to Contemporary South and Southeast Asian American Literature — Seminar
Julia Machtenberg- Score: 5.44 -American cultural constructions of race and ethnicity and evolving counter-narratives by South and Southeast Asian American writers. Topics discussed include immigration, war, and refugee experiences, as well as queer perspectives. Through class discussions and assignments, students will work on their analytical reading skills and develop their skills in academic writing and discussion. Students will be expected
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Innere Medizin, Seminare
[201589] Gastroenterologische Onkologie: Diagnostik, Genetik und neue Therapieverfahren — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Baraniskin, Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Dr. med. Michael Pohl, Dr. med. Michael Steckstor, Dr. med. Deepak Vangala- Score: 5.41 Do 12.15-13.00, Skills-Labor, Universitätsklinikum Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Germanistische Linguistik, Hauptseminare, Hauptseminare M.A.
[050422] Expressivität: Theorie und Empirie — Hauptseminar
Prof. Dr. Daniel Gutzmann- Score: 5.36 Expressive Sprache – also Sprache, die Sprechereinstellung zum Ausdruck bringt und oft emotional ist – verfügt über viele sprachliche Besonderheiten, die expressive Sprache von „normaler“ deskriptiver Sprache abgrenzt. In diesem forschungsnahen Seminar werden wir uns mit aktuellen Arbeiten zu expressiven Aspekten der Sprache beschäftigen und das Phänomen von verschiedenen Seiten (z
XIII. Fakultät für Maschinenbau
— MINT Module/Technische Wahlfächer Master-Studiengang
[440506] The CALPHAD Method in Thermodynamics and Diffusion — Vorlesung mit Übung
PD Dr. habil. Julia Kundin- Score: 5.35 thermodynamics as input as, for example, phase field simulations. They learn to evaluate thermodynamic descriptions. They develop skills that enable them to optimise materials’ constitutions and to transfer this knowledge to strategies to solve problems and to design new materials. They learn to take decisions based on the available resources. Students understand the concept of single and multiphase to evaluate thermodynamic descriptions. They develop skills that enable them to optimise materials’ constitutions and to transfer this knowledge to strategies to solve problems and to design new materials. They learn to take decisions based on the available resources.
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Anästhesiologie, Seminare
[201836] So klein und doch so krank – Simulation typischer pädiatrischer Notfälle (klinisches Wahlfach) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Bachmann-Mennenga, Dr. med. Christian Greke, Dr. med. Jan Persson- Score: 5.32 n.V., 2tg., für Studierende im 5. Studienjahr, Anmeldung unter: jan.persson@ruhr-uni-bochum.de, SkillsLab JWK Minden
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Philosophie, Master of Arts, MA WM IIIa
[030103] Science and Values: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives (Summer School) — Seminar
Jun.Prof. Dr. Jan Baedke, Prof. Dr. Helmut Pulte- Score: 5.28 and philosophy of science, this summer school will introduce you to the main philosophical debates on epistemic and non-epistemic scientific values in different historical contexts. You will develop a critical understanding of the various roles that values play in scientists’ knowledge production as well as the analytical skills and historical sensibility that will enable you to analyze past and present value-driven scientific debates.This summer school will be held in Utrecht, NL, from 25.07-29.07.2022. It can be attended by a selected number of advanced B.A. and M.A./HPS+-students. Before the summer school there will be some online preliminary meetings for the participants. Apply for participation through eCampus and on the following homepage until 31.03.2022: https://utrechtsummerschool.nl/courses
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, MA-Fachstudienphase, Seminare
[050320] Kurzgeschichten, Short Stories oder kurze Geschichten? (A2, V1) — Seminar
Dr. Peter Osterried- Score: 5.24 vielleicht als erstes in Joyces Dubliners (1914), die oft als die ersten richtigen Kurzgeschichten der Moderne bezeichnet werden (falls es so etwas gibt!). Alsdann werden wir uns deutschsprachige Kurzgeschichten ansehen, die so schön aufzeigen, wie sich die Kurzgeschichte vom ohnehin handlungsarmen Text der Evokation zu einem immer offeneren Genre entwickelt hat, in dem Autoren wie Böll sich heimisch f ühlen, obwohl auch symbolhafte Erzählungen einer Ilse Aichinger und selbst einige Parabeln von Kafka ihm zugerechnet werden. Am Ende dieses Erkenntnisweges kann also keine eindeutige Klassifikation stehen, aber immerhin ein Kaleidoskop, dessen verschiedenen Formen durchaus analysierbare Techniken zugrunde liegen, die bis jetzt mal wiederholt, mal überworfen bzw. negiert und vor allem oft in originellster
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Anästhesiologie, Seminare
[201837] In 60 Sekunden zur Diagnose – Einführung in die Notfallsonographie (Klinisches Wahlfach) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Bachmann-Mennenga, Dr. med. Sören Homm, Dr. med. Jan Persson- Score: 5.23 n.V., 2tg., für Studierende im 4. und 5. Studienjahr, Anmeldung unter: jan.persson@ruhr-uni-bochum.de, SkillsLab und Intensivstation I13, JWK Minden
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Anästhesiologie, Seminare
[205196] Fortschrittliche molekulare Methoden und Statistik in der Anästhesieforschung — Seminar
PD Dr. rer. nat. Björn Koos- Score: 5.23 "Was ein Clinical Scientist in der Anästhesie auf dem Weg zur Promotion und Habilitation wissen sollte" Seminar, dienstags, 16:00-17:00, Universitätsklinikum Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum, Skills-Labs, Anmeldung: 299-3001 oder bjoern.koos@rub.de
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, MA-Fachstudienphase, Seminare
[050313] Imaginationen von Schrift in Literatur und Kunst (A5, V6, MaRS) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Ulrich Rehm, Prof. Dr. Linda Simonis- Score: 5.08 .B. in Inschriften. Im Seminar interessieren wir uns für Schriftmotive, die in literarischen Texten und Bildern vorkommen und oft mit besonderen imaginativen Wirkungen und Evidenzeffekten verbunden sind. Materialien zum Seminar werden in einem Moodle-Kurs bereitgestellt.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Sozialtheorie und Kulturpsychologie, Mastermodul Kulturpsychologie, Kultur- und Sozialtheorie
[080402] S Data Infrastructures: social and cultural perspectives (KPKS, Teil I / II) (englischsprachig) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Estrid Sørensen- Score: 5.08 , socially and organisationally just as they have political consequences. These shapings and those political consequences are to be explored in the seminar. Participants develop a competence to critically reflect on digital data. The seminar is divided into three parts: It starts with literature studies. Two books will be read. This sound like a lot, but we will both have “shut up and read�? sessions of the seminar in practice. Voraussetzungen für Studiennachweise / Modulprüfungen: Students obtain a study certificate (Studiennachweis) by presenting a text in the course and by participating in the investigations of data infrastructures and present orally the results of their study. Prerequisite for a module exam (Modulprüfung) are the requirements for a course certificate plus an oral exam, a term
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Englische Literatur nach 1700
[050641] Metahistorical Fiction — Seminar
Dr. Lena Linne- Score: 5.02 As the prefix ‘meta’ indicates, ‘metahistorical fiction’, sometimes also known as ‘historiographic metafiction’ (Linda Hutcheon’s term), belongs to the category of self-reflexive fiction. More specifically, metahistorical fiction reflects upon the past and upon how it is (re-)constructed and narrated. Novels of this genre, many of which feature historians among their central
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Weiterführende Veranstaltungen nach Fachgebieten, Chirurgie, Seminare
[200002] Mikrochirurgische Übungen in Neurochirurgie und MKG-Chirurgie — Seminar
PD Dr. med. Martin Bruno Barth, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Johannes Knappe, PD Dr. med. Martin Scheer- Score: 5.01 Die praktische Seite der Medizinerausbildung umfasst in der Regel nur wenige operativ-manuelle Skills, insbesondere kaum die chirurgische/mikrochirurgische Naht- und Präparationstechnik. Auch in der heutigen Generation von MedizinstudentInnen gibt es sicherlich ebenso viele Talente hierfür wie in früheren Generationen. Um hier seine eigenen Fähigkeiten möglichst früh entdecken und einsch wurde und zusätzlich eine praktische Prüfung bestanden wurde. Fr 10.15 - 11.45 und 12.15 - 13.45; 14-tägig ab 1. Vorlesungswoche; Johannes Wesling Klinikum Minden, Skill Raum 220010; Anmeldung im Sekretariat Neurochirurgie (0571/79053301 oder neurochirurgie@muehlenkreiskliniken.de)
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Magister Theologiae (PO 2011 und 2022), Wahlpflichtbereich (Basis- und Aufbaumodul)
[010124] Seminar: Engel und Dämonen – Übernatürliche Wesen im Alten Testament und seinem Umfeld — Seminar
Karina Krainer- Score: 4.96 Bilder und Vorstellungen von Engeln und Dämonen begegnen uns alltäglich: In Form von Schmuck, in der Werbung, in Sprichwörtern und Liedtexten (von Kirchenmusik bis Black Metal), in Comics und Fantasy- oder Horrorromanen und natürlich im Fernsehen und auf Netflix. Solche Vorstellungen werden oft (vermeintlich) auf die Bibel zurückgeführt. Aber stimmt das immer? In diesem Seminar werden wir
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Mangement & Consulting im Sport (M.Sc.) (PO 2020), Modul 9: Professional Skills
[100921] Seminar Forschungskompetenz I — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Michael Kellmann- Score: 4.84 Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Mangement & Consulting im Sport (M.Sc.) (PO 2020) ,Modul 9: Professional Skills,,
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050695A] Communication AM, Gruppe A (Summer School) — Übung
Dr. Marten Juskan- Score: 4.84 SUMMER SCHOOL After a brief general discussion of relevant factors in human communication you will get to practise and hone your linguistic skills in concrete scenarios. Communicative tasks include – for example – abstracts, emails, and covering letters, in each case with a special focus on the requirements of communicating successfully in (an academic) context. A significant part
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Master Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (PO 2020), Forschungskolloquien
[118920] S Kolloquium Psychologische Methodenlehre: Aktuelle Forschung zu Wohlbefinden und Einsamkeit — Kolloquium
Prof. Dr. Maike Luhmann- Score: 4.76 This seminar consist of biweekly sessions and one block session. The date of the block session will be announced in the seminar. In the biweekly sessions, we discuss new publications on psychological methods and research on well-being, loneliness, and personality psychology, and develop general research skills. In the block session, ongoing research projects by the participants will be presented
XX. Medizinische Fakultät
— Klinischer Studienabschnitt, Praktisches Jahr, Seminare
[201896] PJ-Ringseminar mit Schwerpunkten Differentialdiagnostik und Leitbefunde — Seminar
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Adamzik, Prof. Dr. med. Ali Canbay, Prof. Dr. med. Burkhard Dick, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Martin Kunkel, Prof. Dr. med. Uwe Schlegel, Prof. Dr. med. Kirsten Schmieder, Prof. Dr. med. Roland Schroers, Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Smektala, Prof. Dr. med. Richard Viebahn, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Weber, und Mitarbeiter /-innen- Score: 4.76 Mi 14.00-15.30, Skills Labor oder Hörsaal, Universitätsklinikum Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs Computer Science
[251214] Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe B (online) — Sprachkurs
Ruzbeh Nagafi, Dr. Anja Nuss, Melissa Oldfield-Mariano- Score: 4.76 Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe B (online)
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs Computer Science
[251211] Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Intermediate B1 - B1/B2 - B2) Gruppe A (online) — Sprachkurs
Ruzbeh Nagafi, Dr. Anja Nuss, Melissa Oldfield-Mariano, Anna Timukova- Score: 4.76 Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Intermediate B1 - B1/B2 - B2) Gruppe A (online)
X. Fakultät für Sportwissenschaft
— Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Mangement & Consulting im Sport (M.Sc.) (PO 2020), Modul 9: Professional Skills
[100924] Seminar Forschungskompetenz I — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bühren- Score: 4.69 Lehrangebot im Studiengang Master of Science - Mangement & Consulting im Sport (M.Sc.) (PO 2020) ,Modul 9: Professional Skills,,
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs Computer Science
[251215] Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe C (online) — Sprachkurs
Alan Davis, Ruzbeh Nagafi, Dr. Anja Nuss, Melissa Oldfield-Mariano- Score: 4.69 Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe C (online)
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs Computer Science
[251212] Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Intermediate B1 - B1/B2 - B2) Gruppe B (online) — Sprachkurs
Ruzbeh Nagafi, Dr. Anja Nuss, Melissa Oldfield-Mariano, Dr. Eva Schlinkmann- Score: 4.69 Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Intermediate B1 - B1/B2 - B2) Gruppe B (online)
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs Computer Science
[251213] Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe A (online) — Sprachkurs
Eyesha Elahi, Ruzbeh Nagafi, Dr. Anja Nuss, Melissa Oldfield-Mariano- Score: 4.69 Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe A (online)
Zentrale Einrichtungen
— Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung, Englisch, Fachsprachenkurse, Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs Computer Science
[251216] Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe D (online) — Sprachkurs
Eyesha Elahi, Ruzbeh Nagafi, Dr. Anja Nuss, Melissa Oldfield-Mariano- Score: 4.69 Englisch für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs 'Informatik' am CCS: English for Computer Science I: Listening Skills (Advanced B2/C1 - C1 - C1/C2) Gruppe D (online)
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed.(Bildungswissenschaft) (PO 2020), Wahlpflichtbereich, WM 3 Teil 2
[030298] Schooling beyond the nation-state: border crossing aspects of formal education — Hauptseminar / Oberseminar
Dr. Simona Szakács-Behling- Score: 4.68 The advent of mass-schooling in the 19th century and nation-building across the world have been deeply intertwined. However, with increasing globalisation and cross-border dynamics both affecting and reflecting schooling patterns, the national paradigma seems to come into question more than ever. But is this still so if one considers these phenomena systematically and historically, and what do
I. Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät
— Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Arts - 2 Fach (PO 2016), Modul MPR: Religionswissenschaft und Philosophie
[010431] Hauptseminar: Having a body or Being a body? — Hauptseminar
Calvin Dieter Ullrich- Score: 4.68 that will emerge in this predominantly French school of phenomenology is a turn away from the Transcendental Ego to the priority of the body that we ‘are’, while at the same time, increasingly, a body that escapes any constitution by the phenomenological method. While pursuing these various thinkers of the body, questions will emerge for our reflection on the nature of sexual difference, political community
International Course Catalogue
— Interdisciplinary Centre For Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS)
[440516] Mathematics for Materials Modelling — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr. Matous Mrovec- Score: 4.60 International Course Catalogue The course covers selected mathematical topics encountered in materials modelling and in related courses on quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics and transport phenomena. The course will enable students to solve specific problems in integral and differential calculus and linear algebra that appear in physics and materials science and to understand common mathematical concepts in these fields. The course covers selected mathematical topics encountered in materials modelling and in related courses on quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics and transport phenomena. The course will enable students to solve specific problems in integral and differential calculus and linear algebra that appear in physics and materials science and to understand common mathematical
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 2-Fächer Master: Studienfach Sozialwissenschaft, Studienrichtung Soziologie, Arbeit, Organisation und Gesellschaft
[080366] S Organisations, Institutions, Social Movements (A&O, Teil I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Margit Fauser- Score: 4.53 , in this seminar we will discuss classical and newer approaches to organisations and social movements and explore their relevance with the use of recent empirical examples. Voraussetzungen für Studiennachweise / Modulprüfungen Language of instruction and discussion of this course is English. There is no requirement on participants to possess a high level of proficiency in English, but the willingness to use and improve your English language skills is essential. All participants are expected to prepare each week’s reading and participate actively in the seminar discussions and work-groups. In addition, they prepare one article summary (2 pages) and one shorter oral input (10 Minutes). (Studiennachweis). Graded examination (Modulprüfung) consists of a more extended oral presentation (20 minutes, in English
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Studienprogramm Methoden der Sozialforschung, Mastermodul Methodologische Aspekte der Analyse sozialwissenschaftlicher Daten
[080416] S Semiparametrische Regression (MAD, Teil I/I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pötter- Score: 4.51 . Zudem interessiert man sich oft gerade für nicht-lineare Zusammenhänge zwischen Variablen. Dann kann man auf semiparametrische Regressionsverfahren zurückgreifen, die in den letzten 30 Jahren entwickelt wurden. In diesem Seminar werden zunächst die wichtigsten Bausteine semiparametrischer Modelle vorgestellt: Glätter in Streudiagrammen und Splines. Dann werden verallgemeinerte additive
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Philosophie, Bachelor of Arts, BA HSE 2 Teil 2
[030017] Einführung in Fichtes Philosophie (HE) — Seminar
Dr. phil. Johannes-Georg Schülein- Score: 4.51 Johann Gottlieb Fichte ist neben Hegel und Schelling eine der zentralen Figuren in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie nach Kant. Sein maßgeblicher Beitrag zur Philosophie wird oft darin gesehen, dass er für eine umfassende Grundlegung unserer Wissensansprüche argumentiert, indem er sie auf die Instanz eines „absoluten Ich“ zurückführt. Zugleich verfolgt er damit aber ein praktisches
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Masterstudiengang Public History, Modul 6, Modul 6 - Korb 4 langes 19. Jahrhundert
[040013] V: "Europa" und der Kolonialismus im langen 19. Jahrhundert — Vorlesung
Dr. Nina Verheyen, Heike von Hagen- Score: 4.51 Online-Veranstaltung Ohne Einbezug des Kolonialismus wird europäische Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts nur unzureichend verstanden - so die zentrale These der Vorlesung. Menschen aus europäischen Staaten griffen im Rahmen kolonialer, oft gewaltvoller Beziehungen tief in Lebensformen und Alltagspraxen von Menschen im globalen Süden ein. Gleichzeitig stellten koloniale
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Cultural Studies (USA)
[050663] Utopia — Seminar
Dr. Matthias Zucker- Score: 4.48 The European settlement of the American continent as well as the subsequent establishment of an American nation have long since been read as carrying utopian connotations, as is reflected in many an American myth, e.g. the Puritan ‘City upon a Hill’, the ‘American Dream’ as well as the Frontier and ‘Manifest Destiny’. These dominant ideologies of American purpose in turn have been
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Vorlesungen
[210005] Key Concepts in the Study of Religion — Vorlesung
Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 4.34 This 4-hour course shall introduce M.A. students of the M.A. Program to the subject 'religious studies'. This will be done in the first part of the course by presenting and discussing key terms and concepts central to the scientific approach towards religion. These include aspects and dimensions such as: Â the definition (and deconstruction) of the 'religion', along with the concepts ; the chronological dimension of religion: concepts and questions upon the possible 'evolution of religion' Â In the second part of the course, Lecturers from CERES will present their current research projects. The course consists of recorded lectures that can be viewed via Moodle, Literature to be prepared for each session, and online meetings (to be announced via Moodle). Students will get credits for this course by uploading hand-ins for each week and passing a written or oral exam at the end. This 4-hour course shall introduce M.A. students of the M.A. Program to the subject 'religious studies'. This will be done in the first part of the course by presenting and discussing key terms and concepts central to the scientific approach towards religion. These include aspects and dimensions such as of life; the social dimension of religion: religious roles and instituions; the chronological dimension of religion: concepts and questions upon the possible 'evolution of religion' In the second part of the course, Lecturers from CERES will present their current research projects. The course consists of recorded lectures that can be viewed via Moodle, Literature to be prepared for each session , and online meetings (to be announced via Moodle). Students will get credits for this course by uploading hand-ins for each week and passing a written or oral exam at the end.
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210023] A generation under a spell - witchcraft in modern society — Seminar
Anna Kira Hippert, Dunja Sharbat Dar- Score: 4.31 sich in einem steten Wandel befindet. Der Religionswissenschaftliche Medieninformationsdienst schreibt dazu: „Wicca wird als Sammelbegriff für Gruppen genutzt, die sich einer bestimmten neuheidnischen, von vorchristlichen europäischen, aber auch von außereuropäischen Religionsinhalten geprägten ritualorientierten Mysterienreligion zurechnen. Im Deutschen wird der Begriff oft synonym zu �
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Register für Modulveranstaltungen, Bachelor, Modul 1
[040020] IPS: Held(inn)en und Vorbilder (Gr. 4) — Proseminar
Dr. phil. Philipp Brockkötter, Dr. Daniela Bianca Hoffmann, Marco Zerwas- Score: 4.31 Präsenz-Veranstaltung Sei es "300" oder "The Last Duel", bis heute beruht das Bild historischer Ereignisse oft wesentlich auf den Taten herausragender Männer und Frauen. Doch Held_innen waren wesentlich mehr als das. Sie dienten als Bezugspunkt der eigenen Identität, wurden zu Symbolen der Normen und Werte der Gesellschaft und so auch zu Vorbildern, die zur Nachahmung anregten. Im IPS
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Vorlesungen
[210006] Introduction to Religious Studies — Vorlesung
Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 4.30 This course aims to introduce Master Students with no background in Religious Studies to this scientific subject. Broadly speaking, religious Studies is divided into two branches, one with a theoretical and social scientific and another one with a historical and philological orientation. While the M.A. program at the RUB covers both branches, this course will focus on the first and cover to clarify the complex relation and entanglement between 'religion' and the 'scientific study of religion' In general, this course includes a broad overview on theoretical approaches in the social science and humanities and their relevance for the scientific of religion. You will find the recorded lectures on moodle, once a week you will have the chance to meet via Zoom to discuss the texts and the lecture as well as asking questions. Course Requirements: Recorded and uploaded lectures, online-tools, weekly Zoom-meetings Course Requirements: weekly assignments and online tests, oral exam This course aims to introduce Master Students with no background in Religious Studies to this scientific subject. Broadly speaking, religious Studies is divided into two branches, one with a theoretical and social scientific and another one with a historical and philological orientation. While the M.A. program at the RUB covers both branches, this course will focus on the first and cover the following topics: the historical emergence and distinction of the scientific study of religion from theology and the enligthment critique of religion theoretical approaches aiming to answer the question: what is religion? heoretical approaches aiming to answer the question: how does religion, understood as a social fact, distinguish itself from other 'social facts'? Theoretical approaches aiming to clarify the complex relation and entanglement between 'religion' and the 'scientific study of religion' In general, this course includes a broad overview on theoretical approaches in the social science
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Seminare
[210035] The Encounters of the Zoroastrian, Jewish and Christian Religious Specialists in the Persianate World — Seminar
Neda Darabian- Score: 4.29 This course examines the shifting nature of encounters, threads of influence, and daily interaction between different types of religious specialists of the Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian communities in late antique Persianate World. The course will help the students to gain a basic understanding of the history of Zoroastrian, Jewish and Christian communities and their religious specialists during the Sasanian Period followed by an analysis of their position in the period of Arab invasion of Iran.The focus of the course is to see how the Zoroastrian priests, Jewish sages and Christian bishops functioned during the Sasanian Empire and what effects the changes of the new regime had on the relations between these specialists. This course examines the shifting nature of encounters, threads of influence, and daily interaction between different types of religious specialists of the Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian communities in late antique Persianate World. The course will help the students to gain a basic understanding of the history of Zoroastrian, Jewish and Christian communities and their religious specialists during the Sasanian Period followed by an analysis of their position in the period of Arab invasion of Iran.The focus of the course is to see how the Zoroastrian priests, Jewish sages and Christian bishops functioned during the Sasanian Empire and what effects the changes of the new regime had on the relations between these specialists.
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[126508] Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Analyses of Materials and Structures (MSc-CE-WP06) — Blockseminar
Dr.-Ing. Abdullah Alsahly, Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke- Score: 4.29 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Compulsory Optional Courses,, Introductory course see chair The course is concerned with inelastic material models including their algorithmic formulation and implementation in the framework of nonlinear finite element analyses. Special attention will be paid to efficient algorithms for physically nonlinear structural analyses considering elastoplastic models for metals, soils and concrete as well as damaged based models for brittle materials. As a final assignment, the formulation and implementation of inelastic material models into an existing finite element program and its application to nonlinear structural analyses will be performed in autonomous teamwork by the participants. Introductory course see chair The course is concerned with inelastic material models including their algorithmic formulation and implementation application to nonlinear structural analyses will be performed in autonomous teamwork by the participants. Introductory course see chair
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Modul Fremdsprachendidaktik II, Vertiefungsseminare
[050819] Social Media in ELT — Seminar
Nils Müller- Score: 4.29 of school education are the weakest group (ibid.). Other studies show that in Germany 92 per cent of girls and 83 per cent of boys between 10-19 use social networks. A reflective and responsible use of social media requires a wide range of competences from young people. Teaching in general but also ELT in particular can either ignore this fact or find ways to help students become proficient users
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030106] Exercises: Logic and Artificial Intelligence — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Christian Straßer- Score: 4.28 International Course Catalogue This is the exercise unit for the course "Logic and Artificial Intelligence". In the exercise unit we will discuss solutions to exercise sheets, you will have more opportunities to ask questions, etc.It is possible to subscribe to the seminar without subscribing to the exercise, but the learning experience will significantly improve with exercising the content of the course. NF Math.+NW, MA
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Oberseminare / Arbeitsgemeinschaften / Kolloquien
[150557] Doktorandenseminar: Reading course in pseudoholomorphic curves — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Barney Bramham- Score: 4.28 Doktorandenseminar: Reading course in pseudoholomorphic curves We are learning some of the analysis behind pseudo-holomorphic curves. This course continues from last semester, but you do not have to have taken part last semester to join in now. Anyone is welcome, also just to listen, but it's probably best if you have taken the courses Differential Geometrie I and Funktionalanalysis.
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177703] Research project on ore deposit — Übung
Prof. Dr. Annika Dziggel- Score: 4.25 This course emcompasses the guided independent study of well characterized hydrothermal ore deposits using hand specimens, thin- and polished sections and a range of whole rock and mineral-chemical data. This course introduces students to research oriented learning and is aimed at preparing the students for their Master projects. Relevant literature will be presented at the beginning of each course.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186082] Workshop: Scientific Communication — Workshop
International Postgraduate Centre- Score: 4.18 course begin to be announced, block course of several days' duration, choice between Scientific Presentation and Scientific Writing
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses
[185801] Exercises to the Special lecture in a Focal Point Programme — Übung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Schwerpunkte- Score: 4.14 Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.),2nd Term (2. Semester),Elective Courses, course begin to be announced
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul
[080310] S Big data in applied Economic research (FEG) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Zohal Hessami- Score: 4.14 This course gives an introduction to the use of big data in applied empirical work in various fields of economics. After defining what big data is, the course gives a classification of and introduction into four main types of machine learning algorithms that can be used to analyze big data. Afterwards, this course offers a discussion on what the value-added of this new empirical approach is and to what extent it can be used to test hypotheses and analyze causal relationships. In the second part of the course, students will present one paper from the literature that uses big data to illustrate the concepts discussed in the first part of the course. In addition, they will write a critical three-page referee report on another paper from the literature. Students learn about a new set of methods
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, MA-Fachstudienphase, Vorlesungen
[050300] Literatur und Comics (A2, V2, A5, V6, GM) — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. phil. Monika Schmitz-Emans- Score: 4.13 Lange Zeit als populär- wenn nicht sogar subkulturelle Phänomene abgewertet, gelten Comics inzwischen als "9. Kunst". Ihre Beziehungen zur Literatur sind mehrschichtig: Comics sind meist erzählende Darstellungen und darum Romanen und literarischen Erzählungen vergleichbar; sie erzählen oft ähnliche Geschichten wie literarische Texte, manchmal basieren sie auf literarischen Vorlagen. Die
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed. (Bildungswissenschaft) (PO 2013), Pflichtbereich, B 3 Teil 3
[030397] Diagnostik im Unterrichtsalltag -Begleitung zum Praxissemester- (Blockveranstaltung) — Oberseminar
Dr. Jens Fleischer- Score: 4.13 wissenschaftlich beobachten zu können. Hierzu werden Module in Moodle bearbeitet, die jeweils aus Videos, Texten und einem kleinen Test bestehen. Der Test prüft das durch die Medien erworbene Wissen ab, ist unendlich oft und bis zum Ende des Praxissemesters bearbeitbar. Die Studierenden studieren diese Module selbstreguliert. Im empirischen Teil wählen die Studierenden je nach individuellem Interesse und
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Seminare
[150526] Seminar über strukturerhaltende Diskretisierung gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen — Seminar
Dr. Christian Döding, Prof. Dr. Patrick Henning- Score: 4.13 Beispiel sind Hamiltonsche Systeme, die aus der Beschreibung der klassischen Mechanik nach Hamilton und Lagrange hervorgehen. Für die konkrete Lösung von Differentialgleichungen ist es oft erforderlich auf numerische Approximationen zurückzugreifen.Dieses Seminar thematisiert die Analyse und Konstruktion numerischer Methoden zum Lösen von Differnetialgleichungen, so dass Eigenschaften wie Symmetrie
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft, Vorlesungen
[050474] Editionsphilologie am Beispiel: Goethes »Maximen und Reflexionen« — Vorlesung
apl. Prof. Dr. phil. Benedikt Jeßing- Score: 4.13 und Reflexionen Goethes (die eigentlich gar kein Werk Goethes sind!), sollen Recherche-, Forschungs- und Kommentierungsprozesse und -verfahren vorgestellt und erörtert werden, um einerseits eben diese Verfahren zu demonstrieren und den Spaß, den diese oft detektivische Arbeit macht, zutagetreten zu lassen, um andererseits auch eben auf der Basis dieser editionsphilologischen Bemühungen das Werk
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Übungen
[210052] Sanskrit III — Übung
Tillo Detige, Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 4.11 texts, and far from being a ‘dead’ language, it remains alive in contemporary India and in globalised South Asian traditions. This course of advanced classical Sanskrit is intended for students who have completed the CERES course ‘Sanskrit II’ or have comparable prior knowledge of Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary, including fluency in reading Devanagari script. Apart from introducing some final aspects of Sanskrit grammar from the handbook (The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit, A. M. Ruppel, 2017, Cambridge University Press), this is a reading course (‘Lektüre’) focusing on epic Sanskrit, primarily verses of the R�?ma story (R�?m�?yaṇa and R�?mop�?khy�?na), time permitting also other verses from the Mah�?bh�?rata. Students independently prepare assigned verses, developing a full grammatical analysis and a working translation, reviewed together in class. Credits are obtained by attendance and active class participation, preparation of assigned verses, and an examination at the end of the course. By the end of the course, students should have a firm command of Sanskrit grammar, a broad, active Sanskrit vocabulary, and sufficient experience in analysing and translating classical Sanskrit to independently read Sanskrit texts. The course will be taught online and will use online resources as well as other materials which will be made available to the students. Classes will be held in English but the instructor also understands and speaks German. Sanskrit is an Indo-European language which has served as the ritual, devotional, scriptural, literary, philosophical . This course of advanced classical Sanskrit is intended for students who have completed the CERES course ‘Sanskrit II’ or have comparable prior knowledge of Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary, including fluency in reading Devanagari script. Apart from introducing some final aspects of Sanskrit grammar from the handbook (The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit, A. M. Ruppel, 2017, Cambridge University Press
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Englische Literatur nach 1700
[050639] English Romantic Poetry — Seminar
Dr. Lena Linne- Score: 4.10 influential periods of English poetry; they will also practise and improve their skills in the analysis of poetry. Texts will be made available via Moodle. Assessment/requirements: Übung: writing assignments and essay; Seminar: writing assignments and research paper.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Englische Literatur bis 1700, Seminare
[050625] Shakespeare: "Much Ado about Nothing" — Seminar
Uwe Klawitter- Score: 4.10 Much Ado about Nothing is one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies. It is particularly known for the brilliant wit combats between Benedick and Beatrice and their gulling by arranged eavesdropping but also a darker strain, the almost tragically ending slander of Hero. The class offers the opportunity to practice the analytical skills that are usually required in an academic reading of plays
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Analytical Chemistry
[181803] In-depth Practical: Advanced methods in electroanalytical chemistry — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Schuhmann, Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik- Score: 4.09 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Analytical Chemistry course begin to be announced
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050690A] Business English I, Gruppe A — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 4.07 This course will deal with central topics in business such as brands, aspects of change, organisational structures, advertising as well as the financial dimension of business. Apart from text material, we will also make use of most recent audio/video materials in order to relate course topics to current developments in the global business environment. Students are expected to actively participate in our weekly discussions on the respective business topics. Course materials will be provided in a digital format. Assessment/requirements: presentation, preparing a glossary of topic-related terms, active participation.
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160626] Astronomisches Beobachtungs-Praktikum / Laboratory: Observational astronomy — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Dominik J. Bomans, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar- Score: 4.07 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics, Anmerkung: Das Praktikum schließt Seminarvorträge zur Vorbereitung der Techniken und der aktuellen BeobachtungsprogrammeZielsetzungen:Erlangung praktischer Erfahrungen in modernen Beobachtungsmethoden (CCD Photometrie und Spektroskopie) und Auswertung solcher Daten Blockveranstaltung n.V. (im Rahmen des Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikums für Physikerinnen und Physiker) / compact course (part of the advanced laboratory course for physics students)
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050690B] Business English I, Gruppe B — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 4.07 This course will deal with central topics in business such as brands, aspects of change, organisational structures, advertising as well as the financial dimension of business. Apart from text material, we will also make use of most recent audio/video materials in order to relate course topics to current developments in the global business environment. Students are expected to actively participate in our weekly discussions on the respective business topics. Course materials will be provided in a digital format. Assessment/requirements: presentation, preparing a glossary of topic-related terms, active participation.
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177920] Sedimentary Systems II (including practical work) — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Adrian Immenhauser- Score: 4.06 Anfang Vorlesung nach Vereinbarung (course will be held in English; to be organized during the first meeting) (course will be held in English; to be organized during the first meeting);
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Übungen
[210067] Introduction to Jewish history and religion — Übung
Jonna Mäder- Score: 4.05 The course is intended to provide an introductory overview to Jewish cultural and religious history. Articles, presentations, and tests will be available on Moodle. At a virtual kick-off meeting on April 12th 10a.m.-12p.m., we discuss how yourself-study will be accompanied by (virtual) meetings. The participation in this class is a requirement for taking more advanced courses in the field of Jewish History. This requirement applies to all those who cannot demonstrate prior knowledge of Jewish history and religion via their ToR, but wish to take courses in the area of Jewish studies in their Master's program. Zoom-Meeting https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/68065008071?pwd=blIwYUZ3TUtxTEc3amFML3B2M3FnQT09 Meeting-ID: 680 6500 8071 Passwort: 664564 The course is intended to provide an introductory overview to Jewish cultural and religious history. Articles, presentations, and tests will be available on Moodle. At a virtual kick-off meeting on April 12th 10a.m.-12p.m., we discuss how yourself-study will be accompanied by (virtual) meetings. The participation in this class is a requirement for taking more advanced courses in the field of Jewish History. This requirement applies to all those who cannot demonstrate prior knowledge of Jewish history and religion via their ToR, but wish to take courses in the area of Jewish studies in their Master's program. Zoom-Meeting https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/68065008071?pwd=blIwYUZ3TUtxTEc3amFML3B2M3FnQT09 Meeting-ID: 680 6500 8071 Passwort: 664564
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[160350] Epitaxy of Semiconductor Crystals — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Arne Ludwig- Score: 4.04 Content:Students learn the basics of eptaxial growth of semiconductorsAims:On the example of specialized challenges in semiconductor appluications, students learn how such requirements can be fulfilled. Part of the course will be details about band structure and so called band-gap engineering.In training courses they learn how to operate the epitaxial growth. Semiconductor mono -crystalline material will be provided and the students get the unique possibility to assign their theoretical kowledge tp practical applications.Examination:The course progress will be examined by one project sample growth report with band-structure calculations and proof of its practical applicability.
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Geographisches Institut, Gestufter Studiengang Geographie (Abschluss: M.Sc.), Wahlmodule
[170096] Microeconomics of Competitiveness: Firms, Clusters and Economic Development — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kiese, Simon Rohde- Score: 4.03 Course Objectives Microeconomics of Competitiveness (MOC) is a graduate course created in a multiyear development effort by Professor Michael E. Porter and the staff and affiliates of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School. The MOC course explores the determinants of competitiveness and successful economic development viewed from a bottom-up, microeconomic 's or region's productivity. Course Contents and Structure The course has been designed not only for students at Harvard but as a platform that can be taught at universities throughout the world. The course platform consists of case studies and other written materials plus an extensive library of video content that can be used in class including lectures by Prof. Porter for all sessions and videotapes of case protagonists including heads of state, senior ministers, governors, and others. Following Harvard’s tradition, the course is based on case studies only. Each session deals with a particular company, region or country case investigating the drivers of competitiveness. As preparation for each session, all students are required to read the respective case of approx. 20 cases. A three for a competition with student papers from more than 100 universities world-wide teaching the MOC course (cf. http://www.isc.hbs.edu/econ-student_projects.htm). Course topics include: Competitiveness: Overall Framework Competing Across Locations & Global Strategies for Multinational Corporations The Diamond Model of Competitive Advantage Clusters and Cluster Development the Competitiveness Challenge 11) Ghana: National Economic Strategy For further information, please refer to https://www.geographie.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/arbeitsbereiche/stadt-und-regionaloekonomie/microeconomics-of-competitiveness or http://www.isc.hbs.edu/resources/courses/moc-course-at-harvard/Pages/default.aspx. Grading Student Paper (100%) As precondition for their paper being accepted
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, M.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, Fachwissenschaftliche Vertiefung
[260025] Designing Explainable AI (XAI)_ENG — Blockseminar
Professor Dr. Christian Meske, Ina Schwanebeck-Lepski- Score: 4.02 with qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods Interest in prototyping Recommended prior knowledge: Basic knowledge of artificial intelligence and/or relevant programming skills (e.g., Python) Familiarity with (graphics) software for the design of prototypical information systems (e.g., their user interfaces) Learning outcomes The course is aimed at students of the M.Sc. Applied Computer Intelligence as well as their characteristics You have learned the core research process of Design Science Research and successfully applied the procedure in the context of a seminar paper You have worked on a scientific problem with practical relevance using scientific methods Content The course combines theoretical and scientific foundations from the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence and/or quantitative research methods for the development of generalizable design knowledge as well as the evaluation of possible solutions Working on interdisciplinary questions with high relevance for research and practice Teaching forms This module will be held as a 2-week long block course and (most probably) in cooperation with students of the University of Oldenburg (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel
— Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS), ICAMS Graduate School - Scale Bridging Materials Modelling, Lecture series - Scale bridging modelling II+ III
[440201] Lecture series Scale bridging modelling II + III — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Hartmaier, Prof. Dr. Ingo Steinbach- Score: 4.01 Each of the three ICAMS departments offers a two days block course per year, where the main material simulation methods of the corresponding length scale are introduced. The students learn to apply the methods in hands-on tutorials. Senior doctoral candidates from the organizing department support these tutorials. Teaching language is English. In order to earn all credit points, students will have to actively participate in all three courses once. Each of the three ICAMS departments offers a two days block course per year, where the main material simulation methods of the corresponding length scale are introduced. The students learn to apply the methods in hands-on tutorials. Senior doctoral candidates from the organizing department support these tutorials. Teaching language is English . In order to earn all credit points, students will have to actively participate in all three courses once.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Industrial Chemistry
[181864] Processes in Chemical Technology - past, present, future — Blockseminar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Muhler, Dr. Baoxiang Peng- Score: 4.00 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Industrial Chemistry registration via RUB eCampus before 31.03.2022 course begin to be announced
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module Intermediate to Data Analysis using Stata
[075028] S Data Analysis using Stata — Seminar
Kathrin Schulze- Score: 3.99 Ergebnisse der Gruppenarbeit müssen in einer Hausarbeit dokumentiert und der Klasse präsentiert werden. The module deals with the preparation and the econometric analysis of data. In the first half of the semester, the students will get an introduction to the statistical software package Stata and acquire the skills to work on their own projects. These projects mainly focus on data preparation
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Theoretical Chemistry
[181874] In-depth Practical: Theoretical Chemistry, Part II — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Christof Hättig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Marx, Prof. Dr. Lars Schäfer- Score: 3.98 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Theoretical Chemistry course begin on individual appointment, registration possible at any time
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Theoretical Chemistry
[181875] In-depth Practical: Theoretical Chemistry, Part III — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Christof Hättig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Marx, Prof. Dr. Lars Schäfer- Score: 3.98 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Theoretical Chemistry course begin on individual appointment, registration possible at any time
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Econometrics
[074040] V Econometrics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Vasyl Golosnoy- Score: 3.97 die Studierenden einen fundierten theoretischen Hintergrund in der Ökonometrie haben, der in mehr angewandten und spezialisierten quantitativen Kursen benötigt wird. This course provides the first graduate course in econometrics, which concentrates primarily on the linear regression model, its estimation, inferences and diagnostics. A short introduction in time series analysis would conclude the course.Upon successful completion of the module "Econometrics" students should have a sound theoretical background in econometrics which is required in more applied and specialized quantitative courses.
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Management, Modul Econometrics
[074042] Ü Econometrics — Übung
Prof. Dr. Vasyl Golosnoy- Score: 3.97 die Studierenden einen fundierten theoretischen Hintergrund in der Ökonometrie haben, der in mehr angewandten und spezialisierten quantitativen Kursen benötigt wird. This course provides the first graduate course in econometrics, which concentrates primarily on the linear regression model, its estimation, inferences and diagnostics. A short introduction in time series analysis would conclude the course.Upon successful completion of the module "Econometrics" students should have a sound theoretical background in econometrics which is required in more applied and specialized quantitative courses.
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Forschungsmodul
[080318] S Digitalpolitik und Digitalisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung (FOR, Teil I) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Jörg Bogumil- Score: 3.97 Die Digitalisierung von Verwaltungsvorgängen, oft auch als E-Government bezeichnet, ist schon seit Jahrzehnten ein beliebtes Modernisierungsthema, aber lange ohne große Praxiskonsequenzen. Durch das 2017 verabschiedete Online-Zugangsgesetz (OZG) ist die Digitalisierung der 575 wichtigsten Verwaltungsleistungen für die Bürger bis zum Jahre 2022 durch zwei miteinander zusammenh
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed. Erweiterungsstudium (Pädagogik 2017), Pflichtbereich, AM 4 Teil 4
[030207] Alles so schön bunt hier - und jetzt? –– Learning-Analytics-Dashboards als Mittel der Lehr- und Lernprozessunterstützung — Hauptseminar
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maren Scheffel- Score: 3.97 oft der Begriff Learning Analytics verwendet. In diesem Seminar werden konkrete Learning-Analytics-Dashboards von Studierenden analysiert, interpretiert und konzipiert. Anhand aktueller Forschung werden die Aspekte, die für den Einsatz von Learning Analytics von Bedeutung sind, im Detail besprochen, mögliche Herausforderungen bei der Implementierung und Nutzung von Analysen identifiziert und
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Geschichte, Übungen zu speziellen Methoden und Theorien, Mittelalterliche Geschichte
[040113] ÜMT: Klima und Gesellschaft vom 5. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert — Übung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber- Score: 3.97 Geöffnet für MaRS Klima und Gesellschaft vom 5. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert Di 10-12 GABF 04/356 (Raum könnte sich noch ändern!) Nicht erst in heutiger Zeit nehmen klimatische Ereignisse elementaren Einfluss auf Gesellschaften dieses Planeten, auch im Mittelalter waren die Menschen von den oft einschneidenden, nicht selten die eigene Lebensgrundlage bedrohenden Auswirkungen klimatischer �
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Cultural Studies (GB)
[050662] Snakes and Ladders: Social Mobility and Social Identity in Britain — Seminar
Dr. Georgia Christinidis- Score: 3.96 In contemporary discourses, social mobility tends to be closely linked to social justice. This seminar will examine and critically reflect on this link, often expressed through the term ‘meritocracy’. We will explore three different, but crucial historical moments, during which the experience of social mobility in Britain changed significantly: in the Victorian period, the emergence of mass
Zentrale wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
— Religionswissenschaft, Übungen
[210051] Sanskrit II — Übung
Tillo Detige, Dr. phil. Jens Schlamelcher- Score: 3.94 of Sanskrit texts, and far from being a ‘dead’ language, it remains alive in contemporary India and in globalised South Asian traditions. This course of intermediate classical Sanskrit is intended for students who have completed the CERES course ‘Sanskrit I’ or have comparable prior knowledge of Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary, including fluency in reading Devanagari script. The course firstly . Ruppel, 2017, Cambridge University Press). Credits are obtained by attendance and active class participation, preparation of assigned Bhagavadgīt�? verses, timely submission of regular homework, mostly exercises on verbal conjugation and nominal declension, a paper on an aspect of choice of the Bhagavadgīt�?, and a final examination. By the end of the course, students should have a firm command of the main points of Sanskrit grammar and active knowledge of a broad vocabulary, and be well on the way towards being able to work independently with Sanskrit materials. The course will be taught online and will use online resources and other materials which will be made available to the students. Classes will be held in English but the instructor also understands and speaks German. Sanskrit is an Indo ��dead’ language, it remains alive in contemporary India and in globalised South Asian traditions. This course of intermediate classical Sanskrit is intended for students who have completed the CERES course ‘Sanskrit I’ or have comparable prior knowledge of Sanskrit grammar and vocabulary, including fluency in reading Devanagari script. The course firstly completes the overview of classical Sanskrit grammar are obtained by attendance and active class participation, preparation of assigned Bhagavadgīt�? verses, timely submission of regular homework, mostly exercises on verbal conjugation and nominal declension, a paper on an aspect of choice of the Bhagavadgīt�?, and a final examination. By the end of the course, students should have a firm command of the main points of Sanskrit grammar and active knowledge
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Analytical Chemistry
[181806] Exercises to "Advanced methods in electroanalytical chemistry II" — Übung
Dr. Hatem Amin, Dr. Christoph Bondü, Dr. Julia Linnemann, Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik- Score: 3.94 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Analytical Chemistry Thurs. 13:00-14:00, Seminar Room NC 4/74, course begin 07.04.2022
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160250] Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum für Physikerinnen und Physiker / Advanced Laboratory Course for Physics Students — Praktikum
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hermann Krebs, Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Reicherz- Score: 3.94 Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum für Physikerinnen und Physiker / Advanced Laboratory Course for Physics Students Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Erziehungswissenschaft, M.Ed.(Bildungswissenschaft) (PO 2020), Pflichtbereich, KM 1 Teil 3
[030382] Learning analytics dashboards as a means to support teaching and learning — Oberseminar
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maren Scheffel- Score: 3.93 €œ is often used. In this course, concrete learning analytics dashboards will be analysed, interpreted and designed by students. Based on current research, aspects relevant to the use of learning analytics will be discussed in detail; possible challenges in the implementation and use of analytics will be identified; and examples of a wide variety of visualisations and dashboards will be collected, presented and interpreted. One focus will be on the use of such dashboards in the school context. Students will work their way through different steps, e.g. developing, discussing and evaluating pen-and-paper prototypes, creating wireframes and analysing real dashboards. The knowledge gained throughout the course will be used to design (i.e. conceptualise, not program) a dashboard. The course will be conducted in English . All literature will be announced and distributed during the course (and will be in English as well).
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Linguistik
[050617] Change and Variation in English — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Christiane Meierkord, Dr. Guyanne Wilson- Score: 3.93 Blockseminar (Termine folgen) This course looks at variation and change in English, focusing especially on changes in contemporary English. The course looks both at changes in Inner Circle Englishes such as British, American or Australian English, as well as in Outer Circle Englishes such as Indian and Nigerian English. We will look at how variation in pronunciation and grammar in particular lead to change, and how changes spread from one variety of English to another. The course takes a hands on approach to studying language change and variation. Students will gain experience in working with corpora as a means of tracking lexical and grammatical change, and will also be exposed to methods for addressing sound change. Assessment/requirements: Übung: oral presentation in last session
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Hochfrequente Sensoren und Systeme, Wahlpflichtbereich, Master-Praktikum HSS
[142180] Master-Praktikum Schaltungsdesign integrierter Hochfrequenzschaltungen mit Cadence — Praktikum
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Pohl- Score: 3.92 ginnt zunächst mit einer kurzen Einführung in die BiCMOS-Schaltungstechnik, in das Betriebssystem LINUX und in die für dieses Praktikum wichtigen Entwurfswerkzeuge Spectre und CADENCE. Danach beginnt ein über das ganze Semester laufendes Entwurfsprojekt aus der Hochfrequenztechnik, z.B. der Entwurf eines FM� puter-aided circuit design and project-oriented work in several teams and learned a convincing presentation of the results achieved in a final discussion. CONTENT: This practical course begins with a brief introduction to BiCMOS circuit technologies, the LINUX operating system, and the design tools Spectre and CADENCE, which are im
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Analytical Chemistry
[181805] Advanced methods in electroanalytical chemistry II — Vorlesung
Dr. Hatem Amin, Dr. Christoph Bondü, Isa Josefina Hartleif, Dr. Julia Linnemann, Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik- Score: 3.92 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Analytical Chemistry course begin 07.04.2022, registration in moodle 21.03.2022 – 15.04.2022
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030078] Reasoning, normativity, and cognitive biases — Seminar
Jun.Prof. Dr Peter Brössel- Score: 3.88 International Course Catalogue The course will introduce and discuss the most prominent theories of reasoning in cognitive psychology and the different normative frameworks associated with them. In particular, we will analyze how logic, probability, and evolutionary psychology relate to the descriptive study of reasoning and their role in our understanding of the nature and function of cognitive biases. MA CogSci, MA
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[126516] Übung zu Advanced Finite Element Methods (MSc-CE-WP04) — Übung
Prof. Dr. techn. Günther Meschke, Thi Truc Giao Vu, Rodolfo Javier Williams Moises- Score: 3.87 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Compulsory Optional Courses,, Introductory course see chair The course introduces the first principles of the dynamics of discrete and continuous mechanical systems: Newton laws and Hamilton variational principles. The force and energy methods for deriving the equation of motion for systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom as well as for continuous systems are demonstrated. The energy conservation law are shown. Further, an overall insight of the modelling and control of active structures is given within the course. The terms and definitions as well as potential fields of application are introduced. For the purpose of the controller design for active structural control, the basics of the control theory are introduced: development of linear time invariant models, representation of linear differential placement method. Closed-loop controller design for active structures is explained. Different application examples and problem solutions show the feasibility and importance of the control methods for structural development. Within this course the students learn computer aided controller design and simulation using Matlab/Simulink software. Introductory course see chair The course introduces the first structures is given within the course. The terms and definitions as well as potential fields of application are introduced. For the purpose of the controller design for active structural control, the basics of the control theory are introduced: development of linear time invariant models, representation of linear differential equations systems in the state-space form, controllability, observability
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Linguistik
[050619] English Forensic Linguistics — Seminar
Dr. Karin Stoklasa- Score: 3.87 Blockseminar (Introductory meeting: 03.06.2022, fr 10-12; Workshop days: 10.06., 17.06., 24.06., 01.07.2022, je fr 10-16) This course aims at introducing the main concepts, theories, and methods of forensic linguistic research and, in doing so, provides a broad overview of this particular linguistic field. The course focuses on different subfields of forensic linguistics such as forensic phonetics, authorship analysis and different text types such as suicide letters, death row statements, extortion letters, policespeak, and trial discourse. The course includes practical analyses with several sample forensic texts with real-life cases. Assessment/requirements: Übung: oral presentation in last session; Seminar: oral presentation and end-of-term written exam.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Germanistik, Germanistische Linguistik, Hauptseminare, Hauptseminare B.A./M.A.
[050410] Komplexe Prädikate (B.3) — Hauptseminar
Dr. phil. Judith Berman- Score: 3.82 Komplexe Prädikate bestehen nicht nur aus einem Verb, sondern weisen weitere (oft nominale) Bestandteile auf, die so eng mit dem Verb verbunden sind, dass sie als zum Prädikat gehörend analysiert werden. Mit folgenden 'Kandidaten' für komplexe Prädikate werden wir uns im Seminar auseinandersetzen: - Kopula-Prädikativ-Konstruktionen (z.B. teuer sein, zu sein) - Substantiv
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge IT-Sicherheit, M.Sc. IT-Sicherheit / Netze und Systeme, Veranstaltungen Master PO 2020, praktische Vertiefung
[211037] Information Security — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Ghassan Karame- Score: 3.80 of their report, as well as on their presentation skills.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050696B] Grammar AM, Gruppe B — Übung
Dr. phil. Claudia Ottlinger- Score: 3.80 This class is intended to offer intensive practice in two select problem areas of English grammar, i.e. finite and non-finite verb forms. The aims of the course are twofold: to help you use your grammar correctly, and to help you identify typical errors and explain your corrections. Assessment/requirements: thorough preparation, active class participation, diagnostic test at the beginning of the course, end-of-term test.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Plants and Microorganisms
[185871] Advanced Practical in the Focal Point Programme, with Seminar — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Julia Bandow, Prof. Dr. Thomas Happe, Prof. Ute Krämer, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Lars Ingo Ole Leichert, Prof. Dr. Franz Narberhaus, Prof. Dr. Marc Nowaczyk, Prof. Dr. Danja Schünemann- Score: 3.80 Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.),2nd Term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Focal Point Programme: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Plants and Microorganisms course begin and location to be announced
VII. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
— Masterstudiengänge in Management and Economics, Wahlmodul im Bereich Economics, Module International Trade
[075020] V International Trade — Vorlesung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sanne Kruse-Becher- Score: 3.77 This course provides an intermediate level study of internationaltrade theory and policy. The issues that will be addressed are,among others, the fundamental gains from trade, the implicationsof imperfect competition for trade patterns and welfare, how firmsof different sizes and productivities engage in trade andinvestment, and justifications for policies that restrict trade. Alsocovered are real-world areas of international trade, including tradeinstitutions as well as regional and bilateral trade agreements.The course has three main goals:1.To develop a solid grounding in the analytical work of moderntrade theory2.To master some tools for use in practical trade analysis3.To provide a better understanding of the circumstances withinwhich international trade policy is provided . This course provides an intermediate level study of internationaltrade theory and policy. The issues that will be addressed are,among others, the fundamental gains from trade, the implicationsof imperfect competition for trade patterns and welfare, how firmsof different sizes and productivities engage in trade andinvestment, and justifications for policies that restrict trade. Alsocovered are real -world areas of international trade, including tradeinstitutions as well as regional and bilateral trade agreements.The course has three main goals:1.To develop a solid grounding in the analytical work of moderntrade theory2.To master some tools for use in practical trade analysis3.To provide a better understanding of the circumstances withinwhich international trade policy is provided.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Base Modules
[050832] Linguistic Data Science — Hauptseminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Tibor Kiss, Anneli von Könemann- Score: 3.77 Base Module Linguistic Data Science In this course, we will discuss more elaborate linear models, so-called generalized linear models with Poisson and binomial distributions, as well as Generalized Linear Mixed Models, which take random structures and dependencies between data points into account. Attention: Hauptseminar (on Tuesday) and Übung belong together and are credited collectively What to do for credit points: Active participation, solving of programming tasks and short presentations and there will be a final exam spanning the contents of the module. If you want to participate in the course, please send an e-mail with your name, Matrikel-No. (and/or name of co-op university/ degree program) and course title to anneli.vonkoenemann@rub.de by April 1st, 2022 (23:59 h
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050691D] Business English II, Gruppe D — Übung
Dr. phil. Robert William Smith- Score: 3.76 This course is a continuation of Business English I. On the basis of the textbook: Herbert Geisen, Dieter Hamblock, John Poziemski, Dieter Wessels, Englisch in Wirtschaft und Handel (Berlin: Cornelsen & Oxford University Press, 2002) and with the help of additional material the course will introduce further basic terminology and concepts of business English. Assessment
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150226] Differentialgeometrie II (Differential Geometry II) — Vorlesung
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Luca Asselle- Score: 3.75 Course description: This is a follow up course of the "Differential Geometry 1“ lecture held in the fall term 2021/2022. In this course we will discuss several classical topics which are still of large interest in current research, such as: i) Morse theory resp. homology and its applications to geometry, topology, and dynamics (classification of surfaces, bounds on the number necessary. The required functional analytical background for i) and ii) (infinite dimensional manifolds, Sobolev spaces of loops, the stable manifold theorem, the mountain pass theorem, etc.) will be thoroughly discussed during the course. The course will be taught entirely (lectures and exercise classes) in english. Vortragssprache: Englisch 1- Hirsch, Differential topology, Graduate Texts in Math. No
IX. Fakultät für Ostasienwissenschaften
— Bachelor-Veranstaltungen, Sinologie (PO 2020), C-B2 Aufbaumodul Sinologie
[090106] Tâi-gí Tutorial — Übung
Kuan-Wei Wu- Score: 3.72 This is a tutorial for Elementary Tâi-gí (Taiwanese Holo language). It is intended for the practice of pronounciation and conversation. The course will be held in English. This is a tutorial for Elementary Tâi-gí (Taiwanese Holo language). It is intended for the practice of pronounciation and conversation. The course will be held in English. nach Vereinbarung, per E-Mail Kuan
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Core Modules
[050830] Syntax and Semantics of NPN — Hauptseminar
Dr. Claudia Roch- Score: 3.72 Core Module Theoretical Linguistics This course aims at analysing NPN constructions like 'step by step', 'day after day' or 'arm in arm' at the syntactic and semantic level. The noun-preposition-noun combinations exhibit systematic traits, but also show peculiar idiosyncrasies. The focus will be on implications for linguistic theory based on corpus-linguistic empirical evidence. What to do for credit points Studienleistung: Active participation shown through short presentations, protocols, or introductions to research literature. Prüfungsleistung: Term paper (10 pages, 11/14 point), data collection (annotation task) with documentation (3 pages) If you want to participate in the course, please send an e-mail with your name, Matrikel-No. (and/or name of co-op university/ degree program ) and course title to anneli.vonkoenemann@rub.de by April 1st, 2022 (23:59 h) at the latest Kinn, T. (2021). Regular and compositional aspects of NPN constructions. Journal of Linguistics, 58(1), 1-35.
XIV. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
— Master-Studiengang Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (PO 2020), Plasmatechnik, Wahlpflichtbereich, Wahlpflichtfächer PT
[141273] Plasmadiagnostik — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dr. Ihor Korolov- Score: 3.69 . The knowledge obtained by students also provides a basis to get started in a laboratory with different plasma diagnostics. INÂHALT: The course covers the following topics: Basics of vacuum technology Macroscopic measurements (e.g., voltage, pressure, etc.) Probe diagnostics Optical diagnostics (Passive and active spectroscopy) Laser methods of plasma diagnostic /ion/neutrals densities. The students are able to evaluate and properly interpret/understand measured data. Moreover, they are familiar with the equipment available at modern plasma laboratories. The knowledge obtained by students also provides a basis to get started in a laboratory with different plasma diagnostics. CONÂTENT: The course covers the following topics: Basics of vacuum technology Macroscopic measurements (e.g., voltage, pressure, etc.) Probe diagnostics Optical diagnostics (Passive and active spectroscopy) Laser methods of plasma diagnostic (LIF, TALIF, TDLAS, CRDS, etc.) Mass spectrometry Microwave techniques MISÂCELÂLAÂNEOUS: In the summer semester 2022, this course will be onsite (with a possible online stream) until further notice. Coordination of course activities will occur via Moodle. All participants have to register for the course in advance via Moodle (Couse number: 141273) or to contact Dr. Ihor Korolov (Korolov(at)aept.rub.de). EXAM: oral exam (30 min) Beginn: 05.04.2022
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177521] Methods of rock analysis — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Sumit Chakraborty, Dr. Thomas Fockenberg- Score: 3.69 This is a required course at the beginning of the petrological curriculum at the Masters level. The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the variety of analytical tools that are available to the modern petrologist / geochemist. For each method discussed, the basic physical principle of the analysis, the capabilities (e.g. major / trace elements, detection limits, kinds
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030094] Special Topics in Philosophy of Science — Seminar
Jun.Prof. Dr. Jan Baedke- Score: 3.69 International Course Catalogue the lecture. It is obligatory for starters of the master program HPS+. Depending on the attendees the language of the course will be German and/or English. NF Math., NW; HPS+
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Biophysics
[160855] Proteincrystallography (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann- Score: 3.68 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Biophysics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160242] Statistical Physics (Exercises) — Übung
Prof. Dr. Marialore Sulpizi- Score: 3.68 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
— Methodenzentrum
[480029] Interaktive Grafiken und Dashboards mit R und Shiny (Methodenwoche) — Workshop
Sebastian Gerhartz, Daniel Weller- Score: 3.68 ganze Komplexität der gewonnenen Daten für Interessierte angemessen aufbereitet, aber ohne die sonst oft notwendige Vorauswahl bestimmter Aspekte zu präsentieren. Das R-Paket Shiny ermöglicht das Erstellen interaktiver Web-Applikationen aus R heraus. Mit den von Shiny bereitgestellten Funktionen lassen sich die gewohnten tabellarischen und graphischen Datenvisualisierungen leicht um �
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Slavische Philologie / Russische Kultur / Russisch M.Ed., Slavische Philologie, Master of Arts (M.A.), Basismodul Weitere Slavische Sprache / Modul B4, Proseminare
[051229] Proseminar zur polonistischen Linguistik: Die Macht der Sprache im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert — Proseminar
Dr. Monika Agnieszka Barwinska-Moll- Score: 3.68 Die Sprache ist ein Kommunikationsmedium, das wir nutzen, um unsere Welt und die Zusammenhänge zu beschreiben. Allerdings kann die Sprache auch viele weitere, alternative bzw. fiktive Wirklichkeiten schaffen. Es ist ein Werkzeug, das häufig (politisch) missbraucht wird. Mit diesem Fall haben wir oft in totalitären Regimen zu tun. Im Fokus unseres Seminars steht die polnische Sprache und ihr
— Methodenzentrum
[480010] Interaktive Grafiken und Dashboards mit R und Shiny — Workshop
Sebastian Gerhartz, Daniel Weller- Score: 3.68 ganze Komplexität der gewonnenen Daten für Interessierte angemessen aufbereitet, aber ohne die sonst oft notwendige Vorauswahl bestimmter Aspekte zu präsentieren. Das R-Paket Shiny ermöglicht das Erstellen interaktiver Web-Applikationen aus R heraus. Mit den von Shiny bereitgestellten Funktionen lassen sich die gewohnten tabellarischen und graphischen Datenvisualisierungen leicht um �
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160661] Crossing the Desert — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hildebrandt- Score: 3.66 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160329] Quantum Optics (Exercises) — Übung
Dr. Nathan Jukam- Score: 3.64 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Rechtswissenschaftliche Fremdsprachenlehrveranstaltungen (§ 7 Abs. 1 Ziff. 3 JAG NRW vom 11.03.2003)
[060303] Introduction to International Dispute Settlement — Kurs
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos, Dipl.-Jur. Sebastian Wuschka- Score: 3.63 Juristischen Fakultät belegt werden. This course focuses on the procedural side of international law. In addition to general principles of international dispute settlement, students will be familiarized with various fora for the resolution of inter-state, investor-state and commcercial disputes, including their rules of procedure. The institutions to be discussed are, inter alia, the International Court of Justice, the World Trade Organisation's dispute settlement system, arbitral tribunals, as well as the currently hot-debated system for the settlement of investment disputes (e.g. ICSID). The course is limited to 20 participants (SPB 4 students and interested others). This course is an elective course in the Certificate Program of the Legal Faculty. Blockveranstaltung 17., 18., 24., 25.6.2022 von 9
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160530] Introduction to Hydrodynamics (Exercises) — Übung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Horst Fichtner- Score: 3.63 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160209] Introduction to Theoretical Astrophysics (Exersices) — Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Julia Tjus- Score: 3.63 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160613] Introduction to Statistics for Astronomers and Physicists — Vorlesung
Dr. Angus Wright- Score: 3.63 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160664] Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence and Reconnection — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Scherer- Score: 3.63 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160205] Introduction to Plasma Physics I (Exercises) — Übung
Dr. rer. nat. Tsanko Tsankov- Score: 3.63 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Courses
[126502] Continuum Mechanics (MSc-CE-P07) — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Hackl- Score: 3.62 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Compulsory Courses,, The course starts with an introduction to the advanced analytical techniques of linear elasticity theory, then moves on to the continuum-mechanical concepts of nonlinear elasticity and ends with the discussion of material instabilities and microstructures. Numerous examples and applications will be given. Advanced Linear ElasticityBeltrami equationNavier equation Stress-functionsScalar- and vector potentialsGalerkin-vectorLove-functionSolution of Papkovich - NeuberNonlinear DeformationStrain tensorPolar descompositionStress-tensorsEquilibriumStrain-ratesNonlinear Elastic MaterialsCovariance and isotropyHyperelastic materialsConstrained materialsHypoelastic materialsObjective ratesMaterial stabilityMicrostructures The course starts with an introduction to the advanced analytical
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Core Modules
[050834] Data collection and data simulation for GLMMs with R — Hauptseminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Tibor Kiss, Anneli von Könemann- Score: 3.62 Core Module Computational Linguistics This course will be concerned with the development of data sets for experimental studies in linguistics. Focussing on acceptability judgment tasks, we will develop data sets and provide tools for simulating experiments with Generalized Linear Mixed Models. What to do for credit points: Active participation shown through short presentations, protocols , introductions to research literature, or developments of data sets. Term paper (10 pages, 11/14 point), data collection and simulation with documentation (3 pages) If you want to participate in the course, please send an e-mail with your name, Matrikel-No. (and/or name of co-op university/ degree program) and course title to anneli.vonkoenemann@rub.de by April 1st, 2022 (23:59 h) at the latest
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, B.A.-Studium Aufbaumodulphase, Englische Literatur nach 1700, Übungen
[050633] Introduction to the Study of Drama — Übung
Prof. Dr. Roland Weidle- Score: 3.62 The course is intended to further students’ understanding of drama and theatre and to familiarize them with the basic tools of analysis. We will look at the generic features of the dramatic genre/medium taking into account its performative and pragmatic nature and contexts. Sessions will be devoted to different aspects such as ‘story’, ‘characterization’, ‘language’, â €˜setting’ and ‘time’. The course will rely heavily on Manfred Pfister’s The Theory and Analysis of Drama, Cambridge UP, 1991. Excerpts will be made available on Moodle. In the course we will engage with two plays: William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (c. 1594) Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot (1953) For A Midsummer Night’s Dream I recommend either the Arden edition by Sukanta Chaudhuri
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Linguistic Data Science Lab (LDSL), Base Modules
[050826] Computational Linguistics and AI — Vorlesung
Mirjam Koch- Score: 3.62 Base Module Computational Linguistics This course aims at Second Semester students of Linguistic Data Science (M.A.), or students with prior knowledge from other programs. We will deal with further methods of computational linguistics, focussing on machine learning, libraries, and tool kits. Apart from using these tools we will focus on understanding and comparing them in programming % of the sessions, presentation of at least one task and participation in the discussions. Additionally, successful solution of >60 % of the tasks, and >60 % of the points achievable in the tasks in total. Prüfungsleistung: Written exam at the end of the semester concluding the Module. If you want to participate in the course, please send an e-mail with your name, Matrikel-No. (and/or name of co-op university / degree program) and course title to anneli.vonkoenemann@rub.de by April 1st, 2022 (23:59 h) at the latest
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030110] Time in Contemporary Metaphysics and Philosophy of Physics — Seminar
Dr. Enno Fischer- Score: 3.62 International Course Catalogue What is time? Saint Augustine claimed that “If nobody asks me, I know; but if I were desirous to explain it to one that should ask me, plainly I know not.�? In this course we will explore what time is and discuss questions such as: Does time pass? What gives time its direction? Is time travel possible? In addressing these questions we will bring in perspectives from contemporary analytic metaphysics and philosophy of physics. Among other things we will discuss the metaphysical differences between past, present, and future, the relation between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and the hypothesis that the Universe started in a low-entropy initial state. The course will be held in English. A previous understanding of the underlying physics is advantageous but not required
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050638] James Joyce: "Ulysses" — Seminar
Prof. Dr. phil. Burkhard Niederhoff- Score: 3.62 . But for those who make the effort to study it, the rewards are immense; students who complete the course will have broadened their literary horizons and become more sophisticated readers. In the course, we will proceed at the rate of a chapter a week (skipping some chapters), with expert groups giving brief introductions. Those who want to prepare for the seminar, might want to read one or both of Joyce’s earlier works, Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man. Covid permitting, this course will be taught on campus. Required text: James Joyce, Ulysses, edited by Declan Kibberd and Seamus Deane, Penguin, 1992. Assessment/requirements: active participation; being part of an expert group preparing a chapter; a paper on one aspect of the chapter prepared.
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, B.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Bachelor PO 2020, Anwendungsmodule
[211044] Autonomous Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Berger- Score: 3.62 the software right. In this course, we will investigate the different aspects of self-driving vehicles as well as the importance and application of artificial intelligence in this domain. The course will primarily focus on the following topics: Requirements on autonomous vehicles Architecture of autonomous vehicles Operation systems and frameworks for robotic systems in exercises by building a self-driving robot. If you are interested in the course, please apply for participation until March 27, using the following form: https://evastud.uv.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/evasys/online.php?p=avai-lecture
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Vorlesungen
[050657] Renaissance Culture — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. phil. Anette Pankratz- Score: 3.62 Until today, the English Renaissance is deeply embedded in cultural memory: Henry VIII and his wives, Shakespeare in and out of love, Queen Elizabeth and Walter Raleigh bowling against the Armada. The aim of the lecture course is to put all these images connected with 16th-century England between the reigns of Henry VII and James I into the broader framework of the European Renaissance, i .e. the rediscovery of classical antiquity and the beginning of the modern world. It will look at the changes in the world picture, the Reformation and its consequences, the system of Tudor foreign and domestic politics, Elizabethan court culture, the beginnings of capitalism, colonialism and self-fashioning. Last but not least, the lecture course will focus on the flourishing Renaissance literature: from the sonnets and epics to the plays written for the newly established professional theatres. This will be an asynchronous online course, credited on a pass/fail basis. The weekly Units will contain pre-recorded Power Point Presentations and quizzes. There will be bi-weekly non-obligatory Zoom meetings for questions, clarifications and discussions. Assessment/requirements: 2,5 CP: passing the weekly online
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030054] Defenses of Philosophy from Plato to the 21st century — Seminar
Dr. Philipp Steinkrüger- Score: 3.62 International Course Catalogue From the very beginning of philosophy in ancient Greece, philosophers felt the need to defend their enterprise either because of external criticism and ridicule (think of the famous story of Thales in the well) or of internal considerations regarding the usefulness of philosophical thinking. In this course we are going to study a selection of defenses of philosophy starting in antiquity
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050691C] Business English II, Gruppe C — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 3.62 This course is designed to make students aware of topics highly relevant in an international business environment: cultures, human resources management, international markets, business ethics, styles of leadership and, last but not least, competition in the global marketplace. We will use text material as well as additional audio and video materials to gain a realistic and in -depth understanding of these fields of business. Discussions, group work as well as project-related activities are planned to deepen our understanding of the topics offered in class. Course materials will be provided in digital format. Assessment/requirements: presentation, preparing a glossary of topic-related terms, active participation.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine
[185851] LAB-DAYS — Praktikum
Dr. Katalin Barkovits, Dr. Thilo Bracht, Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Martin Eisenacher, Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann, PD Dr. Carsten Kötting, Kuhlmann, PD Dr. Mathias Lübben, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Marcus-Alic, Prof. Dr. Axel Mosig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Sitek, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Raphael Stoll, Ingrid Vetter- Score: 3.62 Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.),2nd Term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine Lecture Hall Biophysics (ND 04/397), course begin to be announced
XV. Fakultät für Mathematik
— Lehrveranstaltungen im Mathematikstudium, Vorlesungen in den Studiengängen des Bachelor of Science in Mathematik (B.Sc.), Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Science in Mathematik (M.Sc.), Master of Education (M.Ed.)
[150275] Convex and Integral Geometry (Part 2) — Vorlesung
Dr. Daniel Rosen, Dr. Holger Sambale, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thäle- Score: 3.62 In the first part of this lecture we develop further the concepts and results from integral geometry. We especially deal systematically with intrinsic volumes and their surrounding theory in higher dimensions. The second part of the lecture is devoted to the celebrated Brunn-Minkoswki inequality and discusses a number of its striking applications. This course is a continuation of the course
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050691A] Business English II, Gruppe A — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 3.62 This course is designed to make students aware of topics highly relevant in an international business environment: cultures, human resources management, international markets, business ethics, styles of leadership and, last but not least, competition in the global marketplace. We will use text material as well as additional audio and video materials to gain a realistic and in -depth understanding of these fields of business. Discussions, group work as well as project-related activities are planned to deepen our understanding of the topics offered in class. Course materials will be provided in digital format. Assessment/requirements: presentation, preparing a glossary of topic-related terms, active participation.
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050691B] Business English II, Gruppe B — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 3.62 This course is designed to make students aware of topics highly relevant in an international business environment: cultures, human resources management, international markets, business ethics, styles of leadership and, last but not least, competition in the global marketplace. We will use text material as well as additional audio and video materials to gain a realistic and in -depth understanding of these fields of business. Discussions, group work as well as project-related activities are planned to deepen our understanding of the topics offered in class. Course materials will be provided in digital format. Assessment/requirements: presentation, preparing a glossary of topic-related terms, active participation.
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine
[185852] Advanced Practical in the Focal Point Programme, with Seminar — Praktikum
Dr. Katalin Barkovits, Dr. Thilo Bracht, Prof. Dr. rer. medic. Martin Eisenacher, Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert, Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hofmann, PD Dr. Carsten Kötting, Kuhlmann, PD Dr. Mathias Lübben, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Katrin Marcus-Alic, Prof. Dr. Axel Mosig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Sitek, Ingrid Vetter- Score: 3.62 Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.),2nd Term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Focal Point Programme: Proteins in Biomedicine course begin to be announced, takes place in the laboratories of the Focal Point Programme members
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160412] Particle Detectors for Hadron Physics Experiments — Vorlesung
Prof. James Ritman- Score: 3.61 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160411] Symbolic Computation in Mathematica — Vorlesung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hermann Krebs- Score: 3.61 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160326] Seminar on Quantum Materials (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Anna Böhmer- Score: 3.61 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160413] Particle Detectors for Hadron Physics Experiments (Excercises) — Übung
Prof. James Ritman- Score: 3.59 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030107] Science and Democratic Decision-Making — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Elvio Baccarini, Prof. Dr. Corinna Mieth- Score: 3.59 International Course Catalogue
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Theoretical Chemistry
[181873] Theoretisch Chemisches Kolloquium — Seminar / Kolloquium
- Score: 3.57 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Theoretical Chemistry
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160404] Quantum Field Theory I (Exercises) — Übung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hermann Krebs- Score: 3.57 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160306] Scientific Methods of Semiconductor Physics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Wieck- Score: 3.57 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160506] Plasma Diagnostics (Exercises) — Übung
Dr. rer. nat. Volker Schulz-von der Gathen- Score: 3.57 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, M.Ed.-Studium, Fachwissenschaftliches Modul, Übungen
[050707] Shakespeare’s Odysseys — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Roland Weidle- Score: 3.56 This course will approach Shakespeare’s ‘odysseys’ from various angles. Understanding the term odyssey in the widest sense as a prolongued wandering, quest or adventurous journey, we will look at the significance and functions of these journeys in selected plays. Although Latin sources influenced Shakespeare and his contemporaries to a much greater degree than Greek classical texts , the character of Odysseus and the Odyssey were important source texts for Shakespeare. Exploring the echoes of this mythological figure and his quest in some of Shakespeare’s works, we will also engage with the wider context of Shakespeare's classical learning and knowledge. Another focus of the course will be on how his plays and the idea of Shakespeare as an author have reemerged in literary texts information on the choice of texts please check my website in March.) At any rate, please make sure to have read Pericles and Troilus and Cressida by the first session. For Shakespeare’s plays I recommend any of the established scholarly editions (Arden, Oxford World's Classics, New Cambridge). The course links up with the spring conference “Shakespeare Odysseys�? in Bochum from 22 to 24 April 2022 hosted by the German Shakespeare Society (“Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft�?). The conference will be open to the participants of the course (more information and details at a later point). Assessment/requirements: active participation, thorough preparation of the primary and secondary material; Übung: short presentation; Seminar: 15-page term paper (wissenschaftliche Hausarbeit).
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160529] Introduction to Hydrodynamics — Vorlesung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Horst Fichtner- Score: 3.56 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160307] Scientific Methods of Semiconductor Physics (Exercises) — Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Wieck- Score: 3.56 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186081] Project Planning and Implementation — Seminar
Die Dozent(inn)en der Chemie und Biochemie- Score: 3.56 course begin to be announced
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177015] Deep geothermal energy — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Jörg Renner- Score: 3.56 block course, scheduling by arrangement
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Fakultätsfremdes Ergänzungsmodul
[030083] Philosophical Theories of Race — Seminar
Dr. Reza Mosayebi- Score: 3.55 keep using racial language? These are some of the questions we will tackle in this course. The course reading covers classic philosophical texts on the concept of race and most recent normative theories about the race and racism. Di 18:00 - 20:00, ONLINE, EELP, Gender Studies
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160204] Introduction to Plasma Physics I — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Tsanko Tsankov- Score: 3.55 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,, , single particle movements in magnetic fields, collisions, fluid description, magnetohydrodynamic description, kinetic theory, sheaths, waves in plasmas, fundamentals of the controlled nuclear fusion, special discharge types For further information on the contents, the examination, etc see the Guidelines for the module as well as the course page in Moodle
III. Fakultät für Philosophie und Erziehungswissenschaft
— Philosophie, Bachelor of Arts, BA HSE 2 Teil 2
[030012] Einführung in die praktische Philosophie der Epikureer (SE) — Seminar
PD Dr. Bernhard Milz- Score: 3.55 eine Ethik für freie, aber endliche, kontingente Wesen in einem unendlichen Kosmos, der nicht teleologisch auf sie ausgerichtet ist. Sie mutet in manchem recht modern an; in der Antike und in den Jahrhunderten danach wurden die Epikureer oft als philosophische Außenseiter ausgegrenzt und beschimpft.Im Seminar sollen die verschiedenen Aspekte der praktischen Philosophie Epikurs erarbeitet und ihre
IV. Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaften
— Masterstudiengang Public History, Modul 6, Modul 6 - Korb 1 Alte Geschichte
[040002] V: Die Spätantike — Vorlesung
Lena Kann, apl. Prof. Dr. phil. Helga Scholten- Score: 3.55 Ostgrenzen galten die Perser als Dauerfeind. Deutungen und Erklärungsmuster herausragender Geschehnisse und Prozesse, oft verbunden mit Schlagworten wie „Beginn der Völkerwanderung“ oder „Siegeszug des Christentums“, werden thematisiert. Literatur: Heinz Bellen, Die Spätantike von Constantin bis Justinian. Grundzüge der Römischen Geschichte, Darmstadt 2007. Hahn (Hg.), Sp
VIII. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
— 1-Fach Master: Module für alle Studienprogramme, Forschungsmodul
[080316] S Gewaltpraktiken - Genozide, Pogrome und Massaker (FOR, Teil II) — Seminar
PD Dr. Christian Gudehus- Score: 3.55 Kontext krimineller Aktivitäten, wie der Erpressung genutzt. Die Misshandlung von wehrlosen Menschen – die Wehrlosigkeit ist eine Voraussetzung der Folter – ist in diverse Kulturen über Zeit und Raum nachweisbar. Die Folter ist eine Praktik des Zwingens und Kontrollierens, die aus vielen sehr konkreten Praktiken, oft verbunden mit spezifischen Gerätschaften (Artefakten), besteht. Im Seminar
XI. Fakultät für Psychologie
— Studiengang Bachelor Psychologie (PO 2020), 2. Semester, Bereich Intra- und Interpersonelle Prozesse, Modul Sozialpsychologie
[112318] S Sozialpsychologie (Gruppe 7) - Erst denken, dann handeln? – psychologische Grundlagen von Entscheidungsprozessen — Seminar
Sonja Grelle- Score: 3.55 ��, sondern intuitiv handeln. Wir schauen uns an, in welchen Situationen intuitive Antworten hilfreich, sogar lebensrettend sein können und wann sie eher hinderlich sind und wir uns später grün und blau ärgern. Menschliches Denken und Handeln erscheint gerade im sozialen Kontext oft irrational. Dieser Kurs lädt dazu ein, verschiedene irrationale Phänomene in verschiedenen Kontexten kennenzulernen und
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Medienwissenschaft, Medienpraxismodule
[051761] Exkursion zu den 68. Internationalen Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen (in Kooperation mit der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln) — praktische Übung
Peter Vignold- Score: 3.55 Schaufenster aktueller Entwicklungen, Forum oft kontroverser Diskussionen, Entdecker neuer Trends und Talente und nicht zuletzt eine der wichtigsten Kurzfilm-Institutionen weltweit. Das Festival besteht aus den Online-Wettbewerben (30.04.-04.05) und der Präsenzveranstaltung (05.05.-09.05.). Zwischen den Filmsichtungen werden wir in regelmäßigen Treffen, gemeinsam mit den Studierenden der KHM, das
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160358] Spintronics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Hägele- Score: 3.54 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186083] Research Seminar for Postgraduates — Seminar
Die Dozent(inn)en der Chemie und Biochemie, GSCB- Score: 3.54 course begin to be announced
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160660] Variabilities and Instabilities in Stars — Vorlesung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Kerstin Weis- Score: 3.54 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics,
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[126520] Applied Finite Element Methods (MSc-CE-WP11) — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Ba Trung Cao- Score: 3.54 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Compulsory Optional Courses,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160420] Experimental Methods in Nuclear and Particle Physics (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Wiedner- Score: 3.54 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Astronomy, Astrophysics
[160624] Theoretical Heliophysics (Seminar) — Seminar
Priv. Doz. Dr. Horst Fichtner, Dr. rer. nat. Jens Kleimann- Score: 3.54 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Astronomy, Astrophysics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160315] Introduction to X-ray and Neutron Scattering — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Holland-Moritz- Score: 3.54 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160402] Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics II (Exercices) — Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Wiedner- Score: 3.54 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
International Course Catalogue
— Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research, Institute of Philosophy
[030091] Tell Me Why: Exploring Scientific Explanation — Seminar
Dr. Nina Poth, Nicholas Rebol- Score: 3.53 International Course Catalogue What makes a good scientific explanation, and what makes a bad one? How are scientific explanations different from our every-day explanations of events? How do scientific explanations stand towards knowledge and understanding of the world? This course introduces some of the major views of explanation in the philosophy of science. In particular, we will explore topics such as law of science is recommended but not required.Due to the ongoing pandemic, the seminar will presumably be located online. In that case, we use Moodle as a platform to share course materials, and Zoom to hold sessions. ECTS will be awarded based on forum contributions and either two short written assignments or an oral examination. HPS+ Salmon, Wesley C., W. Salmon, and Philip Kitcher. Scientific
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Optional Courses
[126513] Computational Modelling of Subsurface Transport Processes (MSc-CE-W04) — Vorlesung mit Übung
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Sahlmen- Score: 3.52 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Optional Courses,,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160512] Modeling of Atomic Populations in the Spectroscopy of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas II (Exercises) — Übung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Oleksandr Marchuk- Score: 3.52 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177956] Field course petroleum geology — Exkursion
Prof. Dr. Adrian Immenhauser, Dr. Olaf Podlaha- Score: 3.52 Field course petroleum geology
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160304] Introduction to Solid State Physics II (Exercises) — Übung
Prof. Dr. Anna Böhmer, Dr. Andreas Kreyßig- Score: 3.52 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry), Inorganic Chemistry
[186200] Inorganic Seminar: Current Topics in Chemistry — Kolloquium
Dozent(inn)en der beteiligten Lehrstühle- Score: 3.52 course begin to be announced
VI. Juristische Fakultät
— Rechtswissenschaftliche Fremdsprachenlehrveranstaltungen (§ 7 Abs. 1 Ziff. 3 JAG NRW vom 11.03.2003)
[060300] Introduction to American Law — Kurs
Dr. Judit Beke-Martos- Score: 3.52 ührung in die Anglo-Amerikanische Rechtssprache (Band I, 3. Auflage) - Einführung in das anglo-amerikanische Recht und die anglo-amerikanische Sprache (Band I, 3. Auflage) von B. Sharon Byrd, C.H.Beck, 2011. Course description: This course is a basic introduction to the law and legal system of the United States in English. It covers the basic characteristics of the common law system, the doctrine of stare decisis, sources of law in the United States, the U.S. court system (both state and federal), the jury system, parties to a lawsuit, basics of the adversary system of trial, pleadings and motions, pretrial discovery, the trial process, case briefs and citations. This course is a core course in the Certificate Program of the Legal Faculty. The course is though a lecture, some
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Solid State Physics
[160320] Physics of Complex Phase Transitions in Solids (Exercises) — Übung
Prof. Dr. Anna Grünebohm, Prof. Dr. Michael Scherer- Score: 3.51 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Solid State Physics,
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Plasma Physics
[160522] Problems of Modern Plasma Physics (Seminar) — Seminar
Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Luggenhölscher, Dr. rer. nat. Tsanko Tsankov- Score: 3.51 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Plasma Physics,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Physical Chemistry
[188251] Concepts of Spectroscopy II — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Poul B. Petersen- Score: 3.51 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Physical Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Analytical Chemistry
[181802] In-depth Practical "Biointerfaces" — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Axel Rosenhahn- Score: 3.51 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Analytical Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
[181845] Organofluorine Chemistry — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Huber- Score: 3.51 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Optional Courses
[126511] Training of Competences, part 2 (MSc-CE-W02) — Übung
Ulrike Königs- Score: 3.51 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Optional Courses,,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186084] Elective Lecture selected from the Master Programmes — Vorlesung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Chemie und Biochemie- Score: 3.51 course begin to be announced
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Theoretical Chemistry
[181976] Quantum Chemistry for Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopies — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Christof Hättig- Score: 3.49 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Theoretical Chemistry
XVII. Fakultät für Geowissenschaften
— Institut für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Studiengang "Geosciences M.Sc."
[177052] Well logging II, analysis, interpretation — Blockkurs
Prof. Dr. Jörg Renner, Achim Rübel- Score: 3.49 block course, scheduling by arrangement
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Physical Chemistry
[181849] In-depth practical: Nanomaterials and biointerfaces — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kruss- Score: 3.49 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Physical Chemistry
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160421] Particle Physics Detectors (Seminar) — Seminar
Prof. Dr. Fritz-Herbert Heinsius, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Wiedner- Score: 3.49 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Physical Chemistry
[181850] In-depth Practical: Surface Spectroscopy — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Karina Morgenstern- Score: 3.49 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Physical Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Physical Chemistry
[188252] Exercises to "Concepts of Spectroscopy II" — Übung
Prof. Dr. Poul B. Petersen- Score: 3.49 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Physical Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
[181846] Exercises to "Organofluorine Chemistry" — Übung
Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Huber- Score: 3.49 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Promotionsstudiengang (Graduate school of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
[186085] Exercises to the Elective Lecture selected from the Master Programmes — Übung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Chemie und Biochemie- Score: 3.49 course begin to be announced
V. Fakultät für Philologie
— Anglistik / Amerikastudien, Erweiterungsstudien (Englisch als Drittfach), Aufbaumodulphase, Fremdsprachenausbildung
[050693] Technical English — Übung
Karin Bachem- Score: 3.48 This course will address technical developments that have shaped and revolutionised our modern world. We will look at the importance of technical innovation, design, systems and procedures and we will deal with some of the most pertinent issues. Why and in which ways does the world gradually turn into a smart world? Which spin-offs from space technology facilitate our daily life and make it much more comfortable? What are the ramifications of Industry 4.0? In addition to text material, we will also benefit from most recent video materials illustrating the various kinds of technological progress in today’s world. Course materials will be provided in a digital format. Assessment/requirements: presentation, preparing a glossary of topic-related terms, active participation.
XXI. Fakultät für Informatik
— Studiengänge Angewandte Informatik, B.Sc. Angewandte Informatik, Veranstaltungen Bachelor PO 2020, Wahlpflichtmodule Informatik/Mathematik
[211047] Mathematics for Modeling and Data Analysis — Vorlesung mit Übung
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Laurenz Wiskott- Score: 3.48 This course covers mathematical methods that are relevant for modeling and data analysis. Particular emphasis will be put on an intuitive understanding as is required for a creative command of mathematics. The following topics will be covered: Functions, vector spaces, matrices as, transformations, systems of linear differential equations, qualitative analysis of nonlinear differential equations , Bayes theory, multiple integrals. This course covers mathematical methods that are relevant for modeling and data analysis. Particular emphasis will be put on an intuitive understanding as is required for a creative command of mathematics. The following topics will be covered: Functions, vector spaces, matrices as, transformations, systems of linear differential equations, qualitative analysis
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Courses in Physics Major, Nuclear and Particle Physics
[160403] Quantum Field Theory I — Vorlesung
Priv. Doz. Dr. Hermann Krebs- Score: 3.47 Master of Science,Courses in Physics Major,Nuclear and Particle Physics,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Physical Chemistry
[181851] In-depth Practical: Advanced Spectroscopy — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Poul B. Petersen- Score: 3.47 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Physical Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd Term (2. Semester), Elective Courses
[185800] Special Lecture in a Focal Point Programme — Vorlesung
Die Dozent(inn)en der Schwerpunkte- Score: 3.47 Master Programme Biochemistry (M.Sc.),2nd Term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Physical Chemistry
[181848] In-depth practical: Fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kruss- Score: 3.47 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Physical Chemistry
XII. Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften
— Studiengang Master Computational Engineering, Compulsory Optional Courses
[126521] Finite Element Methods in Linear Computational Dynamics (MSc-CE-WP11) — Vorlesung
Dr.-Ing. Sahir Nawaz Butt, Tagir Iskhakov- Score: 3.47 Studiengang Master Computational Engineering,Compulsory Optional Courses,,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
[181743] In-depth Practical: Organocatalysis — Praktikum
Prof. Dr. Stefan M. Huber- Score: 3.47 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
[181045] Exercises to "Modern Organotransition Metal Catalysis" — Übung
Prof. Dr. Lukas Gooßen- Score: 3.47 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Inorganic Chemistry
[181017] Crystal Engineering - Chemisty beyond the molecule — Vorlesung
Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Merz- Score: 3.47 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Inorganic Chemistry
XVI. Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie
— Master of Science, Elective Core Courses
[160241] Statistical Physics — Vorlesung
Prof. Dr. Marialore Sulpizi- Score: 3.47 Master of Science,Elective Core Courses,,
XVIII. Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie
— Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.), 2nd term (2. Semester), Elective Courses, Functional Materials
[181819] Research Practical Functional Materials — Praktikum
Prof. Anjana Devi, Prof. Dr. Rochus Schmid- Score: 3.46 Master Programme Chemistry (M.Sc.),2nd term (2. Semester),Elective Courses,Functional Materials